Our Little Girl

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"What the hell happen, where is my daughter!" Sam yells as he runs around the hospital with Jessica balling her eyes out

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"What the hell happen, where is my daughter!" Sam yells as he runs around the hospital with Jessica balling her eyes out.

"Sir sir, please calm down, who are you looking for?" The nurse takes Sam over to the desk as he leans over holding Jessica's hand.

"Kennedy Shepard, She is 9. Please! Hurry." Jessica says

"Okay, are you her parents? She is room 304, I will call the doctor to talk with you.." The nurse says as she pages her attending doctor.

"Please let me see my baby!" Jessica cries.

"Hello, I am Kennedy's Doctor. Follow me, I will tell you whats going on.." The doctor leads Jessica and Sam down the hall, they follow him with their ears open.

"Your daughter was in a bus accident, a car drove them off the road, the bus tipped over. No deaths, only injuries. Her bus driver saved her life, all of the kids were able to get out of the bus but her. But she is okay, she does have the worst of the injuries. Your daughter has a broken arm, and she has a concussion. Also, your daughter's hip is out of place. She is very uncomfortable right now after you see her I would like to discuss surgery, for her hip." The doctor enters into room 304. "She is a bit woozy, stay calm in front of her, you can put her in distress. I will be outside waiting, take your time."

Jessica stands at the door with her hands over her mouth and tears running down her face. Sam came up behind Jessica and out his hand on her shoulder.  Jessica then ran over to Kennedy.

"Kennedy? Ken Ken? It's your mommy, mommy loves you, sweetie.." Jessica runs her fingers down her face examining her injuries.. Kennedy had a bandage around her head with scars down her face. Kennedy has a bright pink cast on her arm, and her hips were in a cast. Kennedy opens her eyes and slowly turns over to Jessica. 

"Shh sweetie, don't move.." Jessica cries as Kennedy has tears of fright running down her small frail face. Sam come and holds Kennedy's other hand.

"Mommy, I got a pink cast, do y-you like it?" Kennedy says in a weak tone.

"Oh sweetie, it's very nice, haha, how do you feel? Daddy and I are here now." Jessica says.

"I love it, honey, just your color!" Sam says with a small giggle trying to stay positive.

"I- I know it's your favorite color mommy," Kennedy says as she rests her head on Jessica's warm hand.

"It is my love! It is yours too." Jessica giggles.

"Daddy can you take me home now, please, I want to sleep, and cuddle with my stuffies, they make the pain go away," Kennedy says as she begins to cry louder.

"Kennedy, we can't go home right now, the doctors are going to have you stay awhile so you get better. Honey, you can go to sleep, it's okay, daddy and I will get your stuffies. I am so sorry you hurt sweetie." Jessica ha.ted seeing Kennedy so upset and in such pain

"Mommy cuddle with me, you make everything bad go away.." As Jessica goes to sit next to Kennedy carefully, the doctor enters the room and makes a cough signaling Jessica to not get in the bed. Jessica and Sam left the room real quick to discuss Kennedy's medical treatments.

"Mommy, Daddy don't go! I am scared.." Kennedy cries

"Honey, mommy and I need to go talk to your doctor real quick." Sam leads Jessica out of the room as she looks back at Kennedy, just wanting to hold her.

"So doctor please tell us, what can we do to make our daughter better," Sam says taking Jessica's hand, and she puts the other hand over her mouth.

"Like I said, she had the worst of it, and we are going to do everything to get her walking again. I suggest surgery for the hip, I would like to fix the damaged nerves and properly go in and put the hip back in place. Now, here is the tricky part, she is a little girl. Little kids like to jump around and move. She can't put any weight on her hip for a while. And for right now I don't want her to move, I don't want the hip to move. So that's why I stopped you from getting in bed with her. All I need you guys to do is sign some papers and we can get her into surgery tonight. " The doctors hands medical papers to Jessica and Sam.

"So my little girl can't dance anymore? Can't she do the things she loves anymore? And tonight, a little girl can only take so much in one day." Jessica says handing Sam the papers.

"Mrs. Shepard, It will be a while, recovery will be a long process, but therapy will help. It will be a bit pricey"

"Price isn't a matter. We will pay whatever for a good therapist, if you say you are the best then you have our permission. Please, she is our little girl, we want what's best." Sam brings Jessica and the sign the papers.

"Okay, well I will have my nurses get her prepped and ready, keep her calm, please. When she goes under you guys are welcome to go home. It will be a while.." the doctors says as he takes the forms and heads the other direction.

"Oh, Sam! How did all this shit happen in one day! This is all so much honey.." Jessica wipes her face and puts the back of her hand on her forehead as she sways back and forth.

"I know, this sucks honey, but we will get through it all. We always do. You need to rest, you have a baby in there."

"I totally forgot, " Jessica says as she walks back into the room to comfort Kennedy.

"Hi, honey."

"Mommy, I am scared.." Kennedy says reaching for her parents.

Jessica turns to Sam and whispers "Can you please tell her, I can't."

Sam walks up to Kennedy and takes her arm. "Ken, the doctors tonight are going to put you to sleep, and they are going to fix you up to make you feel better.. And in the morning you will wake up to all your stuffies." Sam beings to tear up himself, not thinking about anything from this morning, just his baby girl getting better.

"Daddy, Mommy, I am tired, can I sleep?" Kennedy says with droopy eyes.

"of course baby, you go to bed, daddy and I will be right here. We love you, Kennedy, you know that right?" Jessica says kissing Kennedy's forehead.

"I know, you are my mommy and daddy" Kenndy falls into a peaceful sleep. 

"Why don't you sit down Jessica, let me get you something to eat. It is going to be a long night." Sam sits close up to Jessica and wraps his arms around her.

"Jess, I am sorry, about what I said, I understand you are pregnant and have so many emotions. I needed to put that into consideration, I know we can get through this, and we will all walk out of here, happy. " Sam puts his head on top of Jessica's with his hand on her belly.

"Sam, I am scared for her, she is so small, and fragile. But she is tough."

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