Always Here

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Sam drove to the house and picked up Jessica and Camden. On the way over Jessica was half asleep. Camden continued to cry and get sick in the car. When they got to the emergency room they took Camden into a room with a crib. They ran test and gave him medicine to calm his stomach. Jessica slept on the couch next to the crib. Her hand was in the crib and Camden held her fingers. Sarah came and picked up Kennedy and Sam stayed with Jessica.

Sam sat in the room and looked at Jessica who was softly asleep.

How could I do this to her. I ruined our relationship. It will never be the same. What if she doesn't forgive me. What if it isn't temporary. What was I thinking. Damn it Sam! You are so stupid. She is the best thing that ever happened to you. She is the mother of your children. Your wife, your soul mate, your best friend. You let her go Sam. You might never get her back. If you hadn't done what you did she would have got sleep last night, she would be happy, we would be living together.

I just need you back Jessica. I can't go on knowing that I ruined our family. How could I have been so selfish.

A few hours later the doctor came in.

"Mr and Mrs Shepard?" He says quietly. Sam wakes up from his daze and looks over at Jessica who was soft asleep.

Sam walks over to her and lightly taps her.

"Jess, the doctors here."

Jessica jerks up and stretches. "Sorry to wake you ma'am."

"It's fine. What's going on with him, why isn't the medicine working?"

"After examining him for a few hours and taking test Camden has just been throwing up so much that his medicine isn't strong enough to stop it. It's causing him to have throat pain and trouble breathing.

We boosted up his meds so it should help. You are clear to go home. The medicine should kick in soon."

"Okay, so he will be okay?"

"Yes. Just try to get him to eat.

Bottle feed."

"Okay, sure thing. Thank you doctor."

Jessica gathers Camden's things and puts him back in the car seat. Sam carries him out the door and Jessica follows.

Jessica sat in the front seat resting her head on her hand. She looked out the window half asleep, not saying much to Sam.

Jessica phone rang, braking the silence.

"Hey Sarah, what's up?

Sam is dropping us off soon."

"Kennedy, she is sick. I think she has some kind of stomach bug."

"Does she have a fever?"

"Yes. Just constant throwing up and she is complaining of all the flu symptoms."

"Okay, I will be home soon."

Jessica hangs up the phone and let's out a sigh.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Kennedy has some kind of stomach bug Sarah thinks."

"Is she throwing up?"


"Maybe I should stay and help you with the kids. You need sleep anyways."

"It's fine. I am perfectly capable for taking care of them. But thanks."

Sam let's her go and continues to drive.

Suddenly Jessica sis up quickly.

"Sam pull over!" She yells.

Sam slows down and Jessica opens the door and starts getting sick. Sam unbuckles his seat belt and leans over pulling back hair.

A few minutes later Jessica sits up and wipes her face. Sam puts his hand on her head.

"You're burning up Jess."

"I am just under the weather, I will be fine."

When they get to the house Jessica was still feeling sick and Kennedy was in the restroom throwing up.

Jessica put Camden in the crib next to her bed than quickly got sick again.

Once she was done Sam helped her back into the bed and tucked her in.

Jessica took Sam's hand and looked at him.

"Sam, can you please stay."

Sam nods and runs his hand down Jessica's face.

"Yes, I am always here."

Just a quick little chapter for everyone. :)

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