You Don't Know Anything About Her

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Jessica and Sam run into the ER. Sam holds Kennedy who is constantly throwing up, and barely breathing.

"We need a doctor right away, our daughter is throwing up and not breathing well." 

The nurse runs out of the desk and grabs a stretcher. A male nurse comes along and takes Kennedy from Sam's arms. He puts her on the stretcher and rolls her onto her side. Jessica walks over to her and takes her hand.

As they roll her into the other room Meryl comes rushing in, Sam turns around.

"What are you doing here?" He says in an angered tone.

"I wanted to make sure she was okay. Do you think this is because I gave her peanuts." 

Sam looks at Jessica then Jessica looks at the doctor. "She ate peanuts!" She says nervously.

Sam turns back around and looks at Meryl. "Go home." 

Jessica and Sam follow Kennedy and the doctor into the other room.


Kennedy had a delayed reaction to the peanuts. The doctors had to give her shots to calm down the reaction, but there were still sources of peanuts in her system so the doctors had to pump her stomach so she could breath better. Jessica was a nervous wreck. Kennedy was highly allergic to peanuts and knew that Kennedy knew she was allergic. She didn't understand why she ate them. They sat in the room decorated with monkeys, and exotic birds. Jessica gazed around the room with her eyes falling back on Kennedy who was still sleeping. She rested her head on Sam's shoulder holding his arm.

"I am so confused as to why Kennedy would eat peanuts." 

"The doctors said that it was something that had peanuts in it." Sam rubs Jessica's back.

"I hate how she comes into our lives and causes all of this." Jessica rolls her eyes.

"She didn't know Jess, it was an accident. Meryl isn't going away, we can't have so much anger towards her."

"My point  proven. She knows nothing about Kennedy. How does she think she could be her mother. This is all her fault. Kennedy could have died."

"I understand. I am just as upset as you are." 

The nurse walks into to check Kennedy's stats. "She must be tired. Poor thing." The nurse changes her IV bag.

"When do you think we could take her home." Jessica stands up and stands next to Kennedy's bed, across from the nurse.

"Late, late tonight or tomorrow morning. I would suggest just staying here tonight. So much was taken from her tonight."

"I am glad she isn't getting sick," Sam says holding Kennedy's hand.

"It will be impossible for her too. She has nothing in her. She will be hungry when she wakes up. You are lucky she came to you when she did. What a great mommy you are, knowing when something is wrong. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who come in here so late not knowing if something is wrong. They are usually non-family members.

"Huh, that's crazy. I am just lucky that she is okay. She has always had the worst peanut allergy, I was surprised when I heard she ate them." Sam says.

"I am guessing the lady waiting in the hall is the one that may be responsible?" The nurse looks towards the door.

"Damn it, she is still here?" Jessica says. She moves away from the bed and walks outside.

Meryl stands up immediately and looks towards Jessica. She had mascara running down her face and a small get well soon bear in her hand.

"Why are you here Meryl." Jessica looks at her.

"I wanted to make sure she was okay. I didn't know she had an allergy." 

"Exactly Mer. You don't know anything about her! You aren't fit to be her mother. You can't be her mother. Because of you, my daughter could have died." 

"It was an accident. And hey, she is just as much my daughter as she is yours." 

"No! I am her mommy. The one she comes to when she is sick, the one who knows her inside and out. I am the one who raised her and took care of her!"

"I am here now to prove myself, just let me." 

"Want to know something Meryl, when Kennedy pulled me out of the room, while she was getting sick she told me to make you leave. You have caused so much heartbreak to this little innocent girl. Just go home, leave us alone Meryl." Jessica stares at her, as Meryl begins to cry staying still. She wipes her tear and grabs her purse. She hands Jessica the bear. 

"I am sorry for the pain I caused. But I will do whatever it takes to have a relationship with MY daughter." She turns around and leaves.

Jessica takes a deep breath and sits down. She cries loudly throwing the bear. Sam comes running out of the room and kneels down to Jessica holding her.


The Next Morning 

"I cancelled our flight and called Kennedy in sick." Sam walks back into the room seeing Jessica and Kennedy playing on her Ipad.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Sam walks up behind Jessica and puts his hands on her shoulders, looking down at Kennedy.

"I have a sore throat, I want to go home." Jessica puts her hand on her forehead.

"You have a little fever hun. They won't let you leave with that." Jessica kisses her forehead.

"I want to throw up. I can't." Kennedy moves her head back and forth holding her stomach.

"Calm down Ken, take deep breaths. Drink so Gatorade." Sam hands her a bottle and gets a cold towel.


A 2 Days Later

They arrived back home in New Orleans. Kennedy was still sick and stayed home from school. Jessica stayed home with her. She constantly checked her phone to see if Meryl text or called. Kennedy hadn't asked about her. Jessica was a bit relieved and hoped it would all be over. 

"Mommy!" Kennedy yells. Jessica runs into the bathroom and holds back Kennedy's hair as she throws up. 

"Oh sweetie, I don't know why you keep getting sick like this." Jessica rubs her back and hands her ginger ale. 

Kennedy leans back on her and wipes her face. The lay on the bathroom floor. Kennedy's eyes watered, as she looked up at Jessica. 

"I want to be better." She says putting her head on Jessica's stomach.

Jessica rubs her hair, calming her down.

"Owe!" Kennedy quickly gets up.

"Did you just feel that!" Jessica laughs putting her hand on her stomach.

"He kicked me in the head mom." Kennedy rests her head on Jessica's thy instead looking at her belly move.

"Does it hurt?" Kennedy asked quietly.

"No, not really. It feels funky." Jessica smiles.

"Aren't you 24 weeks today mommy?" 

Jessica pauses for a moment and swallows, clearing her throat.

"Yea, I am." She says quietly wrapping her arms around Kennedy.

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