Don't Overwork Yourself

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Jessica finished chemotherapy and radiation for the week. After that week was over Jessica had a week off to rest and give her body a break. Jessica's body was drained. This sickness had taken over every part of Jessica, mentally and physically. Jessica was relieved to finally have a break and regain strength. Jessica's sister Jane was coming in from California to visit. Jane was always the one to party and was never around, Jessica was excited to finally see her. Sarah had to go back to LA but was coming back in a few weeks.

"How does it feel to not have to get up and go get chemo?" Sam says rubbing Jessica's back.

"Mhm. This week I plan to make it up to everyone."

"You don't have to make anything up to us."

"I feel like I do. I owe everyone a break. You are going on that fishing trip with my dad." Jessica says sternly

"I really don't want to leave you..."

"You would only be gone for a few days...

I'm going to take the kids to the park, I plan to treat my mother to a nice dinner, and maybe take my sisters to the city. Who knows I just want this to be a great week." Jessica smiles

"Jessie, I'm happy for you. I just don't want you getting ahead of yourself. I mean it will be great to not have to go to chemo and all, but you should really let your body rest and you should save your energy. The doctor don't really want you out in public. You can't get sick. I just don't want you to overwork yourself Jessie." Sam sits up and takes her hand.

"I just miss enjoy my days and spending time with everyone. I'm always resting and sleeping and getting sick. It is starting to drive me up a wall. After this week I start an even more intense round of chemotherapy and a week after that I find out if it's working. I just want to enjoy myself one last time before I get too sick."

"I understand... I won't stop you. Don't get upset with me for worrying."

Jessica ran her finger down Sam's cheek and smiles. "Thank you for worrying. I don't know what I would do without you."

"What about the press, if you go to the city they won't leave you alone."

"Ahhh, shit that's right." Jessica throws her head back on the pillow.


Ann and Jessica drove to the airport to pick up Jane.

"Janey!" Jessica says with a smile as Jane runs into Jessica's arms.

Jane hugs Jessica tight and lets out a sigh of relife finally being able to hold her sister.

"You are so tan, you bitch!" Ann giggles

"What can I say, I didn't choose the cali life, the cali life chose me." Jane giggles

"I'm so happy to see you." Jessica exclaims

"I have something for you... If you don't like it that's fine. But here." Jane gets her purse and pulls out a floral head wrap.

"I was planning on getting another one. Thank you Jane."

"It's really nothing. I would have gotten you more but I didn't want to over do it." Jane chuckles

"We should go load the car." Ann says

As they walk over to the car Jane stares at Jessica's thin body and how she tripped every few steps.

"That isn't Jessica." Jane whispers

"Don't be rude, Jane."

"I'm not trying to be rude. The light was taken from her eyes and she is so frail. It makes me want to scream because I feel so bad."

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