Camden James

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Camden James Shepard born at 3:15 am March 7th. 6lbs, 10oz, 19 in. Jessica arrived at the hospital at 1:56am. She starting pushing at 2:19am. Jessica gave birth all naturally. Her and Sam welcomed their little boy into the world. There heart was filled with love. Jessica and Sam stayed awake all morning holding Camden. The nurses helped Jessica start breast feeding, he latched on perfectly. Jessica was so happy. They called home and told Dorthy and Kennedy the great news. For the rest of the day Jessica and Sam wouldn't let go of their little boy. They admired all of his amazing qualities. Camden wouldn't stop smiling, Jessica's heart was full. Jessica's happiness was a distraction from the pain she was in. She refused pain killers so she could start breast feeding immediately. After she gave birth she had to get stitches. Nurses came in every hour to clean her and help her use the restroom. They would change her ice packs and bandanges. At first they were worried because they couldn't stop the bleeding, but were luckily able to control in.
Jessica turned to her right and was woken by Camden's adorable baby noises. She opened her eyes and say Sam holding him.
"Isn't he adorable?" She says softly.
"Yes. We made one adorable baby."
"He is perfect."
"Kennedy will love him. Everyone will." Sam looks at Jessica and smiles.
"My little Camden." Jessica smiles closing her eyes.
"I am so proud of you Jessica. Going through all of that, it amazes me every day how strong you are. Thank you for brining him into this world." Sam holds his finger out as Camden holds onto it. Sam smiles than looks back at Jessica.
"How do you feel Mrs.Shepard? Any pain?" The nurse comes in and slowly puts up Jessica'a legs.
"A lot. I don't have to go to the bathroom though.
Sam, could you leave the room?" Jessica says softly. She was too embarrassed for Sam to see.
The nurse waits for him to leave the room.
"Can I start now?"
"Yes. Sorry."
"Don't say sorry. The nurse smiles at Jessica.
"Owe." Jessica says flinching.
"Sorry, its a bit sensitive, are you sure you don't want medicine?"
"Yes I am sure." Jessica squints her eyes in pain.
"We can get you to start walking on your own tomorrow." The nurse finishes up than closes back up her legs.
"Thank you."
"Do you want to work on some breastfeeding with the baby?" The nurse walks over to Camden.
"Yes, that would be great." Jessica smiles.
"He is so adorable, my goodness." The nurse smiles picking him up.
Jessica takes out her boob and holds Camden in her arms.
"There you go, just put it in there." The nurse says helping Jessica.
"Wow." Jessica smiles.
"He is a booby boy! Look at him go!" The nurse says happily.
"Aww, is he getting milk?" Jessica looks at her, nervous.
"For sure. Later on I can teach you how to use the pump and you can see just how much he is getting."
"Okay, sounds great. Thank you so much." As the nurse cleans up and walks out of the room, Jessica looks down at Camden and smiles. "So, booby boy is a thing?" She giggles.
"You are such a good boy, look at you." Jessica strokes her finger on the top of his head.
"Jess, can I come in?" Sam opens the door and walks over.
"Yea, your fine haha."
Sam walks over and looks above the bed down at Jessica and Camden.
"My life. Adding Kennedy." He says softly.
"I want her to come, I miss her and want her to see the baby."
"Honey, its best we all stay off the roads. They will be her tomorrow." Sam smiles and sits at the edge of the bed.
"Gosh he must love your boob or something." Sam laughs.
"He must!" Jessica giggles softly than stops from the pain.
Sam looks down and strokes her inner thy.
"Sam don't, it's sensitive." Jessica tries to move her leg but can't.
"Sorry, I didn't know it was that bad."
"6 stitches, 2nd degree tear." Jessica says.
"Oh, my bad." Sam kisses her than looks at the baby.
"Happy one day of life little buggy." Sam says changing a diaper.
"Yes you are stuck with 'those' kind of parents." Sam laughs.
"Celebrate life, daily." Jessica says.
"How was your rest last night?" Sam says looking back at Jessica who was in bed.
"Fine, a little uncomfortable. But I have been uncomfortable for about 9 months." Jessica laughs.
"Did she change your ice?"
"Yes." Jessica tries to change the subject.
"Kennedy is coming!" Jessica says happily.
"Little buggy gets to meet his big sister!" Sam picks up Camden and puts him in the air.
"Be careful!" Jessica says sitting up.
The door quickly opens.
"MOMMY!" Kennedy yells loudly running to Jessica. She gives her a big hug than looks for the baby walking over to it.
"Can I see him daddy?" Kennedy gets on her tippy toes and walks over to the couch.
"Here Ken, take off your snow gear."
Kennedy rapidly takes everything off and opens her arms.
"Be careful, and prop up his head." Sam slowly hands the baby to Kennedy. Her eyes light up, behind them Dorthy was recording. After a few minutes Dorthy walks over to Jessica and gives her a big hug with tears in her eyes.
"I am so proud of you, my goodness Jess. I didn't think he would come so soon." Dorthy takes her hand and kisses it.
"Thank you mom. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there."
"He is a beauty Jess. How do you feel? Sam told me it was rough."
"It was, but I am sucking it up.
He latched perfectly by the way." Jessica smirks.
"Oh yay!" Excuse me while I go meet my new grandson. Dorthy walks over and sits next to Kennedy. While Dorthy watches her Sam comes and gives Jessica and kiss.
"Camden James, what a crowd pleaser." Sam laughs looking at him.
Jessica stayed in the hospital for 3 more days. Only Dorthy, Kennedy, and Sam were at the hospital. They didn't want anyone else to come since it would be too overwhelming for Jessica. They spent the days at the hospital admiring the baby and playing with him. Jessica tried to recover as much as possible before she went home. She was put on bedrest for a week. No lifting heavy things and no bath. Sam took care of her while she was in bed while Dorthy changed her ice. Camden didn't sleep through the night but he was a good sleeper. He mostly stayed with Jessica while Kennedy went to school and Sam did some work around the house and caught up on writing his story.
Everyone was happy to finally meet Camden James Shepard.

How is everyone liking it? I have been wanting to get to the point and I have. What do you think will happen with Meryl and Don? I am curious to what you all may think.

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