Thank You

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A few days after Sam had gotten a call from Jessica was released from the hospital. Sam couldn't wait to go get her and bring her home. The day he was going to go get her everyone cleaned around the house, and made everything perfect so Jessica wouldn't have to worry about doing anything. Sam had bought enough groceries to last 2 weeks.
"Please let me come get mommy with you!" Kennedy says tugging on Sam's shirt.
"No Kennedy, sty her with grandma and auntie Ann."
"Ugh, come home fast."
"I will. Go finish cleaning up, maybe make mommy some of those fruit cakes she likes." Sam smiles.
"Okay! Leave! Go get her!" Kennedy tells jumping up and down.
Sam kisses her goodbye and heads to the hospital. His heart was racing, he was ready to see his wife.
When Sam arrived at the hospital he had to talk to the doctor first.
"Me. Shepard, hello, how are you?" Doctor Yang sits Sam down in his office.
"Fine, just ready to see her." Sam laughs.
"She is getting showered first and having a quick support group meeting."
"Oh okay."
"So, here are all of Jessica's RX forms. Jessica will need to see her therapist Mrs. Heinz weekly. To handle talk therapy. She will also need to see a psychiatrist of your choice to handle medicine. Make sure Jessica isn't put insert much stress. I herd family was in town, maybe have them stay for a while to help with the newborn. No driving, she will have to detox from some sedatives, it will take a while. Make sure she keeps a healthy diet, and eats! Maybe take her to the gym or a pool to let her relive any kind of stressors. Keep her up on day-to-du activities. Exercise is important, I can't stress that enough. Not that she has to lose weight, but the physical activities help. Make sure she isn't overwhelmed with the baby."
"Okay. That's a lot to take in." Sam laughs.
"She has made such an improvement. Keep a close eye on her. We don't want relapses. A few more months of therapy as she can kick PPD's ass."
"Okay, could I see her?"
"Yes! Kelly, do you mind going and seeing if Ms. Lange is ready?"
The nurse smiles and leaves the room. A few minutes later Sam turns around and sees Jessica standing at the door. He smiles and stares for a moment.
They run into each other's arms and hold each other for a while. It was all tears, hugs, and kisses.
"I missed you so much baby." Sam says holding her.
"Just hold me, please."
"Okay honey."
"Jessica, I want to make sure you aren't mad at me, for sending you there. I saw how dull it was. The locks everywhere, the bars. I would be so scared."
Jessica takes Sam's hand and looks over at him.
"I needed to go. It wasn't fun, but now I see how much good it did. I was never mad."
"I love you, it was all above my power."
"I love you too."
"The kids will be so happy to see you." Sam smiles.
"I bet, I miss them so much. Is Kennedy still mad at me?"
"No, she was just angry that day. Don't think about it. We are starting fresh. We are rebuilding."
"Mommy, is that you?" Kennedy yells from upstairs as Jessica walks in the door. Sam holds Jessica's arm.
"Kennedy?" Jessica smiles as Kennedy runs down the stairs. She jumps into Jessica's arms. Jessica hugs her tight.
"I am sorry mommy."
Jessica looks at her and holds her hands on Kennedy's head moving the hair from her face. "Shh, just give me another hug."
Sam smiles. He looks forward and sees Dorthy and Ann walking forward. Dorthy had Camden in her arms.
"Jess." Dorthy gasp and immediately starts to ball.
"Mom." Jessica smiles and gives her a hug. Dorthy hands Ann the baby and gives Jessica a hug. She runs her hands through her hair.
"You look great honey."
Jessica smiles than opens her arms and looks at Camden.
"Can I hold him?" Jessica tears up and holds Camden. She gives Ann a hug than looks at the baby.
"I am sorry, I love you." Jessica whispers. She rubs her cheeks on Camden's and smiles.
Camden starts to coo and smile kicking his legs.
"Someone is happy to have his mommy." Sam says putting his hand around Jessica.
"Mommy, why do you have bruises all over your arm?" Kennedy pulls up Jessica's sleeve.
"They are from shots."
"Are you okay?"
"I am great." Jessica smiles than walks into the living room.
For the rest of the day everything was very calm. They ate dinner and talked. They didn't try to ignore the past and not speak of it. Kennedy asked her questions and Jessica answered. Everyone was happy. When it got late they all went to bed. Jessica and Sam stayed up a bit later with the baby.
"Sam, can you keep me company while I am in the bath?" Jessica says peeping her head from the bathroom door.
"Yes. Can little buggy come?"
"Of course." She smiles
"This big bath comes in handy for 2." Sam laughs.
"Here, I will put buggy in his little rocker thingy."
"You will never know the name will you?" Jessica laughs.
"Nope. Do you want me to get in with you?"
"Okay honey." Sam takes off his clothes and gets in with her. Jessica sits in between his legs and rest her body on his chest. Sam rubs her back.
"Tell me if you want me to stop."
"Yes Jessica."
"Two weeks ago when I was in this very spot, I was at the lowest point in my life. I sat here thinking, I have it all. A great carrier, a daughter, a newborn baby, and an amazing husband. I didn't know what was going through my head. I felt as if I was disappointing Kennedy, you, and Camden. When I was at that place every night I thought how could I be so selfish. You didn't deserve this, this crazy mess. I am so blessed to have you, to help me. You saved my life. Thank you for believing in me, and being there in the end to take me home."
"What can I say. I married you for you. I am glad I have you here with me now. I love your crazy messes."
Jessica laughs, than turns around and kisses Sam.
"Poor little dude, he wants to swim."
"Haha, no. He is just looking at my boobs." Jessica laughs.
"Well, they are something to look at honey."
Jessica rolls her eyes and giggles.

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