Chapter 187

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Pippa sighed as she stepped into the apartment she shared with Steven. She set down her bags by the door and just flopped down on the couch, sprawled out.

"Want anything, Pippa? Tea? Something to make you feel better?"

"Not tea, but you can sit with me," Pippa decided, moving slightly to make room for him.

"Penny for your thoughts, Pips?" Steven asked.

"Just thinking about everyone, and how they're doing. It's weird. Before we knew we would see each other again. And now, it's kind of like something died, you know? That bond will never be the same. Things will be different."

"I know, but that's a good thing. You've all learned, and now, you're ready for something new. Like Sound of Music. Think of how much you grew from it."

"It's the true 'look at where we are' moment," Pippa said thoughtfully. "When I got the call, I was by myself, in my own apartment. Now I'm with you."

"See, everything happens for a reason."

"Even the bad stuff."

"Even the bad stuff. And you know, things grew out of that, too. Friendships. You can't ever really say you had those experiences with anyone else. That's something to be proud of. You guys were fantastic."

"Thanks, Steve," Pippa said.

"Plus, Lana will be okay."

"How did you know that's what I was thinking about?" Pippa asked, turning to look at her fiance.

"You're playing with the bracelet she gave you," Steven told her. "Plus, I'm thinking about her, too."

"I'm just worried, you know? She was so lonely last year, at the beginning. I don't want that to happen to her again. She doesn't deserve that."

"It won't happen," Steven promised. "She has you, and Jazzy, and her new Schuyler Sisters, including Addy. You know she'll love Addy. And now she has Jessa. And I am confident that Jessa won't let anything happen to her. She was so careful before they were dating, I'm sure she'll be even more thoughtful now that they are. Plus, Carleigh and Kasey are there. Carleigh turns into a mom when she's around Kasey. I'm sure she wouldn't mind watching out for Lana, too."

"I know," Pippa sighed. "It's just hard."

"The best things are never easy."

"And I'm nervous about Sound of Music."

"Don't be, you're amazing. And what did I just say? The best things aren't the easy things. If you did what was easy, you'd be bagging groceries or something."

"Thanks," Pippa said, rolling her eyes.

"'Hi, my name's Phillipa, can I get you any samples to try today?'" Steven laughed, doing his own Pippa impression.

"You're ridiculous," Pippa snorted.

"But you love me anyway," Steven added."

"That's true, I do love you."

It was weird, sitting there, with Steven.

Pippa was right- she had been lonely at the start of the tour. She'd sat in her apartment trying to get over her sickness, without anyone beside her.

And now she was back at home, with her fiance by her side. She was happy, and she knew that there was so much more ahead of her. Before, she had just tried to focus on getting through her shows, and to her next job. She learned to let go of her stress a little, now. That was one of the things she'd learned from tour.

She'd met amazing people, she'd done some amazing things. She'd gotten to perform an amazing show that she hadn't thought she'd ever perform for again. She saw a lot, she laughed a lot, and she even cried a lot.

It was hard to leave her friends from tour, but there was so much more to look forward to.

She had Steven now, and a whole new life ahead of her.

And that was enough.


wow guys it's been a hot second we've really missed you! life just hit us hard but we're back just in time to publish a few more chapters of this wonderful story. 

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