The Next Step

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A few days later-

"Sarah, thank you so much for everything." Jessica says giving her a hug.

"No problem. If you need to stay here longer you can. You are always welcome."

"Sam has been texting me. He said he is staying at a hotel up the street."

"I am so sorry this all happened."

"Me too. I don't blame him, I am a bitch. I wish I could have been a better wife."

"Don't say that. It was a hard time for the both of you. But he had no right to cheat."

"I makes me sick thinking about it. I thought everything was okay."

"Sorry Jessie."

"I am just glad to have an amazing friend like you to help me out. I don't know how Kennedy is going to take this though."

"I am always here to help.

And she will understand, she is just too young to know why."

"Yea, we are seeing him tomorrow."

"That's nice that they get to see him."

"We are going to that place were she can play. So we have time to talk about the next step."

"What is the next step for you?"

"I don't know. I should hear him out. But most likely I will suggest splitting up and possibly lawyers."


That day Jessica packed up her car and headed back to the house. When they pulled into the driveway Kennedy grabbed her stuff and ran into the house.

"Daddy! I am home!" She says. Jessica follows behind her and let's out a sigh.

"Daddy isn't here Ken." Jessica puts her hand on Kennedy's shoulder and Kennedy moves it away running up to her room.

Camden starts to kick and laugh.

"Happy to be home baby?" Jessica smiles bouncing him around.

After Jessica settles everything back in she goes and checks on Kennedy who was in her room crying.

"Baby, can I come in?" Jessica says

Jessica walks in.

"Leave the lights off." She says covering her face.

Jessica walks over to the bed and sits on the edge rubbing her back.

"What's wrong sweetie? Don't cry."

"My head hurts really bad. I am so ugly!"

"Here I can give you your pain medicine. But where did you get ugly from? You are beautiful!"

Kennedy sits up and lifts up her hair.

"Look, they shaved my head! It's so ugly and noticeable. I have a huge scar." Kennedy cries

"Baby, you aren't ugly. You are so beautiful." Jessica gives her a hug and moves her hand making her hair fall back down.

"I want to see daddy."

"Tomorrow you can, okay?" Jessica says with a soft smile.

"Are you getting a divorce?"

Jessica clears her throat.

"I don't know baby. Sometimes adults get in fights, and sometimes they move on."

"You don't love each other?"

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