Take Me Home

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A week later-

Now that everything was happening so fast Jessica met with a lawyer and figured out all of the financial things and set up a will. It was hard for her and Sam, but it had to be taken care of.

Kennedy was slowly starting to get an idea of what was going on. Dorthy would constantly cry, Sam and Jessica did also. Everyone was much more emotional. Jessica no longer took medicine or did chemotherapy. She had her port removed a threw out all of her medicine.

"How do you feel today?" Kennedy says sitting next to Jessica on the sofa.

Jessica wrapped her arm around Kennedy and brought Kennedy close to her chest kissing her head.

A single tear fell from Jessica's face. Kennedy looked up and her and held Jessica.

"Are you in pain?"

"I'm okay... I love you so much!"

"I love you too... And I know you love me because you tell me everyday." Kennedy giggles

"That's right." Jessica nods

"When you love someone you do so much for them and take care of them. You give them the best life and spread all of your love.

You do that and so much more."

"Aww, sweetie..." Jessica says in a shaky voice

"You inspire me."

"You inspire me, you're just so adorable and kind hearted." Jessica hugs Kennedy tighter.

"Mom, can I ask you something?"


"You still have more time, right? You're just taking a break for the hospital, right?"

Jessica let out a sigh and cleared her throat. "Chemotherapy isn't working... My body can't handle the pain anymore..." Jessica starts to cry

"You still have forever. I know you do."

Jessica shook her head. "I don't know."


Jessica sat outside while Kennedy played in the front yard with the neighbors.

Camden sat on Jessica's lap and played with his tractor.

"Hey buddy, how are you?" Jessica says

"Good!" Camden says playfully

"You make me so happy...

I love you and your sister so much. You guys have brought so much light to my life. You amaze me everyday. You're just so cute and lovable!" Jessica giggles


"That's right. I'm your mama. I'll always be your mama."

Dorthy walks onto the porch with two glasses of water.

"Hi darling..." Dorthy sits next to Jessica and Camden.

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