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That Thursday Jessica's mother came into town. Jessica finally being in her mother's are was bittersweet. At a time like this, she needed her mother and her support. Dorthy being in town brightened Jessica's spirits and made things easier.

It was less than twenty-four hours before Jessica would go to the hospital and have her surgery. Her doctor had called to check on her and make sure she was ready for the operation. They also discussed putting in Jessica's chemo port while she was under. It all became more real to Jessica as she got closer and closer to her operation date and the first round of chemotherapy.

Camden sat on Jessica's lap as she bounced him up and down on the chair. 

"You're smiling makes me so happy little man." Jessica says as Camden giggles

Dorthy walks out onto the porch and sits next to Jessica.

"Thank you again for dropping everything and coming to help."

"I'm your mother, it's my job to be here."

"I told Ann, Jane, and George."

Dorthy takes Jessica's hand and holds it in her hands.

"I wish I could make things better. Like when you were a little girl home from school with the flu. You would say "Mom, can your magical kisses take away my bad cold?". If I could do anything I would."

"I can't stop thinking about what's going to happen when I leave. I think about how much I'll miss and how Camden will never really remember me when he's older. I'm scared to leave this earth and leave behind Sam, Camden, and Kennedy. I'm not ready to go."

"And you aren't going. Don't think about that right now. You will spend all your time worrying. Worrying will stop you from living and enjoying your life. Cherish everything."

"I've always worried, especially when it comes to my kids and husband. I wish this was all a dream."


The next morning Sam and Jessica woke up very early heading to the hospital for Jessica's lumpectomy and chemo port insertion.

Jessica paced around the house before she left she went into Camden's room to kiss him goodbye then Kennedy's room. She leaned over and kissed Kennedy's forehead. She slowly woke up and smiled.

"Good luck today." Kennedy gives Jessica a hug.

"Thank you."

Kennedy sat up and pulled something out from under her pillow.

"This is a good luck card I made for you because I know you will do great."

Jessica teared up and read the card. "Thank you, Kenny."

"I love you. When you get home I'll have brownies waiting for you."

"You have to go to school!" Jessica chuckles

"Well, when I get home I'll make them"


Jessica rested on the drive over since she didn't get much sleep that night. When they got to the hospital Jessica got checked in. She got her gown on and they began hooking Jessica up to IV's to prepare her for surgery.

"Don't be nervous... I'll be here when you get out." Sam tightly holds onto Jessica's hand.


"When you get home we can lay in bed just cuddling, watching movies, and eating popcorn."

"That sounds like something nice to look forward to."

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