A Sign

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The next day-

"Okay, let's try this again." Sam says walking down the stairs to start breakfast.

Camden started giggling at Sam and hitting his cheeks.

"No hitting Cam." Sam says sternly

Camden just starts giggling again.

"No kick, no hit." Camden exclaims

Sam walks over to Camden's play area and sets him down.

"Good boy! You're so smart.

Now, daddy is going to try to make a good breakfast for you and sissy, then we are going to take sissy to school, after that we are going to buy some cook books. I need to learn how to cook."

"Yay!" Camden screams kicking his legs.

Sam couldn't help but laugh. He walks over to the kitchen and pulls out the eggs, bacon, and toast. He then grabs the pan.

Sam starts to cook breakfast. He cracks the eggs and puts them on the pan. He slides the toast into the toaster. After the eggs are finished he starts the bacon.

"Ah-ha! I did it Cam! Daddy made a perfect breakfast!" Sam exclaims spinning in circles.

Kennedy walks into the kitchen dressed for school and her book bag was on her shoulder. She sets her book bag down and stares at her dad, horrified.

"What are you doing?" Kennedy chuckles

"Dancing, because I didn't ruin breakfast for the first time!" Sam runs over to Kennedy and spins her in the air.

"It has to taste good first." Kennedy says with a grin

"True, sit down! Breakfast is served."

Kennedy sits down, Sam sets Camden down in his high chair.

Sam brings the plates to the table and sits next to the kids.

They all dig in. The table was quite.

"So?" Sam says curiously

"Wonderful! I like it."

"Good daddy, good!" Camden yells

"See, I'm doing good. It just takes time. I'll get the hang of this, I promise." Sam becomes discouraged.

"Don't be upset dad, it's good. You're doing good."

"Thanks Kenny." Sam glances over to the microwave and looks at the time.

"Snap! It's seven thirty. We need to go. Alright kids, breakfast is to-go today!" Sam stands up and grabs Kennedy's book bag.

"I was so close!" He says letting out a sigh.

Kennedy grabs her plate and bats her dads back.

"It's okay."


Sam sat at home while Camden was sleeping. He walked through the house and cleaned little by little to by some time before it was time to pick up Camden. Moments like this were when Sam felt so lonely and lost. He just wanted to run up to Jessica and crack a funny joke or talk about life. He couldn't do that anymore. He was trying so hard to make everyone happy, but he was starting to realize he had to make himself happy too.

Jessica was on his mind everyday. Not a day went by that she wasn't. A month went by so quickly and it was already the worst month. He couldn't help but think about the months to come.

Sam went into his room to put away laundry. As he walked into the walk in closet he stared at all of Jessica's clothes neatly organized by style and color. He let out a sigh and began hanging up his clothes.

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