The Pizza Guy

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Once Jessica and Kennedy arrive at their home in New York, Jessica was very quite. She knows how the press work, they lie and try to make up stories, she tried to forget about it.

"Kennedy, why don't you go get a bath,I just ordered some pizza for the movie. I forgot there wasn't any food here." Jessica heads to the couch and grabs her computer from her bag.

"Okay." Kennedy walks over to Jessica to give her a hug.

"What's wrong?" She says 

"Oh nothing honey, just a little tired. I don't feel good, go get ready for yours bath. Shampoo and stuff are in there." Jessica hugs her back and gives her a smile.

"Can you braid my hair when I am done with my bath?" Kennedy says getting up.

"Yes, just call me in when you are done and dress. Okay, sweetie?" 

"Yea!" Kennedy runs into the bathroom to start her bath

"Don't let it overflow!"


Jessica relaxes on the couch, reading TMZ. She looks at the pictures from the airport, but she didn't care about those pictures. She had been trying to look for the picture the man showed Kennedy. She was confused, whether it was Sam or it was photoshopped. She was hoping it would be photoshopped. 

Jessica leans over and grabs her phone. She had 37 missed messages and 21 missed calls from Sam. So she decided to call him back.

"Hi this is Sam Shepard, sorry I can't get to the phone, just leave a message." Sam's phone goes to voicemail. Jessica decided to text him.

Hey Sam, Kennedy and I landed in New York a while ago. Everything is fine.

She shut off her phone and walked around her home. She gazed at pictures of her and Sam from when they were young, to the day Kennedy was officialy theirs. The photos warmed her heart, the thought of her and Sam being in a fight made her sick. With everything going on, she just wanted to spend time with her daughter. Her most important role in life was being a mother, she was glad to be away.


"Mommy I am done!" Kennedy yells from the bathroom.

"Okay honey I am coming" 

Jessica gets up, and heads to the bathroom. she opens the door and steps on the carpet. Kennedy was standing on the stool looking in the mirror brushing her hair. 

"I found a ponytail holder!" Kennedy says with a smile on her face.

Jessica walks over to her in her bare feet. One step closer to Kennedy and Jessica slips on the wet tile of the bathroom, falling on her head. It goes quite. Jessica blanks out. Everything goes blurry.

"Mommy? Mommy! Wake up!" Kennedy gets down on her knees and starts to shake Jessica. She couldn't move, she slowly closed her eyes, as blood ran from her head.

Kennedy panics, getting a towel and patting her head lightly, the blood just comes out quicker. 

She starts to cry, scared for her mom, not knowing what to do. She didn't want to leave her side. That was until the doorbell rang. Jessica was breathing quietly. Kennedy looks at her and kisses her on the forehead, then heads for the door. She looks out the window first to see who it is. It was the Pizza Guy. Kennedy, with blood all over her pj's answers the door in panic.

"Hello!" The pizza man says, looking down at Kennedy. He pauses, then skans her. 

"Are you okay honey?" He drops the Pizza and bends down to Kennedy's level.

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