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"Jess, what are you doing with all these bags?" Dorthy says taking Camden's carrier.
"Can we stay with you please?" Jessica says with sad eyes.
"Of course, but why?"
"I don't know." She says, confused.
"The Doctor has been looking for you. He has some good news."
"Is Kennedy okay?"
"Yes!" Dorthy smiles.

"Mrs. Shepard, hi! Please sit down."
Jessica bounces Camden in her knee and looks at the doctor.
"So, good news? I hope so."
"Would like to discuss with your husband?"
"No, please."
"Okay, well Kennedy's recovering is speeding up quickly. Of course she will need to go through physical therapy. It's amazing how young children can come out of comas and recover so quickly." The doctor says with a smile.
"So, she can go home?" Jessica's eyes light up.
"Not yet. I would like to keep her for another 3-5 days."
"What about her memory?
Will she get it back?"
"With the progress she is making possibly. Her test are all coming back great. I am just worried about her physical health. Her body is so weak right now."
Jessica puts her head down and looks at Camden.

"But you are doing everything right. Truly, you and Sam are such great parents. She is really doing great."
"Thank you." Jessica says softly
"Don't get discouraged, it will all fall into place."


"I can go home?" Kennedy says sitting up slowly.

Jessica ran over to her and helped her sit up.

"Yep! Isn't that exciting?" Jessica smiles
"I don't like being here."
"Aww sweetie, I know." Jessica rubs her back and smiles.
"Mom, my head hurts." Kennedy puts her hand on her head an squints her eyes.
"Shh, okay baby. Lay back down."

As Kennedy went to lay back down, she went unconscious. Jessica immediately started to panic, trying to wake up Kennedy.
"Help! My daughter! Help!" She yells out the hallway.

The doctors and nurses run in and push Jessica aside.

Dorthy runs in holds Jessica who was a mess.

"What's going on?" Jessica screams.

"Ma'am, your daughter just lost conscious. How was she acting before this happened?" A nurse walks over and says
"She seemed a little out of it. She was trying to sit up. And than she complained her head hurt."
"Maybe it's from pain, or the brain is acting up. We are going to take her to get some test. Everything will be fine ma'am.
Let's take her to CT." The nurse says.

Dorthy comforts Jessica while they take Kennedy away.

Jessica calls Sam-
"Jessica! What the fuck, why is there nothing in our closest? Why did you leave?" He screams.
"Sam, god damn it!" Jessica stomps her foot.
"What's going on?"
"It's Kennedy. She went unconscious. They are taking scans and test right now. I thought you would want to know."
"Is she okay?"
"Yes, well no. I mean she is stable."
"I will be there soon."

"Where is she?" Sam says running down the halls
He goes up to hug Jessica but she pulls away.
"They are taking some test right now, and testing on the  brain." Dorthy says standing up.
"Jesus." Sam runs his hands through his hair and looks into the empty room.
"Maybe if you were here, you would know half the stuff going on." Jessica says under her breath.
"What?" Sam says
"Jess, it was sudden." Dorthy says
"Sudden or not, you should be here!" Jessica says pointing her finger at Sam.
"Back off Jess." Sam says stepping away.
"Don't give me that. You know I am right."
"I have been here."
"No! Not in the last 4 days. You haven't called, checked up on her, visited her, nothing. You're a selfish asshole Sam." Jessica shoves him.
Dorthy takes the baby from Jessica's hands and Dorthy pulls her away.
"Stop it Jessica!" Dorthy says
"Me, the selfish asshole? Look who is talking. I have been there for you when you were all depressed and tried to kill yourself! Do you remember that Jessica? The most selfish act one could do. My daughter doesn't know who I am! I have to tell her and she just acts like she knows us so we don't keep forcing her. You know I am right! Get it through your head."

Jessica's eyes water.

"Get out. Go, I am not coming home! You can sit there all alone. GET OUT!" She yells.

Jessica takes the baby from Dorthy's arms and walks away...

"You took that too far Sam." Dorthy looks down and grabs her purse.
"I-I didn't mean too."
"Now isn't the time to fight. Sam, you need to talk to someone, you aren't Sam." Dorthy pats his back and follows Jessica.


"It's very common for people to pass out, we can't exactly say why, but everything is the same. But, her brain scans are a bit different."

The doctor holds up the two different brain scans.

"This is the one from three days ago, this one is today. It's strange, the one from today is the better scan."

"Does that mean she might actually recover quicker?"

"The part that looks different is temporal lobe. The temporal lobe is the source of memory. Which means she might have a better memory! Your daughter is for sure a medical miracle case! She should be waking up soon."

Jessica covers her mouth and smiles.

Dorthy takes Jessica hand. "I knew she could do it!" 
"Did you hear that baby? Your sister is gonna be okay!" Jessica kisses Camden and smiles. Camden starts to smile and try's to get words out.
"Thank you." Jessica says giving the doctor a hug.

When Jessica got back into the room. Kennedy was awake.

"Mommy?" She says turning her head slowly.

"Yes baby?" Jessica cries

"Did you win? I remember, you were in California getting an award."

"Yes baby, I won."

"Did you get a big trophy?"

"I got you. Awake and well, shocking the doctors. My little miracle." Jessica smiles and runs over holding Kennedy in her arms.

"But did you win the Emmy?"

Jessica laughs.

"I love you mommy."

Listen, I am not a doctor, and half  of this stuff is probably not realistic. But it's fiction, right? lol. What do you think is going to happen with Jessica and Sam? What do you want to happen?

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