Chapter 175

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The next day, they had to say goodbye to Lin.

Pippa didn't want to have to say goodbye to Lin. She knew she'd see him soon in New York, anyway, and crying wouldn't help her at all.

So, when everyone else was bidding a tearful goodbye to Lin at the airport, Pippa was singing 'Sound of Music' and trying not to think about the fact that one of her closest friends was leaving.

Jazzy knocked gently on the door.

"Hey, Pips, you weren't at the airport," Jazzy said, sitting down on the bed. Pippa turned from her piano.


"Lin said he wants you to text him about meeting up in New York, and Sebby says bye," Jazzy told her.

Pippa just nodded.

"You okay, Pips?"

"I don't know, I just didn't want all of that," Pippa said quietly. "I'm trying to avoid all that crying until our final show, you know? I want to be happy until the end."

"I feel you," Jazzy agreed. "It's the end of an era, to be honest. I'm not ready for it to be over. We've gone through so much, and we won't see these people every day anymore."

"That's why I didn't go to the airport," Pippa said.

"Okay, well, the ensemble girls are going out to eat, and they invited us," Jazzy told Pippa. "Wanna come?"

"Sure," Pippa agreed.


The meal was oddly quiet. Everyone seemed to be stuck in their own thoughts. Even Carleigh, usually the loudest one of the group, was intently studying something on her phone. Jessa had a binder of music in her lap, and Lana was deep into Ron Chernow's Hamilton biography.

"So," Jazzy said, clearing her throat. "It's quiet."

"Uptown," Carleigh deadpanned, without missing a beat and without even looking up.

The table returned to silence. "Is there a reason why you're all not talking?" Jazzy tried again.

"Everyone's in a weird mood," Kaitlyn supplied. "It's just weird that it's going to be over, you know? Things are going to be weird."

"Let's play a game," Pippa suggested. "I want to spend as much time with all of you as possible, and I don't want it to be sad."

"Let's play Paranoia," Ariana suggested. "It's that game where someone asks the person next to them a question in a whisper, and you have to answer with someone's name in the room. Out loud. So we only know the answer, not the question. And then you flip a coin. If it's heads, you have to say what the question was."

"I could ask Lana who she wants to kiss, and she would say Jessa, but the table would only know Jessa unless the coin has heads on it. Make sense?" Araella supplied.

"Yeah, let's do it. Ariana, you start."

Ariana whispered something to Araella. "Kaitlyn," Araella decided. Ariana flipped the coin. Heads.

"The question was, who would you want to do your stitches if you got hurt."

"Wow, I'm honored," Kaitlyn laughed. "I'm glad you have faith in my sewing talents."

"Okay, Araella, you ask Carleigh now," Ariana instructed, since Araella was sitting next to Carleigh.

Carleigh thought awhile about her question before answering. "Jazzy," she said finally. Araella flipped the coin. Tails.

"You'll never know," Araella laughed. Jazzy just rolled her eyes.

Carleigh leaned over to Jazzy. "Here's my question for you. If you were playing Hamilton, who would you want to play Maria Reynolds?"

"Oh my god, Carleigh," Jazzy snorted. "I would actually have to say Lana."

Lana blinked, stunned.

Carleigh flipped the coin and automatically burst out laughing. It was heads. "I asked Jazzy who she would want to play Maria Reynolds if she was playing Hamilton," she announced.

Everyone immediately laughed. Lana blushed.

"I hate you, Jazzy," Lana called from across the table.

"You're welcome, fam," Jazzy responded. She leaned in. "Alright, Pips, if you could dip anyone in a vat of chocolate, who would it be?"

"What kind of question is that?" Pippa demanded.

"I don't know, just roll with it."

"Carleigh," Pippa said.

The coin was tails.

"Alright, Jessa," Pippa announced. She leaned forward. "If you had to dress anyone you wanted in a Darth Vader costume, who would it be?"

"Ariana, probably," Jessa decided.

They played the game for a bit more before their food came, and then they all got quiet again. It was a more comfortable silence, though.

After that, they paid and walked back to the hotel, laughing the whole way as Carleigh attempted to teach Jazzy how to velociraptor.

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