Do You Still Love Me

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A few days had passed and Camden was doing better. Jessica and Kennedy went to the doctor and found out they both had the flu. Sam stayed at the house and took care of all of them. At night he would sleep on the couch. Jessica and Kennedy slept in Jessica's bed. Sam moved the bassinet downstairs so the baby wouldn't wake them up at night.

Things between Jessica and Sam were less awkward. Things weren't back to normal but they weren't arguing. It made Kennedy happy seeing sam and Jessica be nice to each other and be in the same house.

When sam took care of everyone and Jessica, Jessica saw how much Sam had cared for her and made her feel good. Jessica was very appreciative of Sam.

When Kennedy and Camden were sleeping Jessica tried to move around. Jessica went downstairs into the kitchen.

"What are you up to?" Jessica says in a groggy voice.

"Get back to bed, you shouldn't be getting up." Sam says doing the dishes.

"I just need to stretch my legs. You don't have to do the dishes."

Jessica sits down at the kitchen table and puts her knees to her chin.

"Do you want anything?" Sam says

"No, I am fine. Sam you can go home, you don't have to take care of us."

"I am won't go home until you are better. I want to take care of you guys."

Jessica gives Sam a soft smile. Sam walks over to the table and sits down next to her giving Jessica a Gatorade and medicine.

"You have been so great these last few days, thank you. I don't deserve this."

"You do, you deserve more. Don't thank me."


I want to make things better, I really do. But Part of me is just not ready yet. I want to but I can't."

"I understand, one small step at a time. I will give you the time you need, but I will never give up or let you go."

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do. I never stopped."

"Do you love that lady?"

"No. I only love you, no other women can get in the way. I will do everything in my power to prove that to you Jessica."

Jessica takes Sam's hand and looks down with a tear in her eye.

"Jessie, don't cry."

"I can't help but think if it was because of the depression, be being all fat and unattractive, how I have been treating you.

I regret everyday yelling at you when Kennedy was in the hospital. Pushing you away the way I did was so wrong. I am sorry if I made you unhappy. I am scared I will make you unhappy again!"

"Jess, you did nothing wrong. It was all me. Don't blame yourself, i deserve all the blame. You were never fat or unattractive, you are the most beautiful women in the world. The depression is something you couldn't help, and we got through it, I never thought of you differently, ever! You make me the happiest man alive. I was so angry when Kennedy was in the hospital, I was overwhelmed. I know you were too. I hate seeing my family in pain or sick. I was in a dark state, I looked towards alcohol, I wasn't in the right mind set. Seeing the pain I caused you kills me. I go home and I scream at myself for what I did Jessica. I have nightmares thinking that I may never have you back. That one day you will throw the divorce papers on my doorstep and take the kids. I can't see our marriage be thrown away. I can't let you go, I love you too much.

The night that I had sex with her was the worst night in my life. It was when we were moving and I was driving back from New Orleans,I was going to have her edit some pages for the book. we went to a bar to edit and I just kept drinking, and drinking, and drinking. Before I knew it I was in the bathroom with her. After that it never happened again, until that night you found us. Jessica I never meant to hurt you. I was stupid and not thinking." Sam's eyes tear up and he begins to cry.

Jessica stared at him for a quick moment. She stood up and ran to the bathroom and started to get sick again.

Sam followed her and held back her hair.

"Let me take you upstairs and put the bath on for you."

Jessica laid in the small bathroom, her eyes watered and her face grew pale.

Sam picked her up and carried her up the stairs. He put her in the bed than stared a warm bath.

Once the bath was full he helped Jessica back into the bathroom.

"I will give you your privacy." Sam says

"Please, can you help me." Jessica sits on the ledge of the bath.

"Help you undress?"

"Yes, if you don't mind."

Sam walked over to her and slowly helped her undress. Her weak body entered the tub. Jessica leaned forward and rested her head on the ledge.

Before Sam left Jessica wanted him to stay.

Sam sat outside of the bath and rubbed Jessica's back.

"I will never stop loving you jess." He whispers.

" I love you Sam." She says in a sad tone.


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