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A week later-

Jessica tried to hide her fear. She scheduled a doctors appointment for a Thursday and it was Wednesday. Jessica and Sam didn't tell anyone, thy kept it to themselves. Kennedy noticed that Jessica and Sam were on edge and not acting like themselves.

"Good morning." Sam says softly kissing Jessica's cheek.

"Hi..." Jessica holds Camden in her arms walking around the kitchen making Kennedy's lunch.

"How do you feel today?"

"I feel fine. I just don't want to think about it."

"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous."

"And you think I'm not?"

"No, I mean I know you are."

"Let's just go on with our days, I just want everything to be normal."

Sam nods and walks over to the fridge.

"Where's Kennedy, she should be down here already."

"I don't know.

Kennedy! Hurry up before the bus gets here."

A few minutes later Kennedy runs down the stairs.

"Sorry, I was just trying to stay away from you guys."

"Excuse me?" Jessica raises her eyebrow.

"You are all acting strange, like someone died or something."

"Nobody died Ken, I don't know where you get the accusation that we are "acting strange"."

"You just seem tense. That's all."

"Camden wakes up a lot at night. I've just been tired."

"No he hasn't. You were telling Sarah yesterday how he's been sleeping through the night." Kennedy crosses her arms and raises her eyebrow mocking Jessica.

"Don't give me sass little girl." Jessica points her finger and turns around.

"Da-da." Camden says reaching his arms for Sam.

"Camden, you want daddy, huh?"


"You're getting so big." Sam takes Camden from Jessica's arms and bounces him around the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go walk out to the bus, bye! I'll see you later!" Kennedy grabs her book bag and runs for the door.

"Don't forget your lunch. Can I have a hug and kiss?" Jessica says with a frown.

"Yes! Bye mom." Kennedy gets on her tippy toes and kisses Jessica and grabs her lunch.

"Bye dad, bye Cam."

At dinner everyone was quite. Camden sat next to Jessica in his high chair as Jessica fed him and the others ate their dinner.

"Mom, are you coming to my school play tomorrow?"

Jessica lifts up her head and looks at Kennedy. She hits her forehead with the palm of her hand and huffs.

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