Chapter 95

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Even though Kaitlyn and Brett were celebrating Christmas separately with their families, they had also decided to get together a couple days after Christmas so that they could exchange gifts.

Kaitlyn had gotten used to being single over Christmas- she'd grown accustomed to just buying gifts for her friends and family. Never a boyfriend. She'd never really had any guys that she'd wanted to date, let alone date anyone.

This year was different. This year, she had Brett.

Brett was one of the best people that Kaitlyn had ever met. He was kind, generous, caring, and funny. He wasn't over protective, but he didn't completely ignore Kaitlyn. He was the boyfriend that she'd always dreamed about, but the guy that she didn't think existed.

She never thought she'd find a boyfriend on tour with Hamilton. She'd figured that being in Hamilton was already more than she'd ever hoped for. She thought she'd be stuck in regional theatre doing shows like 'Elf' and then be out of a job for weeks.

This year was shaping up to be the best year of her life.

Brett had asked to meet her in Discovery Times Square, but he'd told her not to look anything up about what exhibits were there. Kaitlyn was intrigued, but she obeyed.

Brett had always talked about how much he loved Star Wars- so Kaitlyn had asked her father (who was also a huge Star Wars geek) if he had anything he was willing to let her give to Brett.

Her dad knew how much Kaitlyn had talked about Brett. Kaitlyn knew he approved, and was glad she was happy, but she never expected her dad to give her an original Star Wars poster that Harrison Ford had signed. He told her to give it to Brett.

She rolled it up into a tube and wrapped it, and then brought it with her to Discovery Times Square.

Brett met her outside, carrying his own gift bag.

"Hey, Kait," he said. Kaitlyn looked at the banner that adorned the side of the building.

"What exhibit is this?"

"Well, I heard that Disney was doing an exhibit here. They have props from the live action movies, and stuff from when they were animating the other ones. Since you're such a Disney nerd, I figured you'd like it," Brett explained. He looked nervous. "Is that okay? If not, we can always-"

"No, I love it. Let's go in," Kaitlyn suggested. "We should exchange gifts later."

"Okay," Brett laughed.

They stepped inside. It was dark in the building, and it was emptier than Kaitlyn thought it would be. There was only one other family at the desk.

Brett held out the tickets to the lady who was running the desk.

"Alright, thank you," the woman said. "If you want to pose for a Disney picture, there's a prop table. If you're wearing anything green, try to cover it up. It will blend into the green screen and into the background when we change it digitally."

They walked over to where there was a man taking pictures in front of the green screen. They looked through the props while the family was getting their pictures done.

"We should to a Tangled one," Brett suggested.

"Fine, you take the apple prop, and I'll take the frying pan," Kaitlyn laughed.

"I'm not being Maximus! Let me be Flynn," Brett complained.


The family finished up and Kaitlyn and Brett struck a pose.

The photographer took a few pictures before nodding. "You can proceed to the waiting room. The tour will begin in fifteen minutes."

The tour was amazing. There were props from all the movies- even the ones that had been animated, like Tangled.

They had Emma Watson's dress from Beauty and the Beast, they had the fur used to make The Jungle Book, they had autographs of the actors.

They even let some of the tour members go into a recording studio to make a short animated sequence. Kaitlyn and Brett were selected. Kaitlyn voiced the baby bird and Brett voiced the scary eagle that was trying to steal the bird from its nest.

To Kaitlyn's surprise, there was also an exhibit of props and costumes from Broadway. There was the original magic carpet from Aladdin, one of the puppets from Lion King, and even Kaitlyn's Pascal costume from Tangled, along with the Maximus costume.

"That's mine," Kaitlyn laughed. "I cannot believe it's in an exhibit."

"I saw that they were advertising the Broadway section online and I thought you'd get a laugh out of it," Brett admitted.

They got to watch the finished product at the end- there were also different short films from the other tour groups. Clearly Disney had put a lot of effort into pre-animating short films. It was a cool experience- Kaitlyn liked it.

They exchanged gifts before they left. Brett freaked out about the signed Star Wars poster, and then he gave Kaitlyn her gift.

They were tickets for the American Ballet Theatre's performance of The Nutcracker. It was something that Kaitlyn had wanted to see for a long time.

"Thank you, Brett," Kaitlyn said, hugging him. "Thank you so much."

"Of course, babe," Brett said. "Merry Christmas."


posting christmas chapters when it's september... BUT FOR REAL THERE'S ONLY LIKE 100 DAYS LEFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS TIME FLIES PEOPLE

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