Everything Will Be Fine

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"Why are too guys acting weird?" Kennedy says walking into the kitchen as Jessica walks around with Camden and Sam makes breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Sam says, bluffing.

"I thought you broke up?"

"We just separated, but we are fine now. It's all good."

"But you keep going to meetings! Mommy cries every night, you guys aren't happy." Kennedy runs out of the kitchen and goes outside. Jessica let's out a sigh and hands Sam the baby.

"Kennedy? Where are you?" Jessica says with a jacket for Kennedy in her hands.

Jessica herd sniffling coming from Kennedy's playhouse. She slowly climbed up the later and ducked her head to get inside. Kennedy's eyes were red and puffy.

"Hey baby, put this on." Jessica says handing her a jacket.

Jessica gets into the tree house and sits down next to her.

"I'm sorry mommy."

Jessica caresses her cheek and smiles trying to hold back her tears.

"It's okay... Don't be sad. Daddy and I are fine, okay?"

"You always cry! I don't want you and daddy to be together if you are going to cry all the time."

"Daddy makes me happy. I promise. You, your brother, and daddy make me the happiest person around. I have just been tired, you know how when you are tired you cry?"


"Well I have just been tired. And I need to get sleep!" Jessica giggles.

"I am happy you and daddy are happy again."

"We were always happy."

"Everything happened really quickly. Everything has changed these last two weeks."

"I know. I am sorry." Jessica gives her a hug and kisses the top of her head.


Later that day after they dropped off Kennedy Sam and Jessica went to see the lawyer. They had to take Camden this time. They had been seeing Mr.Conroy weekly as he prepared their case. He put all of his time into it so that Jessica and Sam could win.

"I think we need to tell her Sam." Jessica says

"You think? I just hate putting her through this. I don't want her to have to go on the stand. She is only so young."

"Think about what will happen to her if we... if we lose."

"Don't think like that. We can't think like that. Let's talk to Conroy today and see what he thinks."

"Good afternoon." The lawyer says walking into the office.

"Do we have a new little fella joining us today?" He says looking at Camden.

"Yea, sorry our babysitter canceled." Sam says holding Camden's little hand.

"No problem. So let's talk about testifying. Jessica you are, Sam, Sarah Paulson, and Kennedy. And of course some family members that you are close with."

"Kennedy? She is testifying?"

"Yes.Is that a problem?"

"We just really don't want to bring her into this. We haven't even told her yet."

"If she testifies, we could win this. The kids opinion matters most."

"But we don't want the other lawyer badgering her with questions." Jessica says

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