Blessings and Curses

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Jessica was awoken by Camden's screams. As she rolled over she saw Sam laying next to her. They were both naked. She let out a sigh and put on her robe.

"Hey little buggy. Let's be quite so we don't wake everyone up." She says picking him up and sitting down in the rocking chair.

Jessica begins to feed Camden and she looks into his sleepy eyes.

"You are just a little ray of sunshine. Aren't you?" Jessica smiles rubbing his head.

"Mommy is going to be busy for a while. Just don't forget that I love you so much and things will get better. I know I seem sad lately and that's because I am. But you will always be my little buggy. Okay?"


1 week until court-

Dorthy and Jane flew in for the court case. Everything was different. No one was really happy, just scared and nervous. Jessica's mother and sister met with the lawyer and Kennedy did also. Kennedy didn't talk about it much. She was very distant and upset. Jessica and Sam's relationship slowly rekindled. They started sleeping in the same bed again and tried to bring things back to normal. Every night Jessica would still think about the case over and over. She was prepared for any question she would get. Her lawyer said he case could last up to a week or maybe a few days. Mr. Conroy had lots of hope for the case.

Jessica sat outside with a cup of coffee overlooking the yard. She was crying as she looked at the case papers again. Dorthy came outside with a blanket and wrapped her up in it.

"It's all going to be okay..."

"What if it isn't? Then what do I do?"

"Jessie, you can't think like that."

"Just when I think things are going okay something bad had to happen. Meryl and Don don't deserve her! They dumped her off. They didn't love her."

"Jessica, you have a great case. You aren't going to lose her. I know it's hard right now but you just need to stay positive." Dorthy says rubbing her arm.

"I know... I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize baby."


"Hey, Conroy just messaged me and said to meet him at the court house at 11:30am on Tuesday." Sam says walking into the kitchen.

"Sam, I feel so sick. It's all happening so soon."

"And it will go by so quickly." He leans over and kisses her.

"My baby girl." Jessica says looking at a picture of her that sat in the windowsill by the sink.

"We are so lucky to have her in our lives."

6 days-

Kennedy was very distant from her family. She was so upset and heartbroken. Everyday she would come home from school, do homework, read, eat her dinner, clean up, take a shower, then go back to her room. She wasn't the same Kennedy. Her spirt was slowly dying as the court date got closer and closer.

"Hey honey, can I come in?" Jessica says as Kennedy sits on her floor reading.

Jessica lays down on the floor next to her and runs her hands through Kennedy's hair as she peacefully reads.

"How's your book?"

"It's okay."

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Jessica closes her book, sits up and turns herself to Jessica.

"Listen, I know as the court date gets closer and closer we are all a bit on edge. I know this is all a lot for you to take in and deal with. It's hard for daddy and I too. Kennedy I want you to know that if I could have kept this from happening I would. But I can't. I wish I could take away your pain right now and make it better. I wish I could tell you things but I can't. There is one thing I can tell you and that is that daddy and I love you so much. All of your gaming loves you. No matter what happens we will always be here for you and will always love you. We are working very hard to make sure that we can keep you. You need to promise me one thing, and it's that when the judge talks to you, you speak from your heart and you speak truthfully."

"I am scared I will be taken away from you and daddy. I love you too much." Kennedy hugs Jessica tight and begins to sob.

"You are such a strong, smart, silly little girl. Daddy and I were so lucky to have been able to adopt such a precious little lady. You make us proud every day. Once we get past this daddy and I will make it up to you."

"I love you mommy. You are my mom. There can only be one and that's you. It can only be you. Meryl is just Meryl. Don is just Don. This is my home, this is my life, this is my happy place. Camden is my little brother. Grandma and grandpa are my family. My cousins, aunts, and uncles, are my only family. You can't let them take me away."

"We won't honey. We are doing everything we can to make sure that you stay ours."

"I just wanted to say thank you for being the best mom. This is all so hard on you and you have always been an awesome mom." Kennedy hugs Jessica one last time.

"Thank you baby. Why don't you get ready for bed."

Jessica tucks Kennedy in and says goodnight. She meets Sam in the bedroom were he read about custody cases. Jessica got in the bed and closed the computer.

"Hey, you're crying."

"I just got done talking to Kennedy. This is scaring me. I don't know if I can take it any longer. The guilt that's building up inside is eating me alive. I can't help but think this is all my fault. I am such a horrible mother! I should have never let this happen. I am just a crazy mental case that can't protect her kids. I feel so hopeless." Jessica cries

"Don't ever say this is your fault. There was no way to avoid this. You are not a horrible mother, you are far from that. You are he most incredible, strong, caring, and loving mother that anyone could ever be. We all have our flaws Jess. I of course have mine and you have yours. There is no perfect way to parenting. From they day Meryl brought Kennedy to the cabin you have protected her. When Camden was born you have protected him. You are no mental case. You had a down. That's okay.

Every day of my life I regret ever being unfaithful to such an amazing women. If I could go back in time I would and fix it. One thing I would never change is the day I first laid eyes on you, the day we signed Kennedy's adoption papers, and the day I knocked you up with Camden. In our lives we have had blessings and curses. Our love and our children are our blessings, our family and our carrier is our blessings. The affair and your postpartum depression was a curse, this case is our curse. Kennedy and Camden are lucky to have you as a mommy, and I am lucky to have you as a wife and for you to let me back into your life. These next few weeks are going to be hell. But you have to remember that in the end we are fighting for our little girl. You are Kennedy's mother, you are the one who has been there for her these last 10 years, you are the one that will be there for the end of time. Meryl can't take that away from you and she won't."

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