Part Of Life

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Jessica was scared. She felt sick to her stomach. When she first found the lump she thought the worse,
Can this mean death?
The kids...
How do I tell Sam.
Jessica changed into her clothes then went down stairs.

Her mind was full of thoughts. She couldn't think straight. She thought of all the things that didn't feel right about her body. The aches and pains, headaches, her breast leaking, the blurry vision. She just thought some of those were a common cold.

Jessica's grandmother had passed away from breast cancer following with her aunts. She doesn't even know if it's cancer, but she couldn't help but think.

When she got downstairs Kennedy was home.

She ran into Jessica's arms.

"Hey mom!" She says with a smile on her face.

Jessica looked ahead but didn't say anything.

"Hello? Mom?" She taps Jessica.

"I'm sorry... Hi baby."

Sam walks over and gives Jessica a funny look.

"I think moms tired tonight. Why don't you go get ready for bed Ken." Sam smiles

"Alright." Kennedy picks up her bag and runs upstairs.

Jessica walks over to the kitchen sink and grabs the counter with both hands leaning down.

"Jessie, you aren't acting like yourself." Sam walks behind her and puts his hands on her hips.

She turns around and looks at him with teary eyes.

"Baby, don't cry." Sam pulls Jessica close to his chest as she sobs loudly.

"Honey, what's going on with you?" Sam pulls her away and looks into her red swollen eyes.

"Can we go upstairs and talk..." she says in a shaky voice.

"Yea, yea. Let me turn off the lights down here and we can talk. I'll meet you upstairs okay?"

Jessica nods. She covers her mouth with one hand and puts the other hand on her chest.

As she goes upstairs Kennedy was standing at her door.

"Kenny, get ready for bed." Jessica says trying to hold back her tears.

"Are you okay mom?"


Goodnight sweet girl." Jessica says kissing the top of her head.

Jessica walks down the hall with a blank face. Kennedy watches her go into her room. After her mother is in her room, Kennedy walks into her room and shuts the door.

Moments later Sam came rushing into their room and locks the door behind him.

He rushes to Jessica's side and takes her shaky hand holding it close to his body.

"Sam!" Jessica mumbles

"What is it, what's wrong?"

Jessica lifts up her shirt taking Sam by surprise. He gives her a puzzled look. Jessica moves so Sam could see the left side of her breast.

"I found it tonight..." She takes his hand and softly places it on the lump.

"Is that..."

"It's a lump Sam."

Sam looks at her side seeing the redness. He also noticed her inverted nipple and how different her breast had looked.

"Jess, it as to be from breastfeeding. Right?"

Jessica tilted her head and saw the tear that quickly ran down Sam's soft cheek. She put the back of her hand on his cheek and looked at him with a sad face. She shook her head and looked down.

"Sam... I have to see a doctor."

"Jessica, it's not like it's cancer. It's just from feeding. It has to be. You can't have cancer."

Jessica and Sam were shook by the forceful knocking on the door.

"Mommy." A muffled sound comes from the door.

"What is it?" Jessica sniffs then wipes her face.

"I need you."

"Kennedy, I'll be out in a moment."

Sam sat on the bed in denial. He rubbed his head trying not to cry.

"It's an emergency."

"Kennedy, this isn't a good time."

"Mom!" Kennedy screams

"Okay, okay.

I'll be right back. We can talk about this later."
Jessica kisses Sam then goes to the door.

"What is it?" Jessica says opening the door.

"Mom." Kennedy turns around and Jessica sees a blood spot on her pants.

"Oh... Here I'll be right back. Meet me in the bathroom and get new pants."

Jessica went into her bathroom and grabbed a box of pads.

Sam was still in his same position. She glanced at him then sighed. When she went into Kennedys bathroom she was in tears.

"Why am I bleeding?" She cries.

"You started your period."

"I don't want to!"

"You can't help it honey. It's a part of life."

"I'm scared."

"Don't be baby. There's no need to be scared.

This is a pad. You put it in your underwear. You change it every few hours. Okay?"

"How long does it last for?"

"It depends. Maybe five days or a week. Remember when we read that book?"

Kennedy nods wiping her tears.

"Remember how it said you might get cramps."


"If you ever feel pain just let me know..."

"You always take the pain away."

Kennedy hugs Jessica tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now go get to bed. Put the pad on."



When Jessica gets back into her room she sees Sam pacing around the room.

"This is just a bump in the road. This is a part of life. We'll be fine. It may not even be cancer. We can't assume."

"Sam, please calm down. This isn't easy for me. I need you to be strong for me. Please." Jessica breaks in tears.

"You don't have cancer!" He raises his voice and turns away.

"Stop yelling!"

"I'm scared Jess. We have to make an appointment. Like a mammogram or something."

"Okay, I will in the morning."

"I'm sorry for raising my voice. My sister died from this, so did my aunt. I can't imagine you having it."

"Don't talk about death!"

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