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"Kennedy, Meryl will be here any minute. Please come down here." Sam yells.
"Okay!" Kennedy runs down the stairs.
"Be careful sweetie, we don't want to falling."
"I wish my cousins were still here."
"I know, but they had to go home today. You get to meet Julia today, so that will be fun."
"I guess." Kennedy says softly going into the kitchen. Jessica cleaned up around the house before they came. Jessica was so nervous, she remembered what Sam told her, but still she felt as if there were a thousand knots in her stomach. She was so close to the end of her pregnancy with emotions flying all through her body.
"Oh they are here!" Sam says walking to the door with Jessica and Kennedy.
"Hi Meryl, Don, and Julia!" Jessica says politely opening the door. Meryl stood with two big blue bags.
"Hello! Look at how big the baby is getting!" Meryl says happily walking in with Don and Julia behind her.
"Hi Kennedy. Meryl puts down the bags and walks over to Kennedy giving her a hug.
"Kennedy, this is Don and Julia." Meryl says softly.
Don gets on his knees and stares at Kennedy giving her a hug. "It's so nice to meet my beautiful child."
Sam clears his throat looking at Jessica. "Let me take your guys coats. It must be chilly out there, the snow is horrendous."
"It sure is. The roads are crazy, where was the weather in December?" Don says laughing.
Jessica looks down at Julia. It was as if she was looking at a spitting image of Kennedy. They had the sam facial structure. Same colored hair, eyes, and skin tone. "Julia, this is Kennedy." Jessica says bringing her to Kennedy.
"Hi Kennedy." Julia says happily.
"Hi Julia."
"You are my big sister." She says
"Cool." Kennedy smiles.
"Why don't we go into the living room." Jessica follows them into the other room and offers them food.
"Jessica, I have some gifts for you and Sam. Well for the baby. You don't have to open them right now, but just a little baby gift." Meryl hands Jessica the bags.
"Thank you! You didn't have to do that."
"It's the least I can do." Meryl smiles walking over to Kennedy.
Don goes over and talks to her with Julia.
Jessica and Sam stay in the kitchen and give them time to meet each other. As the hour passes Jessica and Sam join them talking and catching up. Everything was very relaxed. Not mention of custody or adoption was brought up, Jessica and Sam were relived.
"Kennedy, we are siblings" Julia says again.
"Yea we are. You look like me." Kennedy says laughing.
"You are my only sibling."
"You aren't my only one." Kennedy says looking at Jessica.
"Yea I am."
"No, my mom and dad are having my brother soon. He is my other sibling." Kennedy points to Jessica's belly. The room goes silent for a second. Meryl's face becomes Elsa vibrant when she hears Kennedy call Jessica and Sam mommy and daddy.
"Cool. He is my brother to than?" Julia says confused.
"Just mine. He isn't your mom and dads son, just mine."
"Oh. But we only have one mommy and daddy." Julia points to Don and Meryl.
"My mom and dad is Jessica and Sam. Don and Meryl are my birth parents who gave me away. They kept you." Kennedy says sternly.
Jessica looks at Kennedy shocked. The room goes quite again and Meryl puts her head down and softly cries.
"Hey Ken." Sam says to Kennedy giving her the look to cool it down a bit.
"But Julia, we are still related. Just in a different way."
"Oh. Are you going to live with us?"
"No, I want to say here. In NYC with my family." Meryl looks at Don.
"Maybe sometime Kennedy could come and stay with us Julia. Just not yet."
Jessica quickly looks at Meryl.
"Meryl, we never discussed anything about Kennedy staying with you."
"Well maybe we could figure out a schedule." Don says.
"I don't think so. Kennedy wants to stay here." Sam says
Kennedy and Julia look back and fourth.
"Kennedy, why don't you go show Julia the downstairs and maybe find a board game to play." Sam says. They wait for them to leave the room.
"Jessica I hope you didn't think that I would stop in once and a while to see Kennedy. I want to make something permanent. Some kind of agreement."
The word permanent rang in Jessica's ears. She sat on the couch frozen. She felt like she wanted to throw up. She looked at Sam.
"Listen, we understand that you want a relationship with Kennedy. And that is perfectly okay. We understand. But we aren't going to let you take her away from us or her home. Maybe you could come and visit her once and a while for a weekend. But nothing permanent." Sam says sternly.
"Obviously we have to discuss things then. We want to bring Kennedy home with us one day." Don says.
"You can't just come here and take away our world. You can't snatch Kennedy from her home, her family, and us. We won't let it happen."
"Can't we just come up with some kind of agreement. Were we have Kennedy on school breaks, and some holidays." Meryl says.
"Are you out of your fucking mind? You have only met her twice in the last 9 years! Don this is your first time meeting the kid. And you think you can take her on breaks and holidays? You barley know her!" Jessica yells.
"Jess, calm down for Christ sake. I birthed the kid, she is mine!" Meryl snaps back.
"So what. I raised her the last 9 years. I know her inside and out. Don't give me that I birthed her shit Meryl. I have put up with your shit since junior high. I am finished."
"Obviously we will have to involve lawyers if you can't come up with some kind if agreement with us. We wanted to be nice about this, not make it stressful. You know since you are pregnant and having a new baby soon. Forget it."
"Go fuck yourself Meryl." Jessica says standing up.
"Jess sit down honey." Sam takes her hand.
"You bitch. This is the kind of women I don't want around OUR daughter Don."
"Meryl, come on let's me settle."
"You don't want Kennedy around me? Huh that's weird considering you spent a portion of your life in and out of jail, getting high, getting paid for sex, and going in and out of rehab. Pretty sure Kennedy shouldn't be around you. You crack head. " Jessica says with everything she has left. Jessica begins to cry. Don stands up and yells in Jessica's face.
"Don't you talk to my wife like that! Do you hear me!" 
Sam stands up and pushes Don away from Jessica.
"Take a step closer to my wife and you will get it. Now back the fuck off."
"Try me asshole." Don says
"Listen dude, just back off." Sam steps away.
When Sam turns around Don grabs Sam's shoulder and turns him around throwing a punch at Sam. He falls the the floor quickly. Jessica kneels on the ground crying. Meryl pulls him away.
"Don!" Meryl yells telling him to stop.
Don laughs "Your just as much as a baby as the one inside your wife." Don says
Kennedy runs down the stairs and walks into the living room crying. She stops and stares at everyone until Meryl and Don notice her.
"Kennedy, go back up stairs with Julia please." Meryl says.
Jessica turns around on the ground with blood in her hands crying.
"You hit my dad. You hurt him." Kennedy says with tears in her eyes.
"Honey go upstairs!" Meryl snaps
"No, you hurt him.
Get out! I never want to see you ever again. I don't want to live with you, I don't want to be apart of your family. You didn't want me and I don't want you." Kennedy screams.
Sam slowly gets up. Jessica holds his head up.
"You need to get out of our home. Don't come back." Sam says softly.

Comment thoughts, I am in a writing spree. So update coming soon! I am so excited. I haven't been updating my other stories because I am so much planned for this one.

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