Jessica's Robe

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One week later-

Jessica was still in the hospital. No one was able to see her. The doctors would call and update Sam. Jessica was doing better. She was on medicine that helped, and intense therapy. She was finally eating and gaining weight. Sam was overwhelmed. He was grateful that Dorthy and Ann where staying with him to help with the kids. Kennedy was very quite, she didn't really talk much. She asked about Jessica a lot.
No one really knew much. All they cared about was Jessica and her getting better. The doctor said that she would be released with in the next week. Sam was worried for her to come home, he feels that the hospital is the safest place for her. He knows that when she comes back that the depression won't be gone. Everything and everyone will need to heal. Dorthy was very nervous. She asked a lot of questions. She beat herself up for not staying longer to help.
Camden wasn't adapting to Jessica being gone. He refused to drink out of a bottle, until he got to hungry. Sam was having a hard time with him. He was more fussy and didn't sleep most of the night. Dorthy tried to help at night but he just wanted Sam. On accident he used Jessica's robe to swaddle him since there where no more blankets that were clean. Sam later came to realization that Camden found comfort in being wrapped in the robe. Maybe it was the smell of Jessica. Dorthy called it the magic robe. It was the only thing that really calmed him down. Sam was ready for Jessica to come home.
"Come on little buggy. Drink some milk." Sam says holding Camden.
Camden cries, looking around the room.
"I know, you miss your mommy.
I do too." Sam says softly.
Dorthy opens the door and walks in with the white robe. A tear was going down her face but she hid it with a smile.
"I herd him crying." She holds the robe up.
"Thank you." Sam stands up and takes it.
"Any word yet from the doctor?"
"No, not much really. I would rather them focus on her than always be in the phone with me. They said she is stable, and doing much better."
"I am glad. I never told Jessica, but when I had her and her sister I experienced the same type of depression. So did Ann and Jane. Al was there for me through thick and thin. I made up stronger. Jessica is so lucky to have you." Dorthy tears up and puts her hand on Sam's shoulder.
"I can't help wonder why she would want to take her life. If it was because of something I said, did? I didn't know it was that bad, that unbearable."
"Depression can be tricky. I am just happy she is in safe hands and will be home soon."
"When she gets home I want to make everything stress- free. I am happy the press haven't found out. It's the last thing I need."
"I think you should all come to Minnesota. Stay at the cabin, or with me."
"I will have to see what she will be up to doing. But Dorthy thank you so much for everything."
Later that night Ann, Kennedy, Dorthy, and Sam sat around the dinner table eating take out.
"How is it? Chinese food at 4 is always fun." Ann says laughing.
"It's really good. I wish mommy could have some with us." Kennedy says putting her head down. The room gets quite until they are interrupted. Sam's phone began to go off. It was the hospital calling. Sam got up and excused himself, going into the other room.
"Hello?" Sam says softly.
"Sam?" It was Jessica's voice. Sam's eyes lit up.
"Jessie? Is that you?"
"Hi, I miss you." Jessica's voice cracks, you can hear her begin to cry.
"How are you? How where you able to call?"
"I am doing okay. I was aloud to have a phone call. How are the kids. I miss them so much."
"I am glad you are better, that's all that maters. The kids are doing fine, the miss you as well."
"I am so sorry Sam." Jessica says softly.
"Don't be. I have you in this world and that's all that matters. This phone call was the highlight of my week. How is treatment, are you doing better?"
"I am. I was so scared to be here. I opened my eyes and saw a new prospective on life. I didn't think this was where I belonged, but after a few nights I realized this is what I need to get better. I need to better myself for not only me, but the kids, and you."
"Jessica, listen to me. No matter what, you are always going to be my soulmate. You never need to better yourself for me. Only for you. I will accept you no matter what. I love you, and I am glad I got to speak to you."
"I love you too. I just want to be in your arms again. I messed everything up, and I am so sorry. It was selfish of me."
"You didn't mess anything up. This was a bump in the road."
"How is Kennedy doing. Does she know?"
"She knows, most of it. Your mother and Ann are here, helping me. It's the cutest thing, Camden calms down when he is swaddled in your white robe for TJ Max. He misses you."
Sam herd Jessica sniffle. She was quite.
"Don't cry baby. You will see them soon. I promise. I don't want to make you sad, I want you happy."
"It makes me happy that he loves my robe, that he finds comfort in it."
"Kennedy has been sleeping in your big t-shirts." Sam giggles.
"Will I have clothes when I come home?" Jessica giggles. Sam takes a deep breath and smiles. That was the first time she had herd her laugh in weeks. It was refreshing.
"Honey, I have to go. I love and miss you. I can't wait to come back home."
"I love you too baby girl. Stay strong." Jessica hangs up the phone. Sam puts it in his pocket. Dorthy walks in and looks at him.
"Was that my girl?"
Sam shakes his head than looks down. Dorthy walks over to him and hugs him. Sam rest his head on her shoulder and cries. Dorthy keeps him calm and holds him.
"She will be home soon, I promise."

How is everyone liking it? When my mom would go away my dad always wrapped me in a fuzzy white robe to stop me from crying. To this day I wear it. It smells like my moms perfume. I thought I would interrupt some of this into the story. A lot of this was what my family went through when I was young.

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