My Valentine

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After the holidays Jessica, Sam, and Kennedy moved to New York. Jessica and Kennedy stayed in New York while Sam moved everything out of their house in New Orleans. Jessica was finished with AHS. Before she left they had a big farewell party for her and a baby shower on set. She was sad to leave but happy that she could spend more time with her family. Dorthy stayed with Kennedy and Jessica helping Jessica move stuff around the house and organize everything, she also started to help her with the nursery. Albert went back and fourth with Sam helping him get things into the moving truck and on there way to NYC. Kennedy had her first day at her new school. She was able to reunite with a lot of her old friends. She likes it a lot better and glad to be out of her old school. Everyone was adapting well. Jessica was 33 weeks pregnant. Her new OB was making her take it easy. 
February 14-
"Happy Valentines baby." Sam walks into their bedroom startling her.
Jessica jerks up and smiles "Sam! I didn't think you would be home." Jessica sits up and Sam comes and gives her a kiss putting his hand on her belly.
"I thought I would surprise my valentine! Just because I love you so much." Sam pulls out a dozen roses and a box of chocolates."
"Aw thank you!" Jessica tears up and kisses him.
"Why are you crying sweetie?" Sam hugs her putting the roses down.
Jessica laughs "I don't know, I can't stop crying, I am so happy to see you."
"I am happy to see you too. But I have only been gone for a few days."
"I know, I think I am just emotional, and possibly horny." Jessica giggles bitting her lip.
"Horny? I have just the cure." Sam walks over to the closet and pulls out a Victoria Secret bag.
Jessica sits up and shoves her head into the pillow, embarrassed. "What is that?"
"I was going to save this for later, but I guess you can try it on now."
"Oh my gosh Sam!"
"Like it?" Sam pulls red lingerie.
"Sam! That looks like pieces of string with some lace." Jessica covers her face.
"I know! Isn't it perfect? Wanna try it on?"
"I don't think that will fit... remember I am 8 months pregnant and fat."
"Oh please, you aren't fat. Just try it on."
"Fine. Go lock the doors." Jessica gets up from bed and snatches the lingerie from Sam's hand.
"Mommy? Can I come in?" Kennedy knocks on the door.
"Shit! Shit!" Sam gets off of Jessica and runs into the bathroom so he could put on clothes.
"One minute honey!
Sam, hand me my robe!" Jessica whispers.
"Okay mom. I have a surprise!"
"Alright, one minute! I have a surprise too!"
After Sam and Jessica dress, they open the door and Sam hides behind Jessica to surprise Kennedy.
"Surprise! I made you toast. But you have to come downstairs so I can show you what I did downstairs." Kennedy takes Jessica's hand and pulls her out the door.
"Careful Ken." Jessica giggles.
"Wait!! Is that daddy?" Jessica let's go of her hand and turns around.
"Yep! Surprise!" Sam runs up to Kennedy and lifts her up.
"Daddy! I thought you were in New Orleans?"
"Well, grandpa and I decided to come home to see our Valentines!"
"Aw, well come downstairs, I made a surprise for grandma and mommy. But you and papa and see it too."
Kennedy takes them downstairs to the kitchen decorated with hearts and flowers. Kennedy made paper hearts and made a path of them leading to two plates of breakfast. With toast, eggs,bacon and tea. They all ate breakfast and shared laughs. Kennedy was so happy to surprise her family.
Later that day-
"Jess, why don't we go finish getting the last of the nursery stuff. I found my coupons." Dorthy says sitting down next to Jessica on the couch.
"Yea we can. I think I just want to get the planes that hang from the ceiling and curtains."
"Okay, let's do that today while the men rest up."
"Let me go get Kennedy, and we can leave." 
Jessica, Kennedy, and Dorthy went to babys r us and got things for the baby. Jessica tried not to go too crazy since she was having a shower soon. The nursery theme was planes. Red, white, and blue. Jessica was so existed. She always loved baby clothes shopping. When Kennedy was younger she was always go to the store and get her the cutest outfits. She was happy to be reliving it again, but with a boy!
Later that night-
"Jessica, go get dressed." Dorthy says as they walk into the door.
"What?" Jessica looks at her mom confused
"You herd me. Go put this on." Dorthy hands her a shopping bag with 'Motherhood' on it.
"What's this?" Jessica takes the bag and pulls out a nice black dress.
"I meant to give it to you on Christmas, I thought you would like it. "
"Aw thanks mom. But I have no where to wear it."
"Tonight. Go get ready!" Dorthy pushes her up the stairs and grins at Kennedy and George.

30 minutes later-
"Okay, I am done getting ready. What's going on?" Jessica walks down the stairs with her hair curled, makeup on, with a black dress and heels.
"You look stunning!" Dorthy smiles
"Mommy you are so pretty."
"Awe thank you guys! Can someone tell me why I am the only dressed up. And where is Sam?"
"Come outside mommy!" Kennedy smiles and takes Jessica outside. When she walks out she sees same in a black suit and tie, standing next to a brand new Porsche SUV. Jessica was speechless. She started to cry. Sam had his arms opens and Jessica ran into them.
"Sam! Is this ours?" Jessica cries
"It's yours. Your own mommy Porsche. Happy Valentines." Sam kisses her holding her tight.
"You didn't have to do this honey! You are too kind!"
"Now you two go enjoy your night. And don't come home." Dorthy says smiling.
"Mom? What about you and dad?"
"Don't worry about us Jessie. We have had 47 Valentines days together. We don't mind spending one with Kennedy. Now you guys go. Enjoy yourself."
"Thank you guys.
Let's go Jess."
"Okay! Thank you! Bye Kennedy!." Jessica bends over and gives her a hug and kiss.
Sam doesn't tell Jessica where they are going. Jessica was in denial about her new car and so existed.

"Here we are! Café Capri." Sam stops the car.
"Goodness Sam! I can't believe it. I have been craving their chocolate lava cake." Jessica giggles leaning over and kissing him.
"You deserve it. Now let's go, we have a table waiting for us."
"Thank you, really. I am so lucky to have you as a husband."
Jessica and Sam go into the restaurant and order. The night was filled with laughter and love. Jessica was so happy. The last few months had been so stressful and Sam was going back and fourth to New Orleans so they hadn't had free time, alone. Before they left they ordered desert.
"Jess, you look beautiful. Stunning. You left me speechless. You always do."
"Sam, don't make me cry again."
"I am being serious. Jessica when I met you I knew that I would spend every holiday with you and they would be amazing. You have given me the best experiences in my life. You are absolutely amazing. I just want to thank you for everything."
"I have to thank you. For putting up with me these last few months and staying by my side even at my worst. I feel bad all I got you was a new watch and some truffles." Jessica giggles
"Don't forget about this morning. And tonight."
"Haha okay. Hey, I am going to go put some cold water on my face, I am feeling a bit light headed.
"Need help getting up? You look a little pale." Sam stands up with Jessica.
"No, no sit." As Jessica stands up she falls to the floor.
"Jess! Honey are you okay?" Sam gets on the floor and puts his hand on her face, calling for help.

So many great plans for this story!! Comment what you think will happen. And I need some baby boy names! Comment :)

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