Remember One Thing

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"Come on baby, open your eyes. Daddy and I are here." Jessica says holding Kennedy's hand.
"'Ma'am, you might put her in shock." The nurse says
Jessica grunts and stays quite.

A few minutes later Kennedy slowly starts to move more. Her eyes slowly open. Kennedy quickly starts to move around frantically scared and confused. The nurses push Jessica and Sam aside to hold down Kennedy and calm her down.

Jessica put her hands over her mouth and cried looking at Kennedy.

"Mr and Mrs Shepard, please step out." A doctor says opening the door.
"No, I am staying here." Jessica says
"Jess, let's go." Sam says

"Sam I want my girl." Jessica says
"Honey, take deep breaths." Sam says as Jessica cries
"I can't! Fuck you!" Jessica punches his chest. Sam grabs her fist and holds them looking into her eyes.
Jessica continues to punch him.
"How are you not mad! How can you just let them kick us out! Why are you being like this!" Jessica yells
"Stop! Stop saying that. Stop acting like I don't give a fuck. This is hard on me too, stop being a bitch." Sam screams.
Everyone on the floor looked at Jessica and Sam. Jessica pulled away from him and rolled her eyes sitting by the door.

Jessica and Sam sit on opposite sides of the hallway until the doctors come out. Jessica quickly stands up.
"What's going on, is she awake?" Jessica says
"Yes. But she is very confused. She doesn't know what's going on. She is asking for Meryl?"
Jessica's heart sank.
"Me-Meryl?" Jessica clears her throat.
"Yes, her mom, Meryl. That's what she is saying."
"Oh my god." Sam says
"Do you want to come in?"
"Yes, please!"
"I have to warn you, no matter how frustrating it is, stay calm. Don't ask many questions, let her talk."
Jessica nods her head and they both walk in. She slowly walks over to Kennedy.
"Meryl? Is that you?" Kennedy says softly.
"No- it's me Jessica, your mommy." She smiles and slowly sits down.
"I want to see my mom." 
Jessica took a deep breath.
"Hey Ken, it's me daddy." Sam smiles
Kennedy had no response.
"Who are you, I don't know you."
"We are your mommy and daddy sweetheart."
"No! Leave" Kennedy says, than coughs.
Jessica wipes her tears and moves her hand away from Kennedy.
"Why -
Why am I here?" She says softly
"You hit your head."
"I want to go home.
I want to see my mommy."
"Kennedy. We are your mom and dad. Jessica and Sam. You have a little brother at home, Camden." Sam says

Kennedy falls asleep, and the doctor pulls Jessica and Sam aside to talk to them.

"Why doesn't she know who we are." Sam says
"She could have possibly lost some memory, or she is confused. All we can do is wait."
"I can't wait." Jessica says
"I can't do anything Mrs. Shepard."
"Will it come back if she did lose it?"
"Not sure. I say you two go home and get rest."
"Why, because it doesn't matter if we are here or not because she doesn't never us?" Sam snaps
"Shut up Sam.
I would rather stay here with her." Jessica says to the doctor.
"It's up to you. Who is Meryl?
If you don't mind me asking."
"Her birth mother. Kennedy isn't close with her what so ever." Jessica says quietly.
"Hm, well let her get a good nights rest and we will see in the morning. Have a good night you two." The doctor smiles than walks away.
Jessica let's out a sigh than sits down and runs her hands through her hair putting her head down.
Sam sits next to her.
"Honey, I am -"
Before Sam could finish Jessica stands up and walks into the room.

Jessica sits on the bedside running her hands down Kennedy's bruised face.
"Hey sweetheart,
I know you are confused. I hate seeing you like this. You are  my love and my pride. If you can't remember me I don't know what I would do. If you can't remember me, just remember one thing; I love you to the moon and back. You are a blessing from god, who saved me when I was drowning. You changed my world in the most positive way. I love you baby girl. Just remember that, please."

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