The Perfect Storm

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Wednesday March 6th-
It was a four days after the fight with Don and Meryl. Come Monday neither Jessica, Sam, or Kennedy spoke of it. The blocked all communications with them. They decided not to press charges because they did not want to stir the pot even more. Sam called their lawyer to make sure there was no way Meryl and Don could have rights to Kennedy. That was the last it was spoken. They focused on the baby coming in a few weeks. Jessica was 37 weeks on the day. She was mostly in bed, her doctor had her on strict bed rest with all of the stress and uncomfortableness she was in. Kennedy didn't have any school that week. The snow storm was horrible. All roads were closed. All three of them stayed in the house that week.
"Sam, let me get you ice. Your face is swollen again, you must have laid on it." Jessica slowly tries to sit up in the bed, grunting.
"No baby, I will go get it. You rest, please." Sam gets up and kisses Jessica than her belly.
Dorthy walks into the room as Sam leaves.
"His face is looking better."
"Yea." Jessica says softly.
"Kennedy must not be getting sleep at night. I have never seen her take a nap until now. Dorthy sits at the edge of the bed next to Jessica and takes her hand.
"Thank you for staying with us mom, and for helping us."
"This is what moms are for. I hope I haven't gotten on your nerves yet." Dorthy says joking around.
"It's nice having you here. I always miss you."
"Aw. That makes my heart melt. I bet your dad is having a blast in Minnesota, watching march madness in TV."
"Haha for sure. Mom if you miss home, you don't have to stay."
"No it's okay. I will leave once I meet this little cutie. 3 more weeks! Have your stuff packed just in case?" Dorthy looks around the room.
"Yep. All ready."
"I see you have a breastfeeding pillow and pump? Hmm." Dorthy smiles.
"Yes mom, I decided to breastfeed." Jessica giggles.
"You won't regret it. It's the most beautiful thing. The bond you will have is great."
"Aww." Jessica smiles slightly closing her eyes.
"You are tired too! Get some rest."
"No, it's just I am in some pain today, I am a little off."
"Oh goodie! Maybe contractions?" Dorthy stands up.
"Sorry, I don't think so. The doctor said for sure March 23. It's only the 6th."
"Oh okay. Well let me know if you need anything."
Dorthy's POV-
"Hey Kennedy, want to help me make your mom and dad some dinner?"
"Yes!" Kennedy runs into the kitchen with a smirk on her face.
"What is that little devious smile on your face for?" Dorthy laughs.
"Can you keep a secret Kennedy whispers.
"Okay? What?"
"I think mom is going to have the baby soon."
"Soon? Like this week?"
"Yea. I herd her talking with daddy about pain in her belly."
"Oh well, she isn't due for a while. But let's make their dinner!" Dorthy smiles.
8:32 pm-

"Surprise mommy and daddy!" Kennedy walked into their room with a tray of food.
"Oh thanks pumpkin! Smells good." Sam says quietly.
"I know you guys don't feel well. So grandma and I made dinner." Kennedy says
Dorthy walks behind her with hot chocolate.
"It's a little late since you guys were sleeping, sorry."
"Don't say sorry Dorthy. We appreciate this so much. Thanks. Mommy is still sleeping." Sam whispers quietly.
"Poor thing, she is getting tired so quickly."
"Yea, she has been having a rough day. Lots of pain. We are thinking of calling the doctor if it doesn't go away." Sam whispers with a big smile on his face.
"Does that mean baby?" Kennedy says
"Not sure. Why don't we take this downstairs so we don't wake her up.

It was around 11. Sam stayed downstairs with Dorthy and Kennedy watching the weather and playing board games. Jessica was still asleep.
"Ah! Beat you again!" Sam says smiling that Kennedy.
"I want to be on a team with grandma now, she is better at playing monopoly than me." Kennedy grunts.
"There are no teams for monopoly." Dorthy laughs.
Kennedy turns around. "Hey mommy!"
"Sam, were is my phone." Jessica holds her back with her hand and wobbles down the stairs.
"I don't know honey." He says faintly, laughing.
"Sam! Where my phone. Or a phone." Jessica yells, everyone's attention goes to her.
"Jessica, I don't know!" He turns around and looks at her, seeing a big wet spot on her pajama pants. He quickly stands up.
"Jess, your-"
"Listen, I want everyone to be calm and quite. I just need a phone to call the doctor...
My water broke." Jessica says calmly looking to find a phone.
"Oh my goodness Jessica!" Dorthy walks up to her and sits her down.
"Mom, please calm and quite." Jessica says softly.
"Here mom, I have daddy's phone." Kennedy walks up to her.
Sam's eyes widen. He takes Jessica's hands and looks at her with a smile. "Jess, the baby is coming." He says happily.
Jessica smiled, but it was quickly interrupted with a contraction. Jessica squeezes Sam's hands tightly and yells. "Fuck! It hurts." She cries putting her head down.
"Deep breath Jess.
Sam you take her to the couch and I will call the hospital and tell them we are coming." Dorthy takes the phone from Jessica.
"Sam, I am scared." Jessica says softly in his ear.
"It will all be okay, I promise." He sets her down in the couch and puts up her feet.
"Kennedy, go get the hospital bags upstairs, and my stop watch. We have to time these bad boys."
"Jessica stares at the tv looking at the radar.
"Shit!" She yells looking at the tv.
"What, another one? Already?" Sam turns around
"No, look! All the roads to the hospital are closed."
"Okay, fuck. Dorthy call an ambulance. Please!" Sam runs around panicking, trying to go outside and see the roads. He looks down his driveway and sees a good 2 feet of snow. He stops for a moment and stomps his foot. Worried if he will be able to get his wife to the hospital.

"They said they will get here as soon as they can, and not to leave the house. The roads are too bad." Dorthy says in distress.
"Fuck! Another one Sam!" Jessica cries clutching into the couch.
"Here Jess, drink water. " Dorthy runs and gives her a cold glass of water and sits next to Jessica.
"Mom it hurts so bad." Jessica puts he head into Dorthy's chest and cries.
"Okay they are 1 minute. 13 minutes apart. We are doing just fine Jess." Sam says sitting at her feet.
" I hate the goddamn snow!" Jessica yells
"I know. An ambulance will be her soon. Don't worry."
"I want to take a bath." Jessica says standing up.
"No Jess. Sit down." Sam holds her.
"Get off me, I want a bath." Jessica snaps taking her moms hand.
"Sam, let her take one. It will calm her down and make the contractions less painful."
"Okay." Sam follows them. He looks at Kennedy and smiles. "Today's the day you are going to be a sister."
"Today we meet baby boy Shepard!" Kennedy smiles.
"You stay here and watch for the ambulance, okay bud?"
"Okay dad." She says happily.

An hour had passed and the ambulance still had not yet arrived. Jessica's contracts where 5 minutes apart. Jessica sat in the bath until the ambulance arrived. She was very calm and quite. Her contractions were painful but her mom and Sam were there to help.
"They are here!" Kennedy yelled from downstairs.
Dorthy and Sam helped Jessica out of the bath and helped her out in pj's. Sam went downstairs to let the ambulance in.
"Sorry sir, the roads were horrible. How far apart is she?" The man says walking in with a. Stretcher and 2 other paramedics.
"5 minutes. She is upstairs."
"Okay, our goal is to get her to the hospital safety and keep the baby in."
"Sounds like a plan."
The paramedics get Jessica in a stretcher and take her into the truck. She kisses Kennedy and her mom goodbye. Sam goes with her.
"Mrs. Shepard, I am Megan Johns I am an on call OB/GYN. Can I check and see how dilated you are?" The doctors opens Jessica's legs and takes off her underwear.
"Yes." She says anxiously.
"This may be a little uncomfortable."
"Trust me, I will be fine."
"Well you are for sure in labor! Active labor. 7 centimeters. By time we get to the hospital you will be able to push. For now, don't. Stay calm. It will be a while but we have stuff to help with contractions." The doctors closes her legs.
"I can't have an epidural?" Jessica says putting her head down in anger.
"I am afraid not. We are far past that point."
"Jess, it will be okay. I am right here with you." Sam whispers holding her hand."
"Okay." She says with tears down her face.
"The pain last a few hours, but the child last a life time. This is the perfect storm, because we meet our baby boy today Jess."

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