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"This can't be happening again Sam." Jessica sways her hips putting her hands on the bed, crying.

Sam scurried around the bedroom looking for his phone to call his mother. Jessica tried to move around, but Sam laid her down in the bed.

"Jessica, damn it! Stay there." Sam wipes his forehead and gets a cup of water for Jessica.

Jessica screams in pain holding her stomach. Kennedy runs into the room crying, asking what is wrong.

"Kennedy, I need you to go find a phone, and call grandma and tell her to come. Hurry!" Sam yells running over to Jessica and helping her up.

"Daddy! Is mommy dying?" Kennedy cries.

"No Kennedy, just go!" The room becomes chaotic, Jessica sits in pain.

"Everyone just stop!" The room becomes quite, Jessica looks down at her stomach and holds it tight. "I am not having him tonight. I can't"


"Jessica, Jessica. Wake up sweetie. Are you okay?" Sam shakes Jessica startling her.

She wakes up suddenly and turns around into Sam's arms, crying.

He rocks her in his arms running her hands through her hair. "Are you okay sweetie?"

"I had the worst dream. I felt as if it was happening at this very moment."

"I herd you yelling, I wanted to wake you up from whatever dream you were in." Sam kisses her cheek and looks at the clock. "Four-Thirty. What time do you need to be on set?" Sam sits up from a bed, still holding Jess.

"Honey?" He looks down at her, and see's a scared look on her face.

"Sorry. I just need to calm down."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He lays back down and looks at her.

"It was like I relived my miscarriage with him, it was so real and scary. I will be fine." She turns on the light and gets out of bed.

"Do you want to sleep for a bit and relax?"

"No, I need to be on set early." Jessica stars to undress and change into a maternity dress.

After Jessica is finished getting ready she grabs her scrip and purse, going over to the bed and kissing Sam. "Bye baby, kiss Kennedy good morning for me before she leaves for school."


"Haven't seen you in a while missy. How have you been?" Sarah walks into the dressing room that she and Jessica shared. Jessica sat in the chair getting her hair and makeup done.

"Hey, Sarah. I have been okay, how about you?" Jessica puts down her phone and looks in the mirror.

"Great! I am happy to have my dressing room buddy back. How's the family?" Sarah sits down and turns her chair towards Jessica.

"Well, a lot has been going on. Over the long weekend, Kennedy met her birth mother." Jessica clears her throat.

"Meryl? Oh, my. Did that go okay?" Jessica stayed silent for a moment, trying to figure out what to say.

"Um, I guess. It was cut short. Kennedy got ahold of the peanuts and had a reaction. She was in the hospital down in Minnesota. Quite the scare." Jessica wipes her face.

"Tell hat girly to get better. I miss her too!" Sarah turns back around as her hair and makeup crew starts on her.

"So, we are shooting what today?" Sarah looks over her script.

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