Forver and Always

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Four Days Later-

After Jessica passed things started to fall apart. Not having her anymore made everyone feel like things couldn't get any worse. Sam felt like less of a person without her. Sam took the kids back to the cabin the next day. George figured out the funeral arrangements. People sent food over and flowers. Sam was overwhelmed with all of the sympathy but grateful to have such a great support system of family and friends. Kennedy was very distant and didn't talk to anyone. Sam tried to talk to her, but she didn't want to hear it.

Sam never cried so much in his life. When he was finished cry he would just start again, he didn't think there was enough tears in the world, but there were. Sam didn't eat, he didn't do anything.

He already felt like he was doing things wrong. He didn't know what to do without Jessica. Camden would cry for Jessica, and that was just even harder for Sam to hear. Camden was oblivious, not knowing that Jessica was gone, forever.

The day of Jessica's funeral was probably one of the hardest days they would have to face.

Sam got the kids dressed. Kennedy wore a lose fitting black dress and flats that tied up to her ankles.

Once the kids were ready Dorthy and Al kept them company while Sam got ready.

He walked into the room and closed the door. Sam walked over to the closet and pulled out a black suit. He laid it out on the bed then sat next to his suit.

He looked up to the ceiling then let out a sigh.

"Come back... I need you." He mumbles

Sam gets changed then slides on his black dress shoes.

He walks over to the dresser and looks at a picture of him and Jessica that stood next to Jessica's perfumes and jewelry. Jessica's wedding ring sat next to the picture.

Sam took one of Jessica necklaces and took of the jewelry using the chain. He looped the chain through Jessica's ring then put the chain in his pocket.

When he walked downstairs his mother was talking with Dorthy. Everyone was quite.

Jane walked up to him and fixed his tux. She placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled.

Kennedy stood behind her with sad eyes. Sam moved aside and walked towards her. He kneeled down and looked at his beautiful daughter.

"Mommy would be smiling seeing you all dressed up." She says kissing Sam's cheek.

"I have something for you." Sam pulls the chain out of his pocket and holds it in the palm of his hand. He looks down at it then untangles it. Kennedy looks in his hand and smiles.

"Is that mommy's ring?" She says in a shaky tone.


I want you to have it." Sam stands up and Kennedy lifts up her hair.

Sam wraps the chain around her neck and locks it.

Kennedy holds the ring with her finger. She presses her hand down on the ring and closes her eyes.

"Take care of it, don't lose it." He says

Kennedy nods and gives Sam a hug.


They all drove over to the funeral home. It was a private memorial.

All of Jessica's family was present, following with Sam's family, close friends, some co-stars of Jessica's, and old family friends. The rooms were decorated with pictures of Jessica and Lily's.

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