Camera's and Blue Dresses

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9 years later-

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9 years later-

It had been 9 years today since Sam and Jessica Legaly adopted Kennedy. The night Meryl dropped off Kennedy, was the last night anyone had seen her. Once Meryl left, and Meryl and Don were unable to be reached, legal actions took place. Sam and Jessica agreed to legaly adopt Kennedy and take care of her. It took a few months for the papers to be legal, but now they were family. Jessica and Sam connoted their work as successful actors. Jessica was currently working on a new hit tv show called American Horror Story, so they all moved to New Orleans for the winter. Sam stayed at home with Kennedy during the Jessica's days of filming. Sam had been working on a new book while Kennedy went off to school everyday.. Sam had taken a break from acting until AHS was done filming. In the summers, like always, Sam, Jessica, and Kennedy would stay at their cabin in Minnesota. For Kennedy, she was a normal girl who went to school, spent time with friends and family, and loved dancing. Ever since Sam and Jessica adopted Kennedy, they tried to keep her out of the public eye, in 2008 Jessica had an interview with People magazine were she did realse that Kennedy was legaly theirs. Kennedy grew up knowing she was adopted, and accepted it, never thinking much of it, she didn't want to know who her birth parent were. When they would all go out in public Sam and Jessica would try to hide Kennedy, but with Kennedy's amazing bubbly personality, she would pose for the camera, sometimes her parents would get mad, but other times, they would giggle and lead Kennedy along to their desination... All in all they were a happy, private, family. Everything was going just great.


"Ken, come on I gotta get you to school, your mom will be mad if she finds out you are late.." Sam yells for Kennedy down the stairs holding her bookbag and lunch box, ready to walk her to the bus stop..

"Coming daddy! I just need to find my book bag!" Kennedy scurries around the upstairs loft, when she looks down and sees her dad holding it by a finger, she giggles.

"You mean this one?" Sam laughs and gestures Kennedy to get a move on.. Sam and Kennedy head for the bus stop and wait for the bus.

"Now remember, do good on your spelling test, and maybe we can go visit mommy during set, and you can see auntie Sarah.." Sam pats Kennedy on the sholder and looks down at her small innocent face.. 

"Oh daddy, you know I will pass, you taught me how to remember!" Kennedy goes to give Sam a huge as she walks up to the bus.. "Bye daddy!"

"My princess, have a nice day!" Sam waves Kennedy goodbye and grabs his phone to let Jessica know Kennedy was on the bus..


"Hey babe, it's me, just wanted to let you know, we didn't miss the bus today!"

"That's great, did you tell her that you were dropping her off here later? Everyone wants to see her.."

"Of course, I told her as long as she does good on her test.. How is it going over there? You left early, Ken was wondering where you were.."

"Perfect! and it's going okay, really stressful over here.. ready to go to Minnesota.I miss mornings with you guys, and we need to talk later, I have to go honey bye, love you lots!" Before Sam could say his I Love You's and goodbye's, Jessica had hung up. Sam walked back to the house to finish writing his final draft... Sam had missed acting and was ready to get back, but was waiting until after the summer would be over. He knew Jessica loved working with Ryan Murphy, and everyone else, but he also knew she hated it at the same time. She loved her daughter and her husband and hated being away from them. Waking up to everyone in the morning was one of her favorite things, but that was taken away from her ever since AHS. 


"Hey bud, how was school?" Sam goes to give Kennedy a hug and take her book bag and lunch box so Kennedy could skip light waited down the drive way..

"Good, I went to school, I did a lot of learning, I went to music class, then I had lunch, and mommy left me a note in my lunchbox! So I read it... And I got good grades on my spelling test!" Whenever Kennedy has a spelling test, in Jessica's daily lunch letters to Kennedy, she adds her spelling words in the note and highlights them to help her remember.. Kennedy has some minor and some major learning disabilities, she has trouble paying attention and other times her words get scrambled in her brain.. Her doctors believe it because Meryl used drugs during her pregnancy, Kennedy was born a "crack baby" but they never wanted her to know why she had these disabilities. Sam and Jessica refused to put her on medicine, they know it would mess with her personality, and they didn't want that to change.. Instead they help her with her homework, put her in intervention classes that the private school provides, and find easy and fun ways for her to remember things... 

"That's great sweetie! Now lets get ready to go see mommy! She is waiting with auntie Sarah!

Sam and Kennedy head to the set of Freak show, singing along to The Name Game. Kennedy knew all the words and always loved to listen to her mom sing! 

"Kit Kit bo Bit banana fana fo Fit fe fi mo Mit, Kit!... Oh dad I can't wait to show off my blue dress mommy and I made! " Kennedy giggles..

"Great job Ken, now remember, stay on the opposite side of the men with the big flashing cameras, and stay by me... Don't run ahead please, and don't worry they will see your dress." Sam gets out of the car and carries Kennedy out of the car. The cameras blind Sam's eyes, but Kennedy's eyes glowed. She loved having her picture taken, she was only 9, and she got so existed. "Daddy put me down!"

Kennedy walks a little bit in front of her dad going to show off her little blue dress and hair clips.. Sam giggles and tries to catch up with Kennedy. Kennedy grew up in a very private life, when she had the chance to be in front of the camera she would take it. She wasn't and isn't a spoiled child, but she does like attention. Kennedy doesn't realize why the paparazzi are there, she just likes to have fun with it.. 


"Mommy! I missed you!" Kennedy goes an runs into Jessica's arms, with Sam behind her hovering over to give Jessica a kiss..

"Hello you two! Let me go get packed up and get the hideous makeup off and we can leave, auntie Sarah is in my trailer why don't you go see her.. I am going to talk to daddy real quick.."

"Okay mommy! Auntie Sarah I am coming in!!!" As Kennedy goes into Sarah and Jessica's trailer, Jessica pulls Sam aside were nobody can here them..

"Hey my love, how was your day?" Sam says in a flirty voice..

"Ugh, stressful, that's why I need to talk to you..."

"okay babe what is it?" Sam wraps his arms around Jessica's waist as Jessica looks around to make sure there isn't anybody by them..

"I think this is my last season I am going to be doing on AHS.. I think four seasons is enough, and I want to spend time with you three, maybe just take a break from acting.." Jessica looks up at Sam and his eyes light up..

"Did you say the 'you three', Jessica....."

"Oh yea, I am pregnant...!" Jessica jumps up and looks Sam in the eyes! Sam starts to tear up..

"Oh my gosh, Jess, you are pregnant, there is a baby in that small body of your's?" Sam gets on his knees and puts his face to Jessica's stomach..

"Shh, Sam I don't want anyone to know right now, and Kennedy can't know yet!" Jessica giggles and goes to kiss Sam.

"wow, we are going to have 2 kids running around.. How awesome!"

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