He's Such A Great Dad

71 10 2

June 2014-

Jessica woke up early on a warm summer morning. She pulled her hair back, slid on her robe, and headed down the hall. She peaked her head into Kennedy's room. Kennedy was sound asleep cuddling with her pile of stuffed animals. A small smile appeared of Jessica's face, seeing her little girl rest peacefully. Jessica walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She crossed her arms and walked towards the sink. A large window reached across one side of the kitchen. Jessica stood by the sink and looked at the beautiful sunrise and the gorgeous lake.

She let out a deep breath and smiled taking it all in.

She walked towards the fridge and pulled out everything to make cinnamon rolls for Sam and Kennedy.

About a half an hour later the house was filled with the smell of Jessica's cinnamon rolls. Kennedy and Sam walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Jessica had everything set up in the sun room and waited for them.

"Ah-ha! You two are up and at it!" Jessica giggles centering the fresh flowers in the center of the table.

The birds chirped and Jessica listened, caught in a daze.

"It smells amazing, thank you baby." Sam walks over and kisses Jessica.

He pulls out the chair and Jessica sits down. Kennedy sits in between Sam and Jessica who sat at the ends of the table.

"So, what's the plan?" Jessica smiles

"Hmm, I say fishing! Maybe we can even go to that berry farm and pick berries, that would be fun." Sam smiles sipping his coffee.

Jessica nods and looks at Kennedy waiting for a response.

"Whatever you want to do, mommy!" Kennedy says digging into her breakfast.

"Well, we can go berry picking, bring the berries home, then make a little picnic and take them out on the boat and fish."

"I love it! Let's do it." Kennedy claps her hands and smiles.

After breakfast Kennedy went outside and played by the water. Jessica stood by the kitchen window with her coffee and watched Kennedy. Jessica was wrapped up in her cozy robe. Once Sam was done with the dishes he came behind Jessica and wrapped his arms around her. He placed his head on her shoulder then Jessica rested her head on top of his.

"I'm so happy..." she says softly

"Me too"

"Sam, I want another baby. I really do, but I'm so scared." Jessica turns to Sam.

Sam stared at Jessica for a quick moment. Never thinking that those words would ever come out of her mouth. He was in shock.

"Do you not want another baby?"

"I do, seriously. I just never thought you would want to try for one."

"I've been thinking about it a lot. It will be nerve wracking at first I think, just from what we went through with.... *sigh*

I think I'm ready, only if you are. We are just so very happy, think about how much more happiness a baby would bring. Kennedy would be a big sister, we'd be a family of four! Do you remember when Kenny was just a little baby. I miss holding a little baby and rocking them to sleep." Jessica scrunches her nose and giggles placing her hands on Sam's shoulder.

"Let's do it! Let's have another baby."

"Really, you mean it?"

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