Chapter 2

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Pippa's first day after she left her show, and she has a meeting. Wonderful. Please note the sarcasm.
She was actually rather excited about this one, despite her fever being up to a whopping 100 degrees. Pippa drags herself out of bed, and throws on some sweatpants and an old t-shirt that dates back to her Juilliard days.
"I look absolutely glorious," she thinks, looking in the mirror. She can barely muster up the energy to run a brush through her hair.
She grabs her purse, and then walks out of her apartment without eating any breakfast.
The meeting is at Lin's apartment, which is a place that Pippa has been many times for various reasons. She hasn't been in a while, though. The two haven't had much time to hang out, since Lin has been in London, and Pippa has been busy in Amelie.
She takes the elevator up to his floor, and knocks on the door.
Vanessa opens up the door.
"Pippa! What a nice surprise!"
"I'm here for the cast meeting," Pippa says.
"Oh, wonderful! The others aren't quite here yet," Vanessa tells me. "Go ahead and have a seat. They should be here soon. Can I get you anything to drink? We have coffee, tea, juice, water," Vanessa says, listing off the contents of their refrigerator.
"Oh, some juice sounds wonderful," Pippa says, very aware of her sore throat.
"Is apple alright?"
"That's fine, thank you!" Pippa says.
"Sweetie, are you okay? You don't look too good."
"Oh, yeah, I've just got a little bit of a virus," she admits.
"Oh no! I'm sure it won't be a problem if you go home and rest, are you sure you're alright?"
"I am, I promise," Pippa assures Vanessa.
"Alright. Lin, Pippa is here!" Vanessa calls.
"I'll be right out!" the girls hear Lin reply.

"Pippa, you really don't look too good," Lin says, as he comes out to his living room. "Are you sure that your body temperature is normal?"
"I'm actually sure that it isn't."
"Go home sweetie."
"No, I'm fine, really." Pippa promises her friend.
"If you say so. We will try to do this quickly so that you can get home and rest," Lin assures Pippa.
No more than a ten seconds later, they hear a knock on the door.
"I'll be right back," Lin says, running towards the door.
"Phillipa Soo!" Jasmine squeals, running into the living room.
"Jasmine Cephas Jones!" Pippa replies, kicking the blanket that Vanessa has placed on her off and jumping up to hug her best friend.
"I have not seen you in forever!" Jasmine says.
"I've missed you so much!" Pippa tell Jazzy.
Upon a sudden chill, Pippa sits back down on the couch and pulls the blanket over her.
Jasmine sits down next to her.
"Hey, are you alright? You seem a bit pale," Jasmine notices.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Pippa assures her.
"No she's not," Lin butts in. "She has a fever and all of that junk."
"Oh no! Pippa! Didn't you have your final show of Amelie last night? Were you able to perform?"
"Yeah, I pulled through. It was a lot better yesterday, which I'm glad about. If it had to get worse, I'm glad it happened after Amelie." Pippa promises Jasmine.
"Well, how did it go?"
"It went pretty well," Pippa says.
"I'm sure it was amazing," Jasmine says, hugging Pippa again.
In the next few minutes, Anthony and Daveed show up, and then Oak finally comes too.
"Alright, everyone is here! We can get started!" Lin says.
"Have you cast anyone new yet?" Jasmine asks, as soon as Lin sits down.
"Not really. We are holding auditions soon, but have received applications from a few people and have started looking into them already," Lin explains.
"I can't wait to see who is going to be our new sister, Pip!" Jasmine says.
"I still can't believe that Renee isn't coming," Pippa admits.
"She had to stay home and take care of her kiddos. Trust me, we are all sad," Lin tells me.
"Plus, there's no way that we will ever find anyone with as good of chemistry as the three of you originally had," Daveed adds in.
Everyone nods, and then Lin starts passing around books.
"The scripts are, obviously, the same as they were on Broadway, but there might be different blocking and stuff, so I figured you would want new ones to have a fresh start. There is also a list of tour stops in there. We start by opening in Portland, Oregon in May."
"Wait a minute, Lin. That only gives us three months to pull this whole thing together," Oak says.
"Okay, you've got me there. I'll admit, it is sort of last minute, but that is the only time that we could work with their dates, because the other set of dates that we were given for Portland was during the time that we have to be in Salzburg. We are headlining the festival!" Lin informs everyone, excitedly.
"What festival?" Pippa asks.
"The Salzburg Festival. It was the one that the Von Trapp family sang in at the end of The Sound Of Music," Lin informs the group, a smile spreading across his face. "My dad freaked out when he found out that we were headlining."
"Oh my goodness! That's so cool!" Pippa can't help but smile when she finds this out. She was so starstruck when Julie Andrews came to see her on Broadway and Pippa got the chance to meet her.
"We also have a run scheduled at the Sydney Opera House," Lin tells the group.
They all say how cool that is, and Lin lists off the other cities that they're visiting.
"I can't believe all of this!" Pippa squeals.
"Pip! We get to go to my homeland!" Jasmine says, excitedly. "We have to road trip all around!"
Jasmine loves going to England, and can't wait to show her best friend around. She can even have her family come and see the show.
Lin goes through a few more details of the production, such as when the cast members will get their contracts and what they will be paid, (a lot more than Pippa expected!) then Lin sends everyone home, giving Pippa strict instructions to not leave her bed for the rest of the day. She gladly does as she is told.
Jasmine ends up coming over to her apartment for a few hours, and the two girls gossip and drink smoothies. They catch up on what has happened in their lives since they last saw each other, and for both of them, it was a lot!

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