Chin Up

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"So, if we decide to move to Minnesota, we would probley want to move to Maple River. The best schools are out there. And we would be only two hours away from Turtle Lake, so we could visit the cabins on weekends." Jessica says scrolling through her computer with open eyes, pointing to different locations.

"And if we decide Minnesota, we would sell the pent house in New York?"

"Well, What is the point of having all these houses. If we want to go to New York, we can always stay at your brothers house. He is never there." Jessica says trying to convince Sam.

"You are right. This is a lot to take in right now, and a lot of stress on you! How are you feeling today honey. I feel like we have forgot about this pregnancy." Sam turns his body towards Jessica, taking her hands away from her keyboard and putting them into his.

"I havent forgotten. It is kind of hard to, from how fat and swollen I have been getting, and the morning sickness. And this is stress free, Kennedy is doing better, and we are moving for our family." Jessica takes her hands away from Sam's and goes back to house hunting and researching.

"Jess, have you even talked to Ryan about leaving AHS. I mean you haven't really been to set, and you have to let him know."

"I know what I am doing, I am trying to get in my film time for the end of the season. Who knew it would take this long." Jessica pounds on her key board, refusing to take her eyes off her screen. 

"Whatever you say. I am going to go get Kennedy ready for therapy." Sam stands up rolling his eyes and Jessica's lack of attention. 


"Hey daddy, why is mom so, I don't know, tense? It is like she is mad." Kennedy sits in the back seat twiddling her thumbs, nervous to ask.

"Well, Ken, mommy has a lot going on. But she isn't tense, nor is she mad. How about we talk about therapy, what are your goals for today?" Sam tries to change the subject.

"I don't want to talk about that dad. I just want to listen to music. Ever since I told you guys I wanted to move, its all we talk about, Therapy and moving." Kennedy grabs her ipod and slides in her head phones, gazzing out the car window. Sam grunts and contiunes to drive.

A few hours later-

"Jessica! We are back, and we have some big news!" 

"Hi! Where is Ken?" Jessica turns around from her computer to see Kennedy slowly walking in the door without a walker, or cane. Jessica quickly sits up from her chair and runs over to Kennedy. She stops, putting her hands over her face with tears of joy running down her face.

"No more walker. Her hard work paid off!" Sam says as Jessica walks closer over to Kennedy and gives her a hug.

"Oh Ken Ken! I am so proud of you! Look at you, no walker, no brace, oh how wonderful sweetie!" Jessica takes Kennedy in her arms.

"Thanks mom. I am tierd, I am going to go sleep." Kennedy gently pushes away from Jessica and walks upstairs, Jessica's eyes follow her, then she looks at Sam.

Sam shrugs his sholders, "She has been like this all morning. She is worried about whats going on, with moving, and you being "tense," I also don't think she is ready to go back to school." 

"Maybe I should talk to her." Jessica turns away from Sam, and heads into Kennedy's room.


*Knocks on door*

"Hey Ken, can I come in?" Jessic slowly opens the door, scanning the room for Kennedy, seeing her cuddled up in her bean bag chair.

"Yea, I guess." Kennedy keeps her eyes on her book, ot looking up at Jessica.

"Here, make some room." Jessica giggles plopping herself next to Kennedy.

"So, watcha reading?Looks like Harry Potter!" 

"Because it is. The nurses at the hospital told me to read it, but it is too hard. I haven't even gotten to the third page." Kennedy closes the book in discouragement.

"Ah honey, we can find something easier to read, how about you make that your summer reading book?" 

"I guess." Kennedy looks down at the floor, still not looking at Jess.

Jessica gets her hand and lightly picks up Kennedy's chin. "Chin up sweetie. What is going on?"

"Nothing, I just feel bad." Kennedy puts her head on Jessica's shoulder.

"Why honey? You did nothing wrong." Jessica looks down at Kennedy with sad eyes.

"Ever since I told you and daddy about wanting to move, you have been so stressed about finding a new house, and ever since I got home, we have been so busy, and haven't been able to spend time together. Like we used too." Kennedy sniffels wiping her face so her mom doesn't see her cry.

"Sweetie, I am stresses because that's what it is like to be pregnant, you over think and want to get things done. And we are trying to move quickly, before we can't and the baby is here. And I know it is rough, daddy and I are trying are hardest, work has been crazy and we have all been so busy!" Jessica runs her hands soflty through Kennedy's hair, holding her close.

"I don't know why I am so sad mom. I don't." Kennedy pick up her head and looks at Jessica with sad eyes. "I want to be happy mommy, I really do." 

Jessica clutches Kennedy even closer, as she also beggins to cry.

"Kennedy, don't cry, I hate too see you sad honey. You are my little baby." 

"I hate being sad. I want it to be over."

"What is making you sad sweetie? Tell me, we can make it better, together."

"So many things. I really hate the girls that bully me. I wish I had told you, but I was afraid. What they say, it gets in my head. And I can't get it out. And you and daddy are trying so hard to find me a good school, and you guys are stressed, and the rest, I don't know. I feel like I always want to cry." Kennedy tears up even more.

"Honey, never be afraid to tell me something, I am your mom, and I am always here for you. I don't want you to be upset." 

"I was afraid to tell you what they said. I didn't want to bring up my other mom. The one we never talk about. The one that gave me up. When I think about it, well it makes me sad. I don't know what I did."

Jessica's heart sunk, and her throat began to hurt. She didn't know really what to say, she had realized this is what Kennedy had been holding on to.

"Kennedy, you don't have to be afraid to talk about her. Your birth mom, well. She was very sick. And she wanted what was best for you, because she was unable to take care of you. You never did anything wrong. You can't think like that, you are an amazing little girl, and daddy and I love you. We may not share the same blood, but we do share the same love. I was waiting for the time when you would want to talk about her. I have a feeling she has been on your mind." Jessica swallows her fear of brining up Meryl, hoping that was enough for Kennedy.

"So she didn't give me up because I was stupid?" Kennedy's eyes widden. 

"You are not stupid. Don't say you are." 

"What did she has? How was she sick?" Kennedy sits up with open ears, curious.

"Kennedy,this is a conversation for another time. I don't think you are ready yet for this much information." Kennedy looks around her room.

"But you said you were waiting for me to be ready, and I am ready!" Kennedy bounces on the bean bag, hoping Jessica will continue. "Mom, I have herd you talk about her before to daddy, and at the hospital. I just want to know. Maybe she wants to see me again? Maybe she wants me. What does she look like, is she pretty? What is her name?"

Finally able to update! My computer had a virus and I couldn't update from my phone. My computer was gone for 2 days.. Comment what you think will happen next!

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