She Looks So Beautiful

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"Kennedy go up to your room please," Sam says as he closes the door behind him and puts his hand on Jessica's shoulder

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"Kennedy go up to your room please," Sam says as he closes the door behind him and puts his hand on Jessica's shoulder.

"Meryl, hi." He says, clearing his throat.

"What are you doing here?" Jessica says sternly.

"I want to talk to you about my daughter, " Meryl says.

"Your daughter? Where have you been in the last 9 years to call her 'your daughter'?" Jessica shakes her head.

"Please, can we at least be civil, I want to see her." Meryl looks around the house.

"Meryl, I don't think we can do that right now. It's late, and this isn't something we can just spring on Kennedy." Sam says calmly.

"I understand. But I would really like to discuss some things with you if I could come inside and talk." 

"Not tonight. I can't do this tonight." Jessica puts her head down.

"Jessica, please, " Meryl says reaches for her hand.

"Pleas, Meryl." Jessica turns to the door.

"I want to discuss a custody agreement," Meryl says loudly. Everyone was silent. Jessica stops and pauses for a moment, shook. 

"You can't do that," Jessica says turning around with tears in her eyes.

"Maybe we should talk." Sam looks at Jessica.

"Thank you." Meryl steps closer to the door.

"Not yet, we need to get Kennedy to bed, come back later." Sam opens the door and walks in following Jessica.


"That fucking bitch," Sam says closing the door.

Jessica stays quite walking into the kitchen.

"The pizza should be here by now." She says quietly walking into the kitchen.

"That's what you are worried about. The pizza?" Sam says walking in front of her.

"Kennedy needs to eat Sam." She stands up straight and walks over to the file cabinet.

"Jessica, how are you staying calm?" 

Kennedy walks into the room with her pj's on holding her blanket.

"This is why " Jessica says quietly walking over to Kennedy.

"Who was that at the door mommy?" She says in a soft innocent voice.

Jessica pretends she didn't hear her, going over to her and picking her up. 

"Jess be careful," Sam says and she picks her up.

"So sweetie, tell me about the fishing trip now that you aren't stinky!" Jessica laughs as she takes her into the living room and sits her down.

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