Chapter 150

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Lana had to admit that she was sort of glad to have a break from Jessa. They were staying in different hotels, and Lana figured that maybe this way, Jessa could have some time to sort out her thoughts, and honestly, she needed some time to sort out her own as well.

She was getting settled into her room with Jazzy and Pippa, and the two girls seemed to be able to sense what Lana was thinking. They didn't say too much as they were unpacking.

Everyone was exhausted from traveling all day, too.

It was clear that Pippa missed Steven and Jazzy was a little bit upset about not rooming with Anthony. They were all hungry and just wanted to sleep.

Nobody was really in the mood to talk.

"Can somebody just go pick up McDonald's?" Jazzy asks.

"I'm assuming that means you want me to do it?" Pippa retorts.

"Yes please."

Pippa rolls her eyes. "Fine. I know your order, Lana, what about you?"

"I'll have a chicken sandwich," she replies. "Oh, and a shake."

"Done. I'll be back in half an hour, assuming that I don't get lost," Pippa replies, grabbing her wristlet containing her purse and some money, and heading out by herself.

On the way down, she runs into Anthony.

"Pippa, what's up?" he asks.

"I'm going to get food for your woman because she's cranky and hungry," Pippa laughs.

"Oh. Sorry that you have to deal with that," he replies. "Didn't you see Daveed's text?"

Pippa shakes her head no. Anthony pulls out his phone and shows her the group chat.

Daveed: Attention cast- This city is not as safe as some of the others we have been in. We are in a good area, but please do not go out without at least one other person. This is because the tour team is concerned about your safety, not because we are trying to take away your freedoms. Thank you in advance for following this policy.

Pippa sighs. "It figures. I'm so glad that I caught you. Thanks for showing me that."

"It's not problem," Anthony replies. "Do you want me to come with you? I know that Jazzy sure as heck won't. She's 'hangry.' She's made up her mind that you're getting her the food."

Pippa laughs, knowing that this is the truth. "I'll go see if Lana will come with me. Thanks though Ant."

"No problem. If she won't, then I'm just going to be hanging out in the lobby. The wifi connection is better down there."

"Alright," Pippa replies with a smile. The two part their ways, and Pippa makes her way back up to her hotel room.

"Lana, I just saw Daveed's message. Will you come with me?" she asks.

"Oh my gosh, I was just about to text you," Lana replies. "We just saw it too. Yeah, it's probably better if I join you."

The two say goodbye to Jazzy. "Oh, by the way," Pippa adds, "Anthony is down in the lobby. Maybe you can go visit him?"

A smile springs to Jazzy's face for the first time in hours when Pippa mentions that.

"I will. Thanks," she replies. "Bye guys."

At that, Pippa and Lana are back on track to go to the nearest McDonald's.

They know approximately where they are going, just because they passed the sign on the way to their hotel. Lana suggests that they just backtrack their steps.

"Sounds good to me," Pippa replies. They walk close to each other, with their arms linked for safety, as they walk down the sidewalk. They pass many homeless people, and a few just generally sketchy characters, but eventually make it to their destination.

It takes them only a few minutes to place their orders and get their food. With brown paper bags in hand, they head back to the hotel, only to walk in on Jazzy and Anthony having a makeout session in the lobby.

"Get a room," Pippa mutters, tossing Jazzy's bag at her, before Pippa and Lana run away quickly, squealing with laughter.

Just before they are out of earshot, they hear someone shouting, "You'll pay for that, Soo!"

This makes the two girls laugh even harder as they run back to their room.

"So, what would you say to some Netflix binging?" Lana suggests.

"That sounds like the greatest thing in the world right now," Pippa replies. They settle on watching Pretty Little Liars, and cuddle together on the bed, throwing the blankets over their heads when something scary happens.

After a while, the two fall asleep, exhausted from their travel day. They will need all of the energy that they can get for tomorrow- a run through in the afternoon, and opening night that evening, with a party after. What a day it will be.


oooff 150 chapters my dudes! 

thanks for sticking with us through this long! i'm sure you're sick of us a little bit haha :) keep up the good work

also i'm procrastinating studying for standardized tests sooooo whoops 

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