Happy Thoughts

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Dorthy, Ann, and Jane helped Jessica get ready for the last minute shower supplies. Jessica was so existed to see all of her family and friends and celebrate her baby boy! Sarah, Lilly, Evan, her brother George, Sam's relativists, and Kennedy's cousins were coming. Jessica rented a small dinning hall. She decorated it with baby blue streamers, baby supplies, and other baby related decorations. She had games prepared, she couldn't wait. Jessica wanted to set up some outside activities, but winter was following them and there had been so much snow.

"Jessica. You rest, it's going to be along day."
Jane sits Jessica on the couch putting her feet up.
"Really, I am just fine. I don't want to feel helpless."
"Don't feel helpless. Just relax and eat. Let the baby rest." Ann comes over and sits down next to her with the guest list.
"Thank you girls. I appreciate it."
"So Jane, what's going on with you and Andrew ? According to Facebook things must be getting serious." Ann says in a joking way.
"Yea. He is so great." Jane blushes turning away.
"Is he going to make it in time for the shower? The roads aren't looking amazing."
"He said he is an hour away."
"Fun! Jessica can finally meet him."
"I can't wait for you to meet him Jessie."
"I am still wondering why you never call to catch up. I just found out today that you were serious. I didn't know he was the guy you were with on Thanksgiving." Jessica says quietly.
"Sorry, Jess. I just know you have been so busy. But we have been together for about 1 year. He is the best."
"That's good."
Jessica's phone dings and she goes to check in.
It was Meryl texting her.
Happy baby shower  day! Tell your family I said hello! See you tomorrow.
"Jess, you got quite. Is everything okay?" Ann leans over and rest her head on Jessica's shoulder.
Jessica wipes a tear from her face. "Jessie are you crying?" Jane turns around and comes to sit next to her.
"It's nothing. I am sorry. " Jessica fakes a quick smile.
"You aren't okay. What is it?"
"Hormones, that's all." Jessica giggles softly.
"Give this to me." Ann snatches Jessica's phone and read the text out loud.
"Happy baby shower day. Tell your family I said hello. See you tomorrow.
Why the hell is Meryl texting this to you? I thought you haven't herd from her in forever?" Ann looks at Jessica surprised.
"We got in touch a few months ago. She has been asking to see Kennedy a few times. She has only seen her once. But she is seeing her tomorrow. It just makes me upset thinking about it." Jessica chokes up.
"Aww Jess." Jane takes her hand.
"She wants to change the custody agreement. I get nervous, that's all."
Jessica goes on and tells her sisters everything.
"Look at you sexy mama! My lord Jessica!" Sarah comes up behind Jessica and hits her butt.
"Jesus Sarah!" Jessica giggles putting her head on Sarah's chest.
"I miss you so fucking much, hell I was thinking of moving in with you."
"Aw I miss you too."
"Jess, my lord you are about to pop. I hope you can make it to the end of the shower."
"Ugh, I feel like the baby is about to slide right out. We had the shower so late." Jessica giggles.
"Well it's beautiful, you are beautiful. And that man over there is beautiful." Sarah says quickly .
"My brother, George?" Jessica laughs.
"That's George? Oh god he is married isn't he!" Sarah says loudly.
"Shhh, honey. And no, he is divorced. I think he is single."
"Maybe I should go mingle" Sarah giggles.
"Go sexy lady! I need to go to the bathroom." Sarah walks away and Jessica slaps her butt. Sarah laughs. Jessica turns around and giggles.
During the shower Jessica got to meet Jane's boyfriend Andrew. She got to catch up with family members and friends, play games, and open gifts. She had to much fun. Everyone was so happy.
Jessica, Kennedy, and Sam got up in front of everyone for a toast.
"Everyone, we wanted to thank you all so much for coming. Jessica, Kennedy, and I are very existed to meet our baby boy this March." Sam says holding Jessica in one arm and Kennedy in the other. Kennedy smiled.
"Maybe even sooner. It's crazy to believe we are 4 weeks away." Jessica giggles.
"But yes. Thank you all. This pregnancy has been quite an experience, thank you all for the love and support." Jessica smiles with a tear coming down her face.
"I am going to be a big sister!!!" Kennedy yells jumping up and down." The crowd laughs and smiles.
"Now everyone eat! Please!" Sam laughs.
After the shower Jessica and Sam's family came over and helped Jessica out everything away. They spent the rest of the night eating and having fun.
"Haha. He is missing out on the party. Poor baby." Jessica laughs laying in bed.
"Wow. And his feet are facing up! That means the baby is in a vertical position!" Sam says poking the top of Jessica's stomach.
"Oh boy! I am so nervous."
"Don't be, you will be amazing."
"You aren't the one that needs to push a baby out of a small hole." Jessica laughs.
"Well this baby boy will be good for mommy, won't you little dude."
"Owe!" Jessica yells squinting her eyes.
"What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
"Yea, just a small cramp. Can you rub my feet please?"
"Sure sweetie? Do you want to take a bath?"
"That sounds great. What I missed most about this house was the two person bath."
"So your saying I can join?"
"I guess, if you scratch my back while we are in there. And stay quite since all of my family is here."
"Sounds like a plan. What time is Meryl coming tomorrow?"
"12, I don't want her to come. Every time I think of her I think about her taking Kennedy away."
"She can't and she won't. Take that out of your head." Sam kisses Jessica.
"From now until the baby we think happy and positive. Nothing negative. Happy thoughts." Sam says.
"Let's do that. You and I, Kennedy, baby, family."
"Don't forgot about sex." Sam laughs.
"I don't know why you want to have sex with a fat cow like me. " Jessica laughs.
"Your not fat. Positive thoughts!"
"My boobs are too big also, I flap around everywhere."
"Not true!"
"Hopefully breastfeeding will make me lose weight."
"So you are breastfeeding?"
"Yep! I decided to. For the baby."
"That's good, I am glad. Now let's go take a bath and have happy thoughts."

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