Chapter 36

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Pippa wasn't exactly lying when she said that she didn't have a crush on anyone in the cast. She didn't. And she wasn't lying about wanting to be single. She was still struggling with her past relationship, which had ended very traumatically for her, even though it was years ago- back in college. The guy had just been using her for her talent and her body. She wasn't sure if she would be able to trust another guy again, ever. 

She did, however, think she had a little bit of a crush. Not enough of a crush to want to date him, but just enough to give her butterflies in her stomach.

Pippa just wasn't quite ready to tell anyone, even Jazzy, who knew literally everything about her, even things that she doesn't really need to know. Honestly, Pippa doesn't even know if she can classify it as a "crush." It's just the guy whose apartment is below her's back home in New York. Steven is his name. He's an actor too, and has worked with her Amelie co-star, Adam, before. He's starring in an off-broadway show right now. It might be a Shakespearean play; Pippa isn't quite sure. He's been in a whole bunch of shows, both on and off-Broadway, as well as on screen. She loves his vibrant blue eyes and sparkling smile, and every time that he's talked to her, he has been really sweet to Pippa. 

She falls asleep thinking about her conversation with Jazzy, and if she was really right. If Pippa found the right guy for her, would it really be as magical as Jazzy says it is? She would probably know. Her and Anthony were the cutest couple in the world. But what if who she thinks is the right guy, isn't really? She doesn't think that she can take another breakup, which is why she decides to take guys off of her radar and focus on doing what she loves. Theatre.

When Pippa wakes up this morning, she realizes that she is dangerously close to missing the bus that is taking everyone to their first day of rehearsals. If she missed this bus, then she would be in a lot more trouble than in Salzburg, where everything was in walking distance of everything else. This city was confusing, and huge! It would be awful to miss the bus, because she would probably just end up having to miss the whole day of practice. 

At a record speed, Pippa throws on a tee shirt and a pair of jeans, eats a granola bar, and runs downstairs to catch the bus, which she makes just on time.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Pippa scolds Jazzy, once she takes her seat. 

"You're always awake before me unless you're sick. I didn't want to wake you up if you were sick!"

"Jazzy, I'm not sick! I just got over being sick," Pippa reminds her friend. 

"But if you were sick again, you wouldn't tell me, and we both know that. I just wanted to be sure," Jazzy defends herself.

"Well, please just wake me up next time," Pippa says. 

"Alright," Jazzy agrees.

"Thanks," Pippa says, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up more. Soon, the bus arrives at the theater. It's Pippa and Jazzy's first time seeing the space. 

"It's so gorgeous!" Pippa squeals.

"It is!" Jazzy agrees, looking around. "I can't believe that they made the building shaped like an egg, too!" 

"It's crazy!" Pippa agrees.

"Alright everyone, let's get to work," Lin announces, after giving the cast a minute to admire the theater. "Can we start with 'Burn?'"

"That's me," Pippa says.

"Alright, Pip, this is mostly for the pit, not for you, but you can always benefit from some practice," Lin says. 

"Yeah, of course!" she replies.

The pit starts to play the intro to the song, and Pippa sings through it, with her choreography as well. After that, Lin says that they are going to run 'Take a Break.' Lana and Anthony hop up onto the stage, and Pippa cringes at how fakely nice Lana is being to her. Of course she is, though. Lin is around. This has been going on for a while. 

They run through the song, and then, Lin requests to run Lana and Pippa's harmonies. Lana can't seem to get her notes right. They always come out just a little bit sharp or a little bit flat. It's just off enough to make the notes clash, too.

It isn't hard to tell that Alex is getting quickly frustrated with Lana, who isn't taking any constructive criticism that Lin and Alex are giving to her. 

"Lana, make sure that you're listening to me while you're singing, okay?" Pippa says.

"I am listening!" Lana spits.

"Sorry," Pippa says, backing away. She is frightened by Lana's sudden outburst.

"Renee never had this problem," Alex mutters under his breath. Unfortunately, it's just loud enough for Lana to hear. 


Lana storms off of the stage, leaving Pippa, Lin, and Anthony standing there, dumbfounded. 

"Was that... Was that my fault?" Pippa asks, quietly.

"What? Pippa, of course it wasn't!" Lin tells her. "I don't know what's up with Lana, but I wish that she would pull it together."

"Araella?" Alex calls.

"Yeah?" she replies, from somewhere in the house. 

"Get up here. You're on," Alex says.

"From the top," Lin orders, once Araella is up onstage. This time, the song is wonderfully clash-free.

"I wish that Lin would realize how annoying Lana really is," Pippa says to Jazzy, sitting down next to her.

"I think that he knows, but he just doesn't know what to do about it. She is powerful. She could ruin him," Jazzy says. 

"That's true," Pippa agrees. "I just... I don't know. I guess I just really want Renee back."

"Don't we all." Jazzy says. "Don't we all..."

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