No Good News

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A lot happened in the last three months. Jessica's siblings and father went back to Minnesota. Dorthy stayed with Jessica to help. Sarah would visit whenever she could, but only for a short time. Kennedy was out of school and just turned eleven. Kennedy spent a lot of time with Jessica to brighten her spirits and try to make her feel better. Jessica still continued chemotherapy and radiation.

Jessica's health changed drastically. Jessica lost her ability to walk from how weak she was. She always had burning pains in her nerves and lost all muscle mass. Jessica lost over twenty pounds. Jessica never ate, if she did she would feel full from small portions. Jessica took so much medicine that also changed her body. Jessica constantly had headaches, blurry vision, and numbness. Jessica's body was always trembling, her license was taken away. Jessica was at a point where she was depressed. It was rare to ever see a smile on her face. Her life was miserable. She tried to make the most of everything but it never really worked. She would always get frustrated with herself and her body. She lost all self-confidence.

Kennedy never left the house unless she was with Jessica or Sam. Knowing her mom may not be on the earth much longer, Kennedy took every opportunity to be with her. It was difficult to see Jessica miserable and in pain. Dorthy took over all of Jessica's daily task and errands. Sam took on a lot too, taking care of the kids, getting them ready for the day and bed, taking them shopping for necessities, and taking care of Jessica.

Jessica was helpless, she couldn't do much and felt bed ridden. This week was her three months check up to see if they continue with treatment and if cancer has spread.

Many of Jessica's friends from Hollywood eventually found out about her having cancer. They constantly sent care packages and food. Jessica was surrounded by so much love. Ryan would send things every week and call Jessica. The press also found out. Sarah would send Jessica post from fans online to make her smile. It did make her smile but made her a little sad also.

Jessica craved for her old life back. She missed being able to take care of herself and not always feeling helpless. She missed her daily walks with Kennedy, being able to hold and play with Camden, she missed taking care of her family, making love to Sam, and she missed working. She has come to her senses that life will never be what it used to be.


After dinner, Sam help give Jessica a bath. He undressed her once the bath was full. Jessica held onto Sam's arms as he helped her into the bath. He ran the warm water down her back relaxing her and calming her nerves. Jessica's hands trembled.

As Jessica sat in the bath she started to cry.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I miss you... I miss so much. I miss being a mother, a wife, and just being a normal person."

"You are still a mother and a wife."

"I don't feel like it."

"Don't let this diseases make you feel less of a mother, wife, or human. You are the best mother and wife. Cancer won't change that. Fuck cancer."

"Sam, I feel like we won't hear good news at my check up." Jessica choked up

"Baby, I'm dying." Jessica says

"No, no you aren't. You can't give up."

"This isn't my body. I shouldn't feel like this. I know it's hard to hear. I think I just need to let my body do what it can, I can't go on like this."

"You can't stop fighting." Sam cries

Jessica looked at him with teary eyes. "I love you, baby... You need to be strong. I just need you to support me."

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