Call Me

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9:56 AM- "Where are you?"

10:38 AM- "Call me!!" 

11:00 AM- "Is everything okay? What the hell is going on?" 

Jessica started to ignore Sam's text. She had been in the car with Kennedy for a few hours, she needed to get away. She knew what she was doing was stupid, not telling Sam. She didn't care. The time she spent last night with Kennedy was what she had needed, but they both needed.


"Mommy? Why did we leave home?" Kennedy says with sleepy eyes.

"Don't you want to have a girls weekend?" She says with a smile.

"Yay! Where are we going, though?" 

"Well, Luckily for us, I bought plane tickets last night" 

Before Kennedy came into Jessica's room last night, Jessica had bought last minutes tickets to New York, she had planned all along to go away for the weekend. After not hearing from Sam, she decided to just leave.

"This is weird," Kennedy says giggling.


"Daddy isn't coming. We always go to New York together." 

"Well honey, it's just us. We are getting close to the airport, put everything away in your bag."


Jessica and Kennedy boarded the plane with two small bags and carry-ons. Jessica had felt discomfort all morning, she figured it was from the baby moving around and being so tense. She tried to stay calm and relax. She was happy to spend time with Kennedy and didn't want anything to ruin their weekend.

"Nervous?" Kennedy says looking up at Jessica.

"Kinda, how did you know?" Jessica giggles.

"You always get nervous on planes. And when you are nervous you twiddle your thumbs.

"I just feel a little uncomfortable right now, don't worry about me!" Jessica smiles.

"We escaped from the camera people pretty quick mommy! They don't even know we are here!" Kennedy laughs, looking around the plane.

"Well, We did a pretty good job, huh?" 

"Yea, like little spies!" Kennedy laughs, bending down and pulling out her book.

"Attention all passengers, we are getting ready for taking off, please shut off any electronic devices, and have a safe flight!" The flight attendant goes over the procedures before take-off. Jessica ignores, she grabs her phone and goes to turn it off when she sees more text from Sam-

"I am getting worried. Answer"

"Jess, I am sorry. Please be safe"

"Call Me!!!" 

She ignores it once more, shutting off her phone.

"Mom, look, there are big balloons that blow up if we land in water!" Kennedy says with wide eyes, pointing at the images.

Jessica smiles then look down and wrap her arms around the stomach, lays back. 


It was around 5, and they had arrived in New York. Kennedy and Jessica headed to get their bags, as they got to the lower part of the airport, the press were everywhere. The flashing of their camera's blinded them. Kennedy dug her head into Jessica and held onto her tight as they waited for their taxi to come. Jessica covered her stomach with her large purse. Even though she was close to being half way through her pregnancy, nobody other than family, and a few friends had known. Jessica tried her hardest to ignore the cameras. While waiting for their bags, Jessica held onto Kennedy and closed her eyes. The cameras, still flashing began to yell for Jessica's attention-

"Jessica! Jessica! Over here!"

"Are you really pregnant?" 

"Is it a girl or boy?" 

"Will we see you in AHS?" 

"Where is Sam?"

Jessica looked only in one direction, away from the cameramen.

"Mommy, when can we leave?" Kennedy whispers, getting up on her tip toes to Jessica's ear.

"Very soon. What do you want to do when we get there?" She smiles bending down slowly.

"Can we watch a movie and facetime daddy?" 

"What movie?" She says with a small smirk on her face.

"Frosty The Snow Man! See I brought it with me!" Kennedy pulls it out showing Jessica.

"Frosty? Oh, course. Put that back in honey, we want to get out bags and dash."


"Look! There they are. Remember, stay by me, cover your face, and most importantly don't talk to them." Jessica walks over and grabs her bags, handing Kennedy her small wheeling suitcase.

They walk out straight to their taxi, with no direct eye contact. The driver assists them into the car, putting their bags in the trunk. One the taxi driver hops in, a man with a camera comes up to Kennedy's side of the car and smacks a picture on the window . The picture was Sam with another woman. Kennedy's eyes open up, she didn't know who that woman was. Jessica leans over and sees's the picture. 

"Hey! Is this your daddy with a friend last night?" The man says still holding up the picture. 

"Mommy?" Kennedy looks over at Jessica with sad eyes, and beings to cry. 

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