She Is Ours

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"Sam, Jessica. It seems there is some tension going on right now." The marriage counselor says sitting across from Jessica and Sam who sat on opposite ends of the couch.

"Is there something going on?" She says

"Jessica went behind my back." Sam says irritated.

Jessica let out a huff and rolled her eyes.

"How so?"

"She let our daughter be alone with her birth mother, on my day that I was suppose to see Kennedy. Jessica knows I am not fond of the idea that Meryl sees Kennedy so much."

"Seriously Sam?" Jessica says rolling her eyes again.

"Well, let's talk about why it bothers you."

"I don't want to one day have Meryl take Kennedy away. It's my biggest fear. If they get to attached, Meryl will want her. I know it. Jessica used to hate them seeing each other.
Now she is okay with it."

"Because our daughter wants a relationship with her! It's important Sam. I have set my emotions aside for my daughter to be happy. Why can't you do that?"

"Don't you think that it's weird she moved to New York? Huh? I don't trust her."

"Jessica, do you think you were wrong going behind Sam's back?"

"In a way yes. It was my fault that I forgot it was his day with Kennedy. But than again I knew he wouldn't let me do it."

"Maybe talk things over with each other, meet in the middle? How long has it been since Meryl has seen her?"

"About a month."

"I don't want things to get confusing for Kennedy. It sucks enough that we don't live in the same house, bringing 2 more parent figures into the circle just makes things harder. I think right now we need to focus on our family."

"Well, we wouldn't have to deal with this if you could keep your dick in your pants, huh?" Jessica stands up.

"Mrs. Shepard, don't leave."

"I think I need a break from this. It's doing nothing. It just makes us fight more.

I will see you Friday Sam." Jessica fixed herself than walked out the door.


After therapy Jessica went to Sarah's to pick up Camden.

"How did it go?" Sarah says fixing Jessica a cup of coffee.

"Stressful. I hate this."

"Jess, I am sorry. I don't know what to say."

"It's okay. I just feel like it isn't meant to be anymore. The anger I have towards him, it's just too much."

"You need to think about yourself right now. Does he make you happy enough to stay? Is it worth the heartache?"

"But the kids Sarah. The kids... Camden isn't even a year old and he may never live in just one house with a mom and dad. I can't do that to him."

"But you can't be unhappy, you can't do that to yourself Jessica. I know you have too much self respect."

"I know, I know. I love him though Sarah. I want to be living under the same roof with him again. But not right now. Everything just makes me so angry!"

"Maybe you are just having doubts because it's rough right now."

"I think so." Jessica let's out a sigh and looks at Camden sleeping.


A couple weeks later Sam and Jessica still weren't on good terms. They barely spoke, only when Sam would pick up the kids or drop them off. Meryl had rarely spoke to Jessica either and was acting weird around Jessica.

"Mommy, I have a question." Kennedy says walking into Camden's nursery.

"Okay, what's up?"

"I need you to sign the paper. You and daddy both have to. But daddy isn't here."

"Let me see it." Jessica takes the paper and looks at it. It is both parents agreeing that their child can be involved in the school gymnastics team.

"You want to do gymnastics?"

"Please can I! I can't do it unless you and daddy sign."

"When is it due?"


"Okay, why don't you call your dad and have him sign it."

Jessica grabs a pen and signs the paper looking at the list of events and practices.


Later that night Sam came over and signed the paper than went home.

Jessica made dinner, her and the kids watched a movie than she put them to bed. Before Jessica went to bed she walked around the house and cleaned up. On the coffee table she saw a stack of mail she forgot to go through. Jessica picked it up and set aside Sam's mail.

As she went through the mail she saw a letter for New York City Court House-

Jessica calmly opened the paper and opened it.

Jessica's heart sunk as she made it to the bottom of the letter. Jessica quickly grabbed her phone and called Sam.

Sam answered in a grift voice. "Jessica, what's going on. It's almost 12."

"Sam, they want her back." Jessica says panicking.

"What do you mean 'they want her back' who wants her back?"

"Don and Meryl." Jessica breaks down in tears and sobs loudly.

Jessica puts her hand in her heart and holds the paper tight in her hand. Jessica slowly falls to the ground and puts her back up against the wall crying. Jessica pounded her head against the wall and grew sick to her stomach.

He was right. Damn it he was right. We can't lose our little girl. She is ours! We took care of her. She is mine! She is not theirs! How could they do this?

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