Whoa Mom!

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Jessica paces around the room, annoyed, and angry.

"Jess, calm down, it's okay."

"How can I Sam! She could come back at any time or day, and I have to sit around and wait? And Jennavive." Jessica stops for a moment and looks at an ultrasound picture that she had out.

"Baby, I am sorry." Sam holds her in his arms.

"What happened 10 years ago, I couldn't ever go through that again. I have been trying my hardest not to think about it. That is so horrible of me!" She says pushing away from Sam.

"Listen, It's okay. Really, we will be fine." 

"Stop saying it will be fine Sam! We have a depressed daughter, hurting, and girls bullying her because she is adopted! Stop saying it's fine because its fucking not!"

"Okay fine, you are right. Nothing is okay. You are misreable, you can't have a positive outlook on anything, this baby, Kennedy, work, us. Maybe you are the problem." Sam says, raising his voice.

"You are an ass. You know that right?" Jessica says with a tear slowly falling down her face.

"You needed to hear it, because I want my wife back, not some bitch." 

"How could you say something like that. Everything we have been through."

"What we have been through has nothing to do with this. If you keep this up, eveything that happended with Jennavive will happen with our son. You are selfish Jessica Lange, and those are the results." Sam was so angry he went into his drawer and grabbed clothes leaving. Jessica slowly sat down on the ground, crying her eyes out, loudly. She held her stomach and punched the floor. She herd the downstairs door slam and then the car driving away.


Jessica laided in her bed, sitting straigh up, on her computer, with a box of tissues and her phone by her side, she checked it every few minutes to see if Sam called. It had been an hour since their fight, and Jessica hadn't herd anything, she was worried. Every word he said to her kept running through her head, she felt sick, she knew it was true.

"Mommy?" Kennedy, opens the door slowly.

"Ken, what are you doing up honey? It is a school night." Jessica opens her arms up to Kennedy who limps into the empty spot on the bed.

"Where is daddy, I herd him yelling?" Kennedy says, as Jessica notices her eyes red and watery.

"He needed to do stuff for work. What is wrong honey?" Jessica says wiping her face.

"My hip really hurts, and I thought you and daddy got in a fight." Kennedy lays down and cuddles up next to Jessica.

"Here, I have your pain medicine." Jessica leans over and pulls out Kennedy's medicine breaking it in half, handing her a glass of water.

"Are you and daddy in a fight?" Kennedy says looking up at Jessica.

"No, No. Daddy was just upset and needed to go somewhere. That's all" Jessica strokes her hand through Kennedy's hair, faking a smile.

"I am sorry." Kennedy says hugging Jessica.

"For what baby? You did nothing wrong." 

"For being so sad. I just can't help it. I don't like school, the girls are so mean. I hate thinking about my real mom." Kennedy digs her head into Jessica and cries.

"Oh sweetie. Don't be sorry. Everyone gets sad. And I am trying my best to leave New Orleans, Look." Jessica moves her computer over and shows Kennedy a few pictures of houses she was looking at.

"OO! Look at that yellow one! Is that in Minnesota?" Kennedy says with wide eyes.

"Yea, It is about 2 hours away from the lake house. I like the yellow one too." Jessica giggles.

"Whoa mom!" Kennedy says sitting up.

"What honey?" Jessica looks around.

"Your belly just moved, I swear!" Kennedy says touching it.

"Oh my gosh! I think I just felt something" Jessica says, putting her hand in her tiny belly.

"Why is it doing that?" 

"I think your brother is moving! A lot!" Jessica giggles, with tears of joy.

"What does it feel like? It's so cool mom!" 

"Like a little flutter." 

"A little flutter? A baby is moving inside you!" Kennedy laughs

"Well, the baby is only the size of an onion, he isn't that big!"


The next morning:

"How about toast for breakfast? We don't have much food, or time!" Jessica giggles grabbing the bread.

"Okay!" Kennedy giggles brushing her hair.

"Awesome, I am a bit teird." 

"Me to, but when you have a sleepover mom, you never get sleep." Kennedy laughs

"Maybe next time have our girls night on a weekend." 

"Maybe! I had fun, I like having sleepovers in your room." Kennedy runs up to Jessica and gives her a hug. Her heart melts.

"Kennedy, you know I love you so very much, more than life itself. If you are ever sad and need some cheering up. I am always here. Okay baby?" She gives her a hug and a kiss.

"I know mom, I love you more though." She giggles running over to the window.

"What are you looking for honey?"

"Daddy? He takes me to school every morning. He is late." Kennedy moves her head around looking out every angel of the window.

"I can take you honey. Come sit down and eat." Jessica gives Kennedy her food, and quickly checks her phone. Nothing from Sam.

"Mom we need to schedule our next girls night, before the baby comes!" Kennedy says.

Jessica pauses, looking at her phone. She then snaps back. 

"Ken, go pack a bag." Jessica says interupting Kennedy from eatting.

"What? Why?" She says standing up.

"We are going leaving. Finish your breakfast and pack a bag please." Jessica smiles, then looks back at her phone. She goes to text Ryan-

"Not coming in today, sorry. Morning sickness" 

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