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When Jessica got home Jane and Ann were playing with Camden. Dorthy and Al were making lunch. Kennedy was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is she?" Jessica says

"She hasn't left her room. I've tried talking to her." Ann says

Jessica nods and looks up the stairs.

"I'm going to talk to her." Jessica slowly walks up the stairs.

Kennedy's door was locked. Jessica knocked a few times but she didn't answer.

"Kennedy, sweetheart. It's mommy." Jessica says in a shaky voice.

Jessica rest the side of her face on the door and hears Kennedy crying.

"Baby girl, please..."

"You told me you wouldn't die. I don't want you to die." Kennedy says in a muffled tone.

"Open up Kenny..."

A moment later Kennedy opens the door. Her shirt was soaked from the tears that drained from her eyes. Her body was sweaty and her face was red.

Kennedy looked at Jessica then hugged her as tight as she could.

"I don't want you to die." She cries

Jessica walks into her room and sits next to Kennedy on the bed.

"I thought it was temporary." Kennedy says softly holding Jessica's hand.

"I wish it was... I'm sorry you have to got through this heartbreak. You are just so young and such a happy little girl." Jessica runs her finger down the side of Kennedy's face then wipes her tear.

"You're my mom. God can't take you away. I'm sorry for ever yelling at you, being mad at you, giving you a hard time, and anything else bad I did. Please forgive me!"

Jessica started to cry. "Honey, don't say sorry. You are such a bright, kind hearted, amazing little girl. I am so lucky to have you as a daughter. You are one of the best gifts in my life. I wish that things didn't have to be like this but this is how it is."

"I don't want you to be in pain. I'm worried about you. I want you forever."

Jessica nods her head and looks down at Kennedys small hands.

"You know honey, there all comes a time when people pass on and go to bed. God has a plan for everyone on this earth. You may not like it but that's how it is, sadly. God has a plan for me, I don't know when but I know he has a plan. I wish it were different but I know that things will be okay. Even when they seem like they won't be okay. Whenever I do go to sleep, just remember that I may not be here. But I'm still in here." Jessica points her finger to Kennedys heart.

"I wish cancer didn't exist." Kennedy sobs.

"Me too...

But think, I could be here for a long time. This isn't something that's going to happen right away. We can't think about the time we have and wonder how much time we have left. If we do that we waste away our lives worrying about time. And we can't worry about time, we should enjoy and cherish time.

I'll be okay baby. I'm tough, I'll push through for as long as I can. You, your dad, and Camden are my strength. My love for you is my strength. I don't want you to be scared or worry about me. I want you to be happy so we can cherish every moment together.

I wish you didn't have to see this all happen. I wish I could go back to my old self. I'm sorry that I can't do the things I used to do. If I could I would, and you know that.

All I ever wanted to do was protect you from pain and sadness. Just think Kennedy, we have been through a lot. Huh? And we always got through it. We can get through this. I can promise you that. You are like me. Strong."

Kennedy sobs even more and throws herself onto Jessica hugging her with everything she had. She kept repeating "I love you". This was the hardest thing Jessica ever had to do and will ever have to do.

She knew that Kennedy was strong, but still delicate. Jessica felt like she failed in a way. Jessica didn't want to worry about time. The sicker and sicker she got the more and more she thought about it.

All she really wanted was all the time in the world with her family.


Jessica laid in bed resting, Jane walked in to her room with tears rolling down her face.

Jessica put a frown on her face and opened her arms to Jane.

"Janey, don't cry..." Jessica says as Jane sits next to her.

"I want to be like you Jessica. Ever since I was young I just wanted to be like you. I envied you so much. I envied how family oriented you are, how contagious your love is for your family, and how perfect you are. You never fucked up. After college you dropped the party life, met same, and settled down.

Jessica I want to settle down, but I'm wasting it all by getting drunk on Friday's and sleeping with a bunch of men I barely know.I have to come clean..."

Jessica looked at Jane with a puzzled look.

"You're time will come..."

"Jessica I'm living with my friends in California. But the boring sucky part of California. I broke up with Mike six months ago. He kicked me out of his beach house. Now I live with a girl from work, her husband, and their baby.

I always say how I have this wonderful life, but I lied. But then I think about how people have it worse then me. I'm wasting away my life Jessie. I don't know what to do next."

Jessica giggled. "Janey... you're welcome to stay as long as you need. You aren't wasting away your life. Everyone's time comes at different times. It will happen sooner then later."

"I'm such a loser. Aren't I?"

"No, you aren't.

And listen. Your time will come. You'll find your soulmate, you'll fall in love more and more each day, then one day he will ask you to marry him. You'll marry him, have some bumps in the road, then you'll share a life together. Before you know it you'll have a bundle of joy in your hands. It will fall into place. It may not seem like it but it will."

"That sounds like a Jessica and Sam love story." Jane giggles looking at Sam and Jessica's wedding picture.

"I couldn't have asked for a better love story. That love story will happen to you too."

"Thank you... You're always someone I can talk too."

"Anytime... I'm glad you came to me."

"I'm sorry I always bring it up, I just don't know what I'm going to do without you."

"You'll be just fine... I know you will."

"If there is anything you need me to do. I'll do it. Just tell me."

"Take care of yourself, settle down, find a stable job, and live a happy life. Make the most of every second. Call the kids once and a while to remind them that you love them. Promise me you'll do that."

"I promise you."


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