You Know

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At night Jessica would sit in her room and cry. She gazed at the pictures her and Sam took together. She thought about all of their memories. It made her sick to think about it. She didn't know if what she was doing was right or wrong. Was she being selfish? They had been through so much. They were parents to two beautiful children. Jessica wanted to go back in time. She kept doubting herself and her body. She was confused, how did she not know Sam was cheating. He let her bring a child into the world and he wasn't happy. Jessica wasn't eating much, and didn't do much either. She just focused on the kids. Kennedy rested a lot because she was still recovering. Sarah would stop by once in a while to keep Jessica company.

"Mommy, do you want some salad?" Kennedy says sitting next to her on the couch.

"It's okay honey, you go eat."

"But you aren't eating. Are you sick?"

"No honey. Don't worry about me." Jessica kisses her forehead and gives her a small smile.

Kennedy nods her head than walks into the kitchen. Jessica let's out a sigh than looks at a picture of her and Sam that was sitting on the coffee table.

What did I do. Why wasn't I a better wife. I just want to make things right, but I can't. I can't forgive him. He was unfaithful.

Jessica's phone suddenly rang; it was Sam.

"Hello?" She says

"Hey Jess. I was wondering if you and I could just get together at a coffee shop or I could come over and we can figure out the bills."

"Um, sure. What's wrong with the bills?"

"Well, I will be paying for three houses. And we have joined savings. Also I wanted to make a schedule. It's been a couple weeks since I have seen them."

"Where do you want to meet?"

"Starbucks? Bring out bills and stuff."

"Okay. What time?"

"Tonight at 6?"

"See you than."

Jessica hung up the phone than called Sarah.

"Hey Jess, what's up?" Sarah says

"Are you able to watch the kids for me tonight?"

"Of course! What time do you want me over?"

"I have to meet Sam at 6, so maybe 545?"

"Sounds good, see you than. Is everything okay?"

"Thank you...

Not really. Everything is getting too real for me. It's been 2 weeks and it still hasn't sunk in."

"Aww, well I will help you get through this Jessica...

We have to have a girls night one night to get your mind off things."


"Okay baby Cam, will you be a good boy for auntie Sarah while I am gone?" Jessica says changing his diaper.

Camden giggles and pulls Jessica's hair.

"Hey! That's not nice." Jessica pouts than smiles at him.

"Now, it's nap time!" Jessica sets him in his crib and he softly closes his eyes.

"Good little buggy...

You're my cutest little baby ever. Mommy is sorry..." a single tear falls from Jessica's face.


Jessica's heart raced as she walked into the coffee shop. She held all of the files in her hand. She saw Sam already sitting at a table. He stands up and waves his hand.

"Hi Jess." He says pulling out a chair.

She smiled and sits down.

"How have you been?" She says

"I've been better. I got an apartment, very small. Two bedrooms."

"Oh, that's nice. Do you get any light?"

"Yea, the kids room does."

Jessica smiles than pulls out the papers.

"Jess, you don't look good."

"What do you mean?"

"You look skinner and pale. Are you okay?Are you eating?"

"Considering the fact I found out my husband cheated on me and I am taking care of two kids, no I am not okay."

Sam was quite.

"I think we should get a therapist, resolve this and try to go back to normal. For the kids sake and for ours."

"I am just not ready to forgive you, I just can't. Every time I look at myself or you I just think about what was wrong with me. I know everything with me being in the hospital was hard on you. And I get that I wasn't horny or attractive when I was pregnant towards the end, I understand I have my ups and downs we all do, but what was it. I just need to know."

"Jessica, I made a stupid mistake. It just happened, and I wish that I could tell you but I don't know. Nothing was wrong with you, Jessica you are my life. I beat myself up everyday for hurting you."

Jessica eyes tear up. "I wrote out a schedule, we can figure something out together."


"No, please no. Let's just get this over with."

Jessica and Sam figure out the bills and start writing checks, than they go over the schedule.

"I am still going to pay for the house in New York, I don't want you paying for it. You and the kids live there. What about the house in Minnesota?"

"Maybe we should sell it?"

"No! We can't."


"That's our place, we can't sell it Jess."


So is it okay if you see Kennedy on the weekend s? Thursday through Sunday every other week?"

"Yea, but what about Cam? I want to see him too."

"I am not comfortable with him being away from me that long. I am still breastfeeding. We are on a schedule."

"I know, but let me take him Friday's, you can go out or something and pick him up in the morning."

"I guess we can work something out like that."

"Okay, thank you.

Can I ask you something."


"Are things ever going to get better?"

"I hope, i am just not ready."

"You know I love you."

"I know. You know I love you too."

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