There Can Only Be One

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The whole time in the court room Jessica and Sam held hands. Their lawyers went back and fourth fighting for their clients until it was time for Sam to go up.

"Your honor I would like to bring Samuel Shepard to the stand." Meryl's lawyer says.

Sam stands up and walks to the stand.

Sam swears in then sits down.

Meryl's Lawyer starts asking Sam questions.

"Mr. Shepard, your and your wife have been in the spotlight for many years. Correct?"


"Is Kennedy ever uncomfortable around the paparazzi or public?"

"No, she loves her picture being taken. But we don't let her in that kind of environment. We give her the most normal life possible."

"In some cases can it be unsafe?"

"No, we are always with her. We don't go into to public eye with the press."

"So you don't let your daughter outside the house?"

"No. We keep here away from the press."

"I see.

Is it true that you got into a fist fight with Don Gummer?"

"He was in my wife's face. I told him to back off. He threw the first punch. I defended myself."

"Do you think you are a violent man?"


"Is your wife a good mother?"

"She is an amazing mother. She always puts the kids first."

"Has she ever hit Kennedy?"

"No. We don't believe in hitting our children."

"No further questions your honor."

Jessica and Sam's lawyer steps to the pu to ask Sam questions.

"Mr. Shepard, can you recap me on the day you came home to Jessica wanting to adopt Kennedy."

"10 years ago I was on a fishing trip with my brothers. Jessica stayed at our cabin alone that weekend. I didn't have cell service so their was no way for Jessica to call me. When I got home Jessica was sitting with Kennedy. I saw her holding and caring for Kennedy. Jessica told me that Meryl left the baby with signed adoption papers. Jessica had planned to keep the baby."

"And you cared for Kennedy ever since, you loved her unconditionally."

"And I will never stop. She brought so much joy to my wife and I. It's the best thing that ever happened to us. We will never stop loving her."

"Do you think Kennedy should stay with you and Jessica?"

"I do. We are her home and her family. She is all we know. Kennedy is our daughter, blood related or not. We've cared for her the last 10 years and will continue to. You can't take this little girl away from what she knows and loves most."

"No further questions your honor."

"Alright Mr. Conroy. I'm going to call a fifth teen minutes recess."

Jessica, Sam, and the lawyer went into a small conference room.

"It's looking good. We are doing good. After Don testifies, and Meryl, you are next Jessica."

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