Chapter 77

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Pippa was ready for the show. Surprisingly, she was in costume and full makeup far ahead of anyone else, including Jazzy, who was lying upside down on the couch, on her phone.

"Jazzy, you need to get into costume," Pippa told her friend.


"It's literally forty minutes until curtain."

"LET ME HAVE THESE FORTY MINUTES," Jazzy groaned. "I don't wanna wear my corset any longer than I have to."

"You actually have like thirty-five because of places," Pippa added.


"Sorry," Pippa apologized. "I'm just excited for opening night."

Carleigh walked in, still wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt. She was holding her mic in one hand and her water bottle in the other.

"Happy opening night, for like the fifth time," Carleigh told them.

"Thanks, you, too," Jazzy said. "How do you feel?"

"I'm excited, I just need to not trip over James. Tragically, I have about two hours in which I need to avoid doing so, which really stacks the odds against me," Carleigh replied. "If I don't trip at all, I might as well enter the lottery."

"I doubt it's that bad," Pippa said.

"Oh, it is, trust me. 'My Shot' earlier today was a disaster," Carleigh informed her. "I have to go, I think Kaitlyn wants to swap hairstyles with me. She's wearing the pouf, and I'm curling my hair."

"That's so cute," Jazzy squealed.

"Jazzy, we're literally just friends," Carleigh deadpanned. "It's not like my significant other and I are swapping hairstyles, because, guess what, I'm a single pringle."

"I can still find it cute," Jazzy protested, mock-glaring at Carleigh.

"Well, bye. It takes time for people to master the art of the pouf, and it takes a long time for me to curl my hair," Carleigh laughed, and disappeared around the corner. 

"Okay, Jazzy, you really need to get your makeup on, at least," Pippa ordered. Jazzy groaned but obediently rolled off the couch and stood up.

Opening night went... interestingly. James screwed up mostly during the rewind section of 'Satisfied', which threw everyone off. Sometimes he was moving when everyone else was frozen, and sometimes he moved somewhere that he wasn't supposed to go.

Pippa could tell that Lana wasn't feeling 100%, either. She seemed tired, especially during 'Schuyler Sisters', but she pulled it together for an extremely well done 'Satisfied'. Pippa wasn't sure if she was just imagining the fact that Lana was paler than usual.

And then 'Yorktown' came along. 'Yorktown' seemed to be the true issue for James and the ensemble. James ended up in Carleigh's usual spotlight, but luckily, she hadn't even tried to correct him, and had just gracefully stepped a few steps so that she ended up in his spotlight instead.

The cast members were the only ones who really knew that the choreography hadn't worked out- the audience never would have been able to tell.

And then James dropped a chair onstage with a loud 'crash' at the end of 'Yorktown', causing everyone in the theatre to jump in their seats. Even the ensemble members were briefly stunned.

Act two went better. Everyone was focussing and it went a lot more smoothly. Pippa felt bad for Lana, because she seemed to be really tiring out by 'It's Quiet Uptown', but, again, only a cast member would have been able to tell.

The only other mistake was a near collision between Jessa and James in 'Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story', but Jessa jumped out of the way before the situation became too sketchy.

The cast took their first bows in Canada, and then they all filed offstage.

"Great job," Pippa told Lana as she walked past.

"Thanks," Lana replied, brushing the hair off her forehead. "I think it was an overall decent show."

"Yeah, most of the mistakes weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. Brett did an amazing job," Pippa agreed.

"Yeah, and I didn't trip over James," Carleigh said from behind Pippa and Lana. "Except Jessa almost did, and James took my spotlight, and he dropped a chair."

"You handled it well," Pippa reassured her friend. "I think no one noticed."

"It's just frustrating. That's my spotlight. Making it there is very satisfying," Carleigh complained.

"You will never be satisfied," Lana sung under her breath.

"Shut up, Lana," Carleigh said, smacking the other girl. But it was in a friendly way, and both of them knew it.

"I'm so ready to go back to the hotel," Pippa announced. "I love opening night, but sleep is amazing."

"I second that," Lana declared. 


guess who's about to suffer through a week of band camp!

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