I Won't Say Goodbye

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An hour later-

"Where is she?" Sam comes running into the hospital hallway frantically looking for somebody.

"You promised me you wouldn't let her overwork herself D!" Sam cries as Dorthy stands up

"Daddy!" Kennedy was in tears, she ran over to Sam and hugged him. Sam held her and cried.

"I'm sorry Sam. She seemed perfectly fine. But she's okay."

"What happened? Is she okay?" Al says comforting Dorthy

"She passed out at lunch. They rushed her to the hospital. They are doing test now." Jane says

"Will she be okay?" George says

Jane and Ann hug George and cry on his shoulder

"They think so. They don't know why she passed out."

"I need to see her." Sam says

"They are putting her on a feeding tube right now, we can't see her yet. They took us out of the room."

"Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have left her. How could I be so stupid? I told her to relax! Dorthy, you told me to go and that she would be fine." Sam raises his voice and punches the wall growing frustrated.

Kennedy backs away from Sam and cries. "Dad, stop yelling. You're scaring me." Kennedy digs her face into Jane's chest.

"Listen, man, this wasn't anyone's fault. Take it easy on my mom." George says comforting Sam.

"Why would I leave my dying wife at home. I should have stayed to make sure something like this didn't happen! I'm not ready for her to go!" Sam slowly falls to the ground and sobs.

The waiting room grew quite. Kennedy stopped crying and looked at Sam with wide eyes.

"Mommy's dying? I thought this was temporary." Kennedy sits up and waits for a response from Sam.

Sam looks up at Kennedy.

"You told me she wouldn't die!" Kennedy yells

"Kenny..." Sam stands up and Kennedy quickly runs down the hall.

"Fuck!" Sam runs his hands through his hair and starts walking towards Kennedy.

"Let me get her." Ann says letting out a sigh and running down the hall.

Everyone looked at Sam. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for yelling and being mad. I know this isn't your fault Dorthy. I've never been this scared in my life. I'm not ready to say goodbye."

Dorthy walked towards Sam and hugged him crying on his shoulder.

"Mr. Shepard?" A doctor says

"Yes? How is she? Can I see her?"

"She is sleeping right now. After looking at her test her levels are extremely low. Her body is so weak from not eating. She doesn't have enough nutrients. Her body must have given out. We have her on a feeding tube right now so she can regain some strength and get the vitamins and nutrients she needs. We contacted her oncologist Doctor Burke to inform him. I would like to keep her overnight. You can see her whenever you are ready."

Everyone waited in the waiting room while Sam went in to see Jessica. They only let him go in for now.

Sam heard the beeping of the machine and Jessica sitting up resting on the bed. The room was dark, the only lights were from the machines. The feeding tube went up Jessica's nose. Sam looked at her small body and all of the IV's and monitors she was hooked up to. It ripped his heart into shreds seeing her in this condition. When he got the phone call he immediately thought that today might be the day he was going to lose his soulmate. It scared him. He wasn't ready to say goodbye. He wasn't going to lose her.

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