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"Hey Kennedy!" Meryl says as she walks in the door.

"Hello!" Kennedy gives her a hug.

"How's fourth grade?"

"Hard, I hate math!" She says in a discouraged tone.

"Why don't you have your dad help?"

"I never see him."

Meryl looks at Jessica confused.

Jessica had never told Meryl that her and Sam weren't on the greatest terms and not living together. She had always said Sam was running around or writing his book. Meryl had always believed her.

Kennedy and Julia went to play and Jessica took Meryl into the kitchen.

"Want some coffee?" Jessica saga pouring herself a cup.

"Sure, thank you."

"It's so nice to finally drink coffee again." Jessica says with a giggle.

"So, what's going on? I know it's none of my business but Sam is never here. Is he okay?"

"He is fine, we are just separated right now. I don't want to get into much detail."

"I am sorry to hear that! That must be awful."

"We are working things out. But thank you."

"You know Jess, I really appreciate you letting me see Kennedy.

I was wondering if there was any way I can take her out just me, Julia, and Kennedy out to the mall or something. Just for the day."

Jessica bit her lip than looked down tracing her finger around the ring of her cup.

"If not it's fine, I just would like to spend time with her alone."

Jessica clears her throat. "That won't be a problem, I am just worried about what Sam will say."

"Yea, I understand."

"I don't see the big deal if it's for a couple hours."

"Really? Thank you!" Meryl smiles

"Kennedy, are you ready to go?" Jessica says yelling up the stairs. Meryl and Julia wait by the door.

"Yea! Coming mommy!" Kennedy runs down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"Bye mommy!" Jessica bends down and gives her a kiss.

"Bye baby buggy." She says

"How much money do you want me to give her for food?"

"Don't worry about it! It's all on me." Meryl says with a smile.


6 pm

Jessica cleaned around the house while Camden was asleep. The doorbell rang and Jessica was frightened. She ran to the door and saw that it was Sam. She checked the time as she opened the door.

Shit! She said in her head as she gave Sam a smile.

"Hey, are the kids ready?" He says looking around. The house was silent.

"I didn't know that tonight was your weekend." Jessica said

"Yea, it was. Is anyone even here?"

"Umm... Cam is napping." Jessica tries to avoid the fact that Kennedy was with Meryl.

"Oh, what about Ken?" Sam looks around.

Jessica bites her lip and looks down at the ground.

"Jess? Where is she?" Sam steps in.

"She went to the mall."

"With who?"

"Meryl and Julia.

But just for a few hours! They will be back soon." She says in a panicked tone.

"Jessica! I told you I didn't want Kennedy being alone with her!"

"I know, I am sorry. But I didn't think there was a problem. She really has changed Sam!"

"I can't believe this. Jessica this was my day to see her. It's bad enough I can't see her everyday . I am not sharing my days with that women. Call her over and have her bring Kennedy home now!" Sam says in an irritated tone.

Jessica didn't argue with him because she knows that she was wrong to not ask. But she had totally forgot that it was Sam's weekend.

Meryl dropped Kennedy off and the two kids went with Sam.

That night Sam wouldn't stop texting Jessica trying to argue with her.

I can't believe you didn't consult me first. Do you know how risking it is letting Meryl be around her that much. How can you trust that lady? She could have taken Kennedy away from us!

I am sorry. I should have talked to you. And I forgot it was your day. It won't happen again.

I hate that you let Meryl see Kennedy more than I get to see her. And I am her father. what a stab in the back Jessica. I don't trust Meryl and I never will. I don't want Kennedy seeing her anymore.

If you are complaining about how much time you don't get with The kids, instead of trying to start a fight you could be spending time with the kids. And Meryl does not see Kennedy more than you. Kennedy enjoys seeing her and I will not take that away. It's important that they get along.

I forbid it. They can never be alone.

Jessica throws her phone down and let's out a sigh.

"Jackass." She mumbles and she looks over to his side of the bed.

She rubs her hand on the sheets and let's out a small whimper.

"I just want to stop arguing." Jessica says to the Blu who rested on her stomach.

A little bit later Meryl called Jessica.

"Jessica, I am so sorry about having Kennedy too long today. I didn't mean to interfere with your schedule."

"Don't worry, it was my fault."

"Thank you for letting me take her today, I hope I can do it again."

"I was taking to Sam, and he doesn't really like the idea. I think today was the last straw for him. I think it's best if we slow down a bit. I don't want to confuse Kennedy just because she is already going back and fourth with Sam and I. I hope you understand."

"Jess, I thought you and Sam weren't together. He shouldn't be aloud to make the rules for you. Why can't we do it?"

"Because Meryl, he is her father and I have to respect his wishes."

Meryl hangs up the phone.

"What is up people's asses today. I can't make anyone happy blu. Only you because I feed you, huh?" Jessica says petting his head.

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