Chapter 76

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The next day, everyone wakes up bright and early for their rehearsal. Pippa and Jazzy are wearing leggings and long-sleeved tee shirts, their winter workout clothes, and everyone else is dressed in just about the same thing. Nobody seems to happy about being up so early, but especially Lana. She has dark circles under her eyes, and looks pale.

"Lana, are you okay?" Pippa asks, running over to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she assures Pippa, taking a sip out of her water bottle.

"You don't look too great."

"I'm just tired, I promise," Lana says.

"Alright..." Pippa replies, skeptically. She doesn't believe Lana, but decides to play along. She will step in if she needs to.

Pippa walks back to Jazzy, and they sit down in the seats, waiting for Lin to announce what they're rehearsing.

It comes as a surprise to nobody when they find out that it is mostly ensemble numbers- "Yorktown," "My Shot," and "They Reynolds Pamphlet" specifically. They're also running through "Burn," "Say No To This," and "Alexander Hamilton."

"We will do 'Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story' if time permits," Daveed finishes, and then, calls places.

Since Lana, Jazzy, and Pippa aren't in the first few numbers, they all stay in the seats, but Lana comes over to talk to Jazzy and Pippa.

"How are you holding up with everything?" Jazzy asks Lana, who grimaces in response.

"Not well," she admits. "I'm so stressed. I haven't even been able to forget about James to get a good night's sleep."

"You poor thing," Pippa tells Lana. She pauses. "Lana, you really don't look good. Are you sure that you're okay?"

"I told you, Pip, I'm fine," Lana says, slightly harshly, followed by a fit of coughs.

"She's dying, Pippa," Jazzy says.

"I'm not dying," Lana rolls her eyes. "I just have a bit of a scratchy throat. I'm fine, I promise."

"Alright. Just, don't push yourself," Pippa warns.

"That's ironic, coming from you, Pippa," Jazzy laughs.

"Shut up, Jazzy," Pippa mutters, with a smile.

"I can feel the sisterly love," Lana teases.

They all laugh.

Soon, it's Jazzy and Lana's turn to go up for 'The Reynolds Pamphlet.'

"Can we just run straight into 'Burn' after this?" Daveed asks.

"I'm ready," Pippa calls back.

"Awesome. Thanks Pippa," Daveed replies, and then, they begin the music for the song.

About halfway through the song, Pippa heads backstage so that she can go on for her song.

Miraculously, they only have to stop once during 'The Reynolds Pamphlet,' and of course, that's because James was in the wrong spot, causing Jessa to trip over him, and then Lana to trip over Jessa.

"I'm so sorry," Lana squeals, hopping off of Jessa. Pippa, watching from offstage, catches a trace of a blush on Lana's face, but doesn't question it. She would be embarrassed if she fell, too.

Little does Pippa know, that's not even the beginning of why Lana is blushing.

"James, you need to be over there," Jessa groans, standing up and pointing to the other side of the stage.

"Really? I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be here," James argues.

"James, if you were where you were supposed to be, then that wouldn't have just happened," Kaitlyn butts in. "Now, get over here next to me, where you're supposed to be."

"God, calm yourself," James mutters under his breath, as he sulks across the stage.

"Alright, from Lana's solo again," Daveed calls, and everyone takes her place, then the orchestra starts to play, and Lana's voice rings throughout the room.

After they finish that song, it transitions straight into 'Burn,' which Pippa makes her way through with no major issues that would need to be worked out.

"Move onto 'Say No To This,'" Daveed calls.

"Kaitlyn, time to avoid the fact that our significant others all over each other," Anthony calls, from across the auditorium.

Everyone laughs, as the two head to the back of the house and face the back wall.

"No looking," Kaitlyn tells Ant, placing her hand over his eyes.

"Same to you," Anthony replies.

"I don't know about you, but I think that Anthony and Kaitlyn are gonna get married someday," Lana jokes.

"Oh my gosh, Lana," Pippa rolls her eyes. She laughs, though.

They run through the song, but have to stop a few times to work out issues, since Brett is still new.

Finally, it's time to run "Alexander Hamilton." Everyone gets onstage, and they run through it, with relatively few problems, but all of the ones that they do have are James-related, and then, Daveed dismisses everyone for lunch.

"You all need to come back at half-hour," he calls. "Opening night in Toronto tonight!"

Everyone cheers, and they file out of the theatre, to go find lunch.

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