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Jessica woke up on Thanksgiving morning to the smell of turkey

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Jessica woke up on Thanksgiving morning to the smell of turkey. She rolled over to hug Sam, but he was already out of bed so she rolled back over and checked her phone. She laid in bed for a while until she began to get sick. She ran into the bathroom and started to throw up. Her eyes were watering and she got all sweaty. She sat in the cold tile when Dorthy walked in with ginger ale.

"Jessica, I heard you getting sick. I brought you some stuff." Dorthy walks in and shuts the door. She sets the ginger ale on the floor and went into the closet and got a towel and ran cold water onto it. She sat down next to Jessica and put the towel on her warm head.

Jessica clears her throat-"Thanks."

"Your dad, Sam, and Kennedy went to go get some last minutes stuffing ingredients." Dorthy giggles.

Jessica rests her head on her mother's shoulder.

"I am sorry mom, I and just really sensitive for some reason." Jessica looks up at her mom.

"Don't say sorry. You are fine." She kisses her forehead.

"I think I am gonna get sick again." Jessica hunches over and Dorthy holds her hair back rubbing her back.


"Auntie Ann!" Kennedy yells running to the door.

"Kennedy! How are you, I haven't seen you in forever!" Jessica's sister Ann bends down and gives Kennedy a big hug.

"Did you hear I am going to be a big sister?" Kennedy jumps up and down they runs over to her older cousin Audrey.

"Yes, I did! Where is your mommy?" Ann walks in and looks for Jessica.

"Where is the mama to be?" Ann walks into the kitchen finding Jessica smashing the potatoes.

"Hi Ann" Jessica turns around.

"You look glowing." She opens her arms for a hug

"Thank you!" Jessica gives her a hug.

"Kennedy is so grown up. It is amazing." Ann sits at the small kitchen table.

"I know, she just isn't eating right." 

"She does look a little thin, is she okay?" 

"Of course she is okay, I think she is just built tiny." 

"Mom, are Geroge and Jane coming? I haven't heard from them." Ann stands up and puts on an apron.

"Jane isn't she is in Mexico with her new boyfriend." Dorthy giggles.

"I didn't know she had a boyfriend, that's great," Jessica says.

"Well, If you lived here you would know this stuff." Ann laughs patting her shoulder.

"Or if Jane answered my calls." Jessica shakes her head and starts to frost the cake

"Jessica, you know your sister likes to party, try new things. She isn't a family person, just let it be." 

"I am sorry mom"

"We know you miss her." Jessica hugs her.

"She is trying to find herself, she needs some space. I just don't want her going back to her old lifestyle." Dorthy tears up then wipes away her frown. 


"George! Look at ya!" Jessica runs over to her brother and gives him a big hug.

"Jess, how are you? You look great." He kisses her forehead

"Too sweet. Where are the kids?" Jessica looks behind him.

"Their mother has them this holiday, she is dropping them off later after they are done at her mothers." Geroge puts his head down.

"Ah, I am sorry. Is the divorce final then?" Jessica puts her hand on his shoulder

"Next week actually, technically still married." George laughs.

"I am going to go see mom than watch some football, is Sam here?"

"Yes of course. He is down with dad and Mike." (Mike is Ann's husband).

Jessica walks back into the kitchen.

"Poor George, Kelly put him through the ringer with this divorce." 

"He will be okay, he already is seeing someone," Ann says

"Oh my gosh, how do I not know this." Jessica laughs, she was so used to George always calling her and catching up. She was always closest with him.

"You need to be in the state to catch up on family news sweetie." Dorthy comes up behind Jessica and jokes around.

"If I could move here I would." Jessica sighs

"Then move here. When that baby comes I wanna see it on the daily!" Dorthy puts her hand on Jessica's belly

"Work, I can't. But this is my last season of AHS." 

"It's best honey." 

"Jessie! I have a book for you. Let me go get it." 

Ann comes in with a bag of baby books. One is a breastfeeding book.

Ann hands it to her. "This book saved my life. Gave me a whole new perspective on breastfeeding. " Behind Jessica was Dorthy who was gesturing her to stop.

"What?" Ann says

Jessica clears her throat. "Thanks, Ann." 

"Hey, are we still on for the maternity pics tomorrow?" 

"Yes! Totally forgot."

"Girls, dinner is ready, can you get everyone away from football and into the dining room." 

Kennedy and Audrey ran over to Ann. "Auntie Ann, can you take a picture of us?" Kennedy and Audrey posed for a picture and Jessica looked over and smiled. 

"What a great one! Hey girls, can you go shut off the tv downstairs?" Jessica laughs and the girls run away.

After everyone was seated, Dorthy said the traditional prayer. They talked and ate for hours. Geroges kids ended up coming so they began to take family pictures. It was a great evening with so much fun and joys. Everyone was thankful for their loved ones and spread the love throughout the night.

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