Chapter 114

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When Pippa leaves the room, it is just Lana and Jessa.

"Ugh, Pippa and Steven are so cute together," Jessa sighs. "I need that kind of thing in my life."

"You want to date someone?" Lana asks.

"I don't know. It's confusing. I guess that if the opportunity would arise, then I might... it would be so hard to be in a long distance relationship though, while we are on tour."

"What about somebody on tour?" Lana whispers.

"Lana, I don't think that any of the girls on this tour like me like that," Jessa replies.

Lana blushes, and tells Jessa that she shouldn't say that.

"Why? Do you know somebody that likes me?" Jessa pries. She is not ready for what's about to happen next.

"Yeah, me," Lana mutters under hear breath. At least, that what Jessa thinks that she hears. Did she hear something wrong?

"What? Did you just... Lana, do you like me?"

"What? No," Lana says, quietly, which is a blatant lie.

"Then what did you just say?" Jessa asks. Lana blushes.

"Yes," she whispers. "I... I do."

After a moment of silence, Lana stands up and runs out of the room. Jessa simply sits there, on the floor, not knowing what to do.

Should she go after Lana? She doesn't' know.

Does she feel the same way? She's never thought about it before. She doesn't think so, but maybe she does. She has no idea, now.

Lana doesn't know what to do once she gets out of the room. She finds herself wandering around the hallway, and then, without even thinking, allows her body to lead her to Pippa and Jazzy's room.

Lana knocks on the door, and almost instantly, Jazzy lets her in.

"Pippa's talking to Steven," she whispers. "What's up Lana?"

It is only then that Lana realizes that she has tears in her eyes, and Jazzy notices it at the exact same moment.

"Lana, come in," she says, wrapping her friend in a hug. "What's wrong?"

As Lana situates herself on Jazzy's bed, Pippa looks up from her conversation with Steven.

"One second, Steve," she says, pulling out an earbud. "What's up guys?"

"Pip, I think that it might be best if you could end with Steven for now..." Jazzy begins. "I think that we need to have some girl talk."

"Oh, totally," Pippa replies, upon noticing Lana's scared and sad expression. "Steve, I have to go."

"Pippa, you don't have to," Lana says.

"No, it's no big deal," Pippa replies. "Bye Steve."

"Love you Pips," he says.

"Love you too," she replies. At that, she hangs up and pulls out her earbuds. Before going over to the other girls, she pulls a chocolate bar out of her purse and hands it to Lana.

Lana accepts it with a small smile, and then, Pippa plops down on the bed next to her.

"Lana?" Jazzy asks. "Are you ready to tell us what's up? You don't have to."

"No, uh, it's okay. Um, I don't really know what happened, actually. All that I know is that one thing led to another, and then, um, well..."

Lana pauses for a moment.

"I told Jessa that I liked her."

A silence falls between the three girls.

"What?" Pippa asks. "Lana, that's great!"

"No, Pippa, it's not," Lana groans. "It just totally slipped out and I don't know why I was so stupid, but I was, and now, everything is going to be so awkward, and I just don't know what to do," Lana wails.

"Lana, I'm sure that Jessa's not mad," Jazzy says. "How did she react?"

"Well, she just sort of sat there. It was weird and uncomfortable, and then, I ran out of the room," Lana admits.

"She was probably just overwhelmed," Pippa offers. "You only recently came out to her, and she has barely even had time to think of you as anything more than a friend."

"I guess so," Lana sighs, "but I'm sure that she never will."

"Don't say that," Pippa replies. Lana only shakes her head.

"I'm so stupid," she mutters.

"No you're not," Jazzy assures her friend, wrapping her in a hug. After Jazzy releases, Lana nibbles a bit on the chocolate bar that Pippa gave her.

"Pippa, how are you always so prepared?" Jazzy laughs. Pippa only shrugs.

"I wouldn't exactly call myself prepared, because I always have everything except for what I need. Like allergy medicine when we were in China."

All of the girls giggle a bit.

"What do you say to staying here for a while and watching a movie?" Pippa suggests to Lana.

"That sounds amazing," she replies. Pippa smiles and turns on the TV. The three eventually decide to watch An American In Paris, and all cuddle up under Pippa's big, fuzzy blanket.


happy thanksgiving my children, thank you for all you give us :)

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