Rises Above

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As Jessica, Sam, and Kennedy sit around the breakfast table, Jessica gets up and down trying to control her morning sickness, she was already 10 weeks pregnant, in just a few weeks she could find out the gender

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As Jessica, Sam, and Kennedy sit around the breakfast table, Jessica gets up and down trying to control her morning sickness, she was already 10 weeks pregnant, in just a few weeks she could find out the gender.

"Jessica, you can go lie down, you look wiped out." Sam stands up to go walk Jessica to her bed, Jessica moves away.

"No, I am fine, I enjoy spending morning with you guys.. I have a late day today, so I am spending it with you until Ken heads to school." Jessica tries to eat her toast as Sam sits down. Jessica looks over at Kennedy who hadn't said a word all morning. He moved her fork around her plate fiddling with her eggs, not eating.

"Ken Ken, what's wrong?" Sam says in a worried tone..

"N-nothing" She says as she looks up at her dad with a forced smile..

"Are you sure sweetie? How about you finish your breakfast and we can drive you to school.. Mommy and I have a meeting with your teacher." 

"Why? Why do you need to see my teacher? That's stupid." Kennedy says with a pouty face.

"Kennedy! We don't say words like that in this house young lady! If you are going to play with your food, throw it away and finish getting ready for school. Now go if you are going to be like this!" Jessica says in an angry tone, Jessica gives her a stare and waits for her to do something. Kennedy stands up and puts her food in the trash and pounds her feet up the stairs, her sniffles echoed down the hallway. Jessica rests her head on her hand and runs the other hand threw her hair. Sam looks at Jessica surprised, Jessica never yelled at Kennedy unless she did something really wrong. 

"Jess? What's going on with you?" Jessica excuses herself from the table and runs to the restroom again, ignoring Sam. Kennedy peaks down the hallway catching Sam's attention..

Sam whispers- "Hey little stinker, come here." Kennedy runs over to her dad and tugs his shirt so he can get on her level. 

"Daddy can I just ride the bus, mommy is mad at me."

"Sure hun, if you want. But your mommy isn't mad, she just doesn't like you saying that word okay? So just don't use it again, promise?" Sam grabs Kennedy's bookbag from the hook and drives her to the bus stop.

After the bus comes and gets Kennedy, Sam walks back to the house.. As Sam walks into the house he sees Jessica crying while doing the dishes. Jessica immediately puts on a smile and wipes her tears.

"Hey, I am just, just doing the dishes before we leave, I am guessing she wanted to ride the bus?" 

"Jessica, what's wrong hun?" Sam walks behind Jessica taking her arms away from the dirty dishes and wrapping then around her. 

"I don't know Sam. I am nervous, stressed, I have so many emotions that lead me not knowing what to do.I didn't mean to yell at her, I love her. But she shouldn't have said stupid, she has never said that word!" Jessica leans back on Sam, resting her head on his shoulder.

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