Chapter 91

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It was Christmas Eve. Pippa was excited for what the next day would bring- she was going to have Christmas dinner with Steven.

That fact made her a tiny bit nervous, but she was also thrilled that she actually got to get to know Steven better. He seemed like an amazing person, and Pippa was relieved that she wouldn't have to spend Christmas alone.

Her phone made the alert sound- it was the Schuyler Sisters group chat. The original one. Now Pippa was in two- the one with just Jazzy and Renee, and then one with Jazzy and Lana. And then there was the girls' group chat, and then the entire tour cast group chat, and then the original Broadway cast group chat...

Sometimes the notifications flooded Pippa's phone so much that she didn't even know what cast was which anymore.

Renee: Have a merry Christmas, both of you! I look forward to when we see each other next!

Jazzy: you too, Renee. Maybe we can get together in a few days?

Pippa: that sounds amazing!

Renee: Great! I have to put the kids to bed now, and read the Night Before Christmas, but I'll talk to you guys later.

Pippa: Love you, Renee

Jazzy: Have a great night, both of you

Pippa wasn't doing anything else for the rest of the night, so she decided to catch up on all of her TV shows that she'd missed while she was on tour, while simultaneously trying to wrap everyone's Christmas gifts, especially Jazzy, Renee, Kaitlyn, and the rest of the cast's gifts.

It would have gone so much quicker if Pippa didn't stink at wrapping gifts. Somehow it never turned out as she had imagined it- she was sure that she followed the directions properly, but, judging by the state of the gifts when she was finished with the wrapping, it hadn't turned out as she thought.

Pippa eventually gave up on wrapping the gifts and asked room service for a cup of hot chocolate, and then she sat out on her hotel's balcony.

It was about eleven at night now, and there was only one hour until it was Christmas.

She'd spent so many Christmases alone, but Pippa knew that once the clock turned to twelve, it meant that it was Christmas day.

And that meant that she wouldn't be alone, and she'd get to see Steven.

It was cold on the balcony, but looking across the city, or more like looking down the street was soothing. She was finally back in New York City- maybe she wasn't necessarily back in her own apartment, but it was still nice to know that she was home.

It had been a long couple of months- Pippa was grateful for the break. Not having to do a show was an inviting prospect, even though Pippa already missed the rest of the cast- especially Jazzy, Kaitlyn, and Carleigh.

Lost in her own thoughts, Pippa didn't even realize what time it was until she turned her phone on again a while later.

It was 12:04.

"Merry Christmas, Pippa," she said to herself.


The next morning, Pippa bundled up in her coat, beanie, boots, and gloves to head to Steven's apartment. The cold, wind and snow that had started up a few days previously hadn't stopped, and snow was beginning to accumulate on the sidewalks.

Pippa decided to bring some bread and potatoes, just to make sure, and when she arrived, she saw that Steven had put some extra Christmas decorations up.

"Hello, Pippa!" he exclaimed. "I'll take your coat. Um, if you want anything, I can get it for you before we start."

"No, I'm fine," Pippa reassured him.

"Merry Christmas, by the way," Steven added. "So I was thinking we'd cook maybe half of the turkey? Just because there's only two of us? That way we can do this again some other time."

"Sure, that makes sense," Pippa agreed. Her heart leapt when Steven implied that they were going to get together again.

"So, how is the tour going?" Steven asked as he pulled different spices and herbs out of his cupboards. Pippa sat down on one of the stools by the counter.

"It's going really well. I think they're scrambling a little for a new ensemble member, but other than that, the cast is really great."

"Casting scrambles are never good," Steven said sympathetically. "I hope you find someone soon."

"I hope so, too," Pippa agreed. "How's your work?"

"It's going well, too. Everyone's great, and I love what we're doing, so I'm enjoying myself. I admit, it's kind of sad not to hear your piano playing at all hours of the day," Steven laughed.

"I thought you'd be relieved."

"No, I liked it. At least you didn't play something like... I don't know... play something like Justin Bieber."

"No way!" Pippa protested. "I am not a Justin Bieber fan."

"Good. I did like hearing your impromptu performances of Hamilton. Especially when you played 'Guns and Ships,'" Steven continued.

"Oh, God, you hear that?" Pippa asked, covering her face with her hands.

"It was great, don't worry. It's impressive," Steven laughed.

"Let's just start making the turkey," Pippa rolled her eyes.



okay and i tripped while backwards marching and had a heart attack because i almost fell over but you know whatever it's fine i'm fine *laughing crying emoji*

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